1 /* ====== BEGIN INCLUDE SEGMENT         apl_lex_tables_.incl.pl1 ================================== */
  3 /* generated automatically by make_apl_lex_tables_.teco, which was written 7/25/73 by DAM */
  4 /* Modified 740131 by PG for new system variables */
  5 /* Modified 790207 by Willaim M. York to add file system functions */
  6 /* Modified 811211 by H. Hoover (UofC) to add QuadCALL function. */
  8 /* char_type table has syntactic types, indexed by character code
  9    for safety, the table is a full 512 entries long.  After all, it's only 1/2 a page!
 11 The types are:
 13           0         random char
 14           1         alphabetic:  letters except E, underlined letters, underline, delta,
 15                      underlined delta, underlined numbers, underlined quad (if they exist)
 16           2         E
 17           3         Quad
 18           4         QuadQuote
 19           5         digits 0-9
 20           6         UpperMinus
 21           7         period = decimal point
 22           8         Slash, SlashHyphen, BackSlash, BackSlashHyphen
 23           9         Lamp
 24           10        NewLine
 25           11        blank = Space, Tab
 26           12        Apostrophe (string quote)
 27           13        Colon
 28           14        "functional" operator - like Plus, Times, CircleBackSlash, etc.
 29           15        RightArrow
 30           16        Degree (upper J)
 31           17        SemiColon
 32           18        LeftParen
 33           19        LeftBracket
 34           20        RightParen
 35           21        RightBracket
 36           22        LeftArrow
 37           23        Diamond
 39 */
 42 dcl char_type (0:511) fixed bin static init(
 43           (9) 0,
 44           11,       /* Tab */
 45           10,       /* NewLine */
 46           (21) 0,
 47           11,       /* Space */
 48           14,       /* Exclamation */
 49           (5) 0,
 50           12,       /* Apostrophe */
 51           18,       /* LeftParen */
 52           20,       /* RightParen */
 53           14,       /* Star */
 54           14,       /* Plus */
 55           14,       /* Comma */
 56           14,       /* Minus */
 57           7,        /* Period */
 58           8,        /* Slash */
 59           5,        /* Zero */
 60           5,        /* One */
 61           5,        /* Two */
 62           5,        /* Three */
 63           5,        /* Four */
 64           5,        /* Five */
 65           5,        /* Six */
 66           5,        /* Seven */
 67           5,        /* Eight */
 68           5,        /* Nine */
 69           13,       /* Colon */
 70           17,       /* SemiColon */
 71           14,       /* LessThan */
 72           14,       /* Equal */
 73           14,       /* GreaterThan */
 74           14,       /* Question */
 75           0,
 76           1,        /* LetterA_ */
 77           1,        /* LetterB_ */
 78           1,        /* LetterC_ */
 79           1,        /* LetterD_ */
 80           1,        /* LetterE_ */
 81           1,        /* LetterF_ */
 82           1,        /* LetterG_ */
 83           1,        /* LetterH_ */
 84           1,        /* LetterI_ */
 85           1,        /* LetterJ_ */
 86           1,        /* LetterK_ */
 87           1,        /* LetterL_ */
 88           1,        /* LetterM_ */
 89           1,        /* LetterN_ */
 90           1,        /* LetterO_ */
 91           1,        /* LetterP_ */
 92           1,        /* LetterQ_ */
 93           1,        /* LetterR_ */
 94           1,        /* LetterS_ */
 95           1,        /* LetterT_ */
 96           1,        /* LetterU_ */
 97           1,        /* LetterV_ */
 98           1,        /* LetterW_ */
 99           1,        /* LetterX_ */
100           1,        /* LetterY_ */
101           1,        /* LetterZ_ */
102           19,       /* LeftBracket */
103           8,        /* BackSlash */
104           21,       /* RightBracket */
105           0,
106           1,        /* UnderLine */
107           0,
108           1,        /* LetterA */
109           1,        /* LetterB */
110           1,        /* LetterC */
111           1,        /* LetterD */
112           2,        /* LetterE */
113           1,        /* LetterF */
114           1,        /* LetterG */
115           1,        /* LetterH */
116           1,        /* LetterI */
117           1,        /* LetterJ */
118           1,        /* LetterK */
119           1,        /* LetterL */
120           1,        /* LetterM */
121           1,        /* LetterN */
122           1,        /* LetterO */
123           1,        /* LetterP */
124           1,        /* LetterQ */
125           1,        /* LetterR */
126           1,        /* LetterS */
127           1,        /* LetterT */
128           1,        /* LetterU */
129           1,        /* LetterV */
130           1,        /* LetterW */
131           1,        /* LetterX */
132           1,        /* LetterY */
133           1,        /* LetterZ */
134           0,
135           14,       /* VerticalBar */
136           0,
137           14,       /* Tilde */
138           0,
139           14,       /* LessOrEqual */
140           14,       /* GreaterOrEqual */
141           14,       /* NotEqual */
142           14,       /* OrSign */
143           14,       /* AndSign */
144           14,       /* Division */
145           14,       /* Epsilon */
146           14,       /* UpArrow */
147           14,       /* DownArrow */
148           14,       /* Circle */
149           14,       /* Ceiling */
150           14,       /* Floor */
151           1,        /* Delta */
152           16,       /* SmallCircle */
153           3,        /* Quad */
154           0,
155           14,       /* DeCode */
156           14,       /* EnCode */
157           0,
158           0,
159           0,
160           14,       /* NorSign */
161           14,       /* NandSign */
162           14,       /* CircleHyphen */
163           8,        /* SlashHyphen */
164           0,
165           14,       /* CircleStar */
166           14,       /* CircleBar */
167           14,       /* CircleBackSlash */
168           0,
169           14,       /* GradeDown */
170           14,       /* GradeUp */
171           9,        /* Lamp */
172           4,        /* QuadQuote */
173           14,       /* IBeam */
174           8,        /* BackSlashHyphen */
175           14,       /* Domino */
176           0,
177           0,
178           14,       /* Iota */
179           14,       /* Rho */
180           14,       /* Times */
181           0,
182           6,        /* UpperMinus */
183           0,
184           22,       /* LeftArrow */
185           15,       /* RightArrow */
186           23,       /* Diamond */
187           1,        /* Zero_ */
188           1,        /* One_ */
189           1,        /* Two_ */
190           1,        /* Three_ */
191           1,        /* Four_ */
192           1,        /* Five_ */
193           1,        /* Six_ */
194           1,        /* Seven_ */
195           1,        /* Eight_ */
196           1,        /* Nine_ */
197           1,        /* Delta_ */
198           0,
199           14,       /* ExecuteSign */
200           14,       /* FormatSign */
201           (5) 0,    /* LeftTack - CentSign */
202           14,       /* CommaHyphen */
203           (316) 0);
205 /* table of names of system-variables.  Note - the funny
206    character in these character strings is a Quad.
207    Generated from apl_system_names.src */
209 dcl system_names (203:256) char(11) aligned static init(
210           "<8e>ct", /*  203 */
211           "<8e>io", /*  204 */
212           "<8e>lx", /*  205 */
213           "<8e>pp", /*  206 */
214           "<8e>pw", /*  207 */
215           "<8e>rl", /*  208 */
216           "<8e>ai", /*  209 */
217           "<8e>lc", /*  210 */
218           "<8e>ts", /*  211 */
219           "<8e>tt", /*  212 */
220           "<8e>ul", /*  213 */
221           "<8e>wa", /*  214 */
222           "<8e>wu", /*  215 */
223           "<8e>cs", /*  216 */
224           "xxx",    /*  217 */
225           "xxx",    /*  218 */
226           "xxx",    /*  219 */
227           "<8e>cr", /*  220 */
228           "<8e>fx", /*  221 */
229           "<8e>ex", /*  222 */
230           "<8e>nl", /*  223 */
231           "<8e>nc", /*  224 */
232           "<8e>dl", /*  225 */
233           "<8e>svo",          /*  226 */
234           "<8e>svc",          /*  227 */
235           "<8e>svq",          /*  228 */
236           "<8e>svr",          /*  229 */
237           "<8e>it", /*  230 */
238           "<8e>ec", /*  231 */
239           "<8e>af", /*  232 */
240           "xxx",    /* 233 (semicolon cons) */
241           "<8e>faddacl",      /* 234 */
242           "<8e>fappend",      /* 235 */
243           "<8e>fcreate",      /* 236 */
244           "<8e>fdeleteacl",   /* 237 */
245           "<8e>fdrop",        /* 238 */
246           "<8e>ferase",       /* 239 */
247           "<8e>fhold",        /* 240 */
248           "<8e>flib",         /* 241 */
249           "<8e>flim",         /* 242 */
250           "<8e>flistacl",     /* 243 */
251           "<8e>fnames",       /* 244 */
252           "<8e>fnums",        /* 245 */
253           "<8e>frdci",        /* 246 */
254           "<8e>fread",        /* 247 */
255           "<8e>frename",      /* 248 */
256           "<8e>freplace",     /* 249 */
257           "<8e>fsetacl",      /* 250 */
258           "<8e>fsize",        /* 251 */
259           "<8e>fstie",        /* 252 */
260           "<8e>ftie",         /* 253 */
261           "<8e>funtie",       /* 254 */
262           "<8e>call",         /* 255 */
263           "xxx");   /* 256 (QuadCALLSemicolon) */
265 /* ------ END INCLUDE SEGMENT           apl_lex_tables_.incl.pl1 ---------------------------------- */