1 /*        BEGIN INCLUDE FILE amu_error_info.incl.pl1        */
 3 dcl 1 amu_error_info aligned based (amu_error_info_ptr),
 4     2 length fixed bin,                                     /* Standard info structure header. Size in words */
 5     2 version fixed bin,
 6     2 action_flags aligned,
 7       3 cant_restart bit (1) unaligned,
 8       3 default_restart bit (1) unaligned,
 9       3 reserved bit (34) unaligned,
10     2 info_string char (256) varying,
11     2 status_code fixed bin (35),
13     2 aip pointer,                                          /* amu_info_ptr for instance that generated this error */
14     2 mc_ptr pointer,                                       /* pointer to simulated machine conditions, if any */
15     2 caller_ptr pointer,                                   /* pointer to location in program calling amu_error_ */
16     2 flags aligned,
17       3 must_restart bit (1) unaligned,                     /* this must be restarted when handler is returned to */
18       3 dont_print_message bit (1) unaligned,               /* suppress message printing on return */
19       3 amu_handled bit (1) unaligned,                      /* means error was handled and fixed up; restart automatically */
20       3 pad bit (33) unaligned;
22 dcl amu_error_info_ptr pointer;
24 dcl  AMU_ERROR_NAME char (32) internal static options (constant) init ("amu_error");
26 /*        END INCLUDE FILE amu_error_info.incl.pl1          */