1 /* Begin include file alm_options.incl.pl1.
 2    This file defines the external cells used to pass options to the various modules of the assembler.
 3    Created on 03/17/72 at 01:39:44 by R F Mabee.
 4    Last modified on 07/23/72 at 22:02:34 by R F Mabee. */
 6  declare  1 eb_data_$alm_options external static aligned,
 7             2 tnewcall fixed binary,              /* Use new call/save/return operators. */
 8             2 tnewmachine fixed binary,           /* Use followon hardware instruction set. */
 9             2 tnewobject fixed binary,            /* Use new object segment format. */
10             2 tcheckcompatibility fixed binary,   /* Check for instructions changed in followon. */
11             2 tquietsw fixed binary,              /* Suppress online printout of error messages. */
12             2 tfirstreftrap fixed binary,         /* A first reference trap procedure was given. */
13             2 tnoxref fixed binary;               /* Zero if cross reference if to be produced. */
15 /* End of include file alm_options.incl.pl1  */