1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... access_mode_values.incl.pl1
 3    Values for the "access mode" argument so often used in hardcore
 4    James R. Davis 26 Jan 81  MCR 4844
 5    Added constants for SM access 4/28/82 Jay Pattin
 6    Added text strings 03/19/85 Chris Jones
 7 */
10 /* format: style4,delnl,insnl,indattr,ifthen,dclind10 */
11 dcl       (
12           N_ACCESS               init ("000"b),
13           R_ACCESS               init ("100"b),
14           E_ACCESS               init ("010"b),
15           W_ACCESS               init ("001"b),
16           RE_ACCESS              init ("110"b),
17           REW_ACCESS             init ("111"b),
18           RW_ACCESS              init ("101"b),
19           S_ACCESS               init ("100"b),
20           M_ACCESS               init ("010"b),
21           A_ACCESS               init ("001"b),
22           SA_ACCESS              init ("101"b),
23           SM_ACCESS              init ("110"b),
24           SMA_ACCESS             init ("111"b)
25           )                      bit (3) internal static options (constant);
27 /* The following arrays are meant to be accessed by doing either 1) bin (bit_value) or
28    2) divide (bin_value, 2) to come up with an index into the array. */
30 dcl       SEG_ACCESS_MODE_NAMES  (0:7) init ("null", "W", "E", "EW", "R", "RW", "RE", "REW") char (4) internal
31                                  static options (constant);
33 dcl       DIR_ACCESS_MODE_NAMES  (0:7) init ("null", "A", "M", "MA", "S", "SA", "SM", "SMA") char (4) internal
34                                  static options (constant);
36 dcl       (
37           N_ACCESS_BIN           init (00000b),
38           R_ACCESS_BIN           init (01000b),
39           E_ACCESS_BIN           init (00100b),
40           W_ACCESS_BIN           init (00010b),
41           RW_ACCESS_BIN          init (01010b),
42           RE_ACCESS_BIN          init (01100b),
43           REW_ACCESS_BIN         init (01110b),
44           S_ACCESS_BIN           init (01000b),
45           M_ACCESS_BIN           init (00010b),
46           A_ACCESS_BIN           init (00001b),
47           SA_ACCESS_BIN          init (01001b),
48           SM_ACCESS_BIN          init (01010b),
49           SMA_ACCESS_BIN         init (01011b)
50           )                      fixed bin (5) internal static options (constant);
52 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... access_mode_values.incl.pl1 */