1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... _imft_ft_request.incl.pl1 */ 2 3 /* Created: April 1982 by G. Palter */ 4 /* Modified: March 1983 by Robert Coren, for requests for remote transfer */ 5 6 7 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 8 1) change(88-06-22,Beattie), approve(88-08-01,MCR7948), 9 audit(88-10-14,Farley), install(88-10-14,MR12.2-1165): 10 Add flags to support extend, update and delete operations. 11 END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 12 13 14 /* IMFT file transfer request definition */ 15 16 dcl 1 ft_request aligned based (ft_request_ptr), 17 2 header like queue_msg_hdr, 18 2 request, /* see _imft_ft_commands.incl.pl1 */ 19 3 version character (8), 20 3 foreign_user character (32) unaligned, /* Person.Project at other Multics for reload access check */ 21 3 foreign_dirname character (168) unaligned, /* where to put the branch on the other system */ 22 3 foreign_ename character (32) unaligned, /* ... */ 23 3 flags, 24 4 foreign_user_given bit (1) unaligned, /* ON => forreign_user different from local user */ 25 4 foreign_path_given bit (1) unaligned, /* ON => foreign pathname different from local */ 26 4 directory_creation_mode bit (2) unaligned, /* controls whether directories are replaced/merged */ 27 4 remote_transfer bit (1) unaligned, /* ON => request for transfer from foreign system */ 28 4 include_files bit (1) unaligned, /* ON => match files when interpreting starname */ 29 4 include_subtrees bit (1) unaligned, /* ON => match subtrees when interpreting starname */ 30 4 chase_control bit (2) unaligned, /* controls chasing of links when submitting remote request */ 31 4 delete bit (1) unaligned, /* delete source object after good transfer */ 32 4 extend bit (1) unaligned, /* place this data at end of current segment */ 33 4 update bit (1) unaligned, /* replace contents of current segment with this data */ 34 4 pad bit (24) unaligned; 35 36 dcl ft_request_ptr pointer; 37 38 dcl FT_REQUEST_VERSION_1 character (8) static options (constant) initial ("ftr_1.00"); 39 40 dcl FT_GENERIC_TYPE character (32) static options (constant) initial ("imft"); 41 dcl FT_MESSAGE_TYPE fixed binary static options (constant) initial (5); 42 43 dcl (REPLACE_DIRECTORIES initial ("10"b), /* replace entry on target if namedup and source is a dir */ 44 MERGE_DIRECTORIES initial ("11"b)) /* merge target and source dirs; replace if target not dir */ 45 bit (2) aligned static options (constant); 46 47 dcl (DEFAULT_CHASE initial ("00"b), /* chase non-starnames; don't chase starnames */ 48 NEVER_CHASE initial ("01"b), /* never chase any links */ 49 ALWAYS_CHASE initial ("10"b)) /* always chase links */ 50 bit (2) aligned static options (constant); 51 52 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... _imft_ft_request.incl.pl1 */