1 /*  START OF:       _help_shared_data_.incl.pl1               *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
  5   1) change(2020-10-25,GDixon), approve(2021-02-23,MCR10089),
  6      audit(2021-03-31,Swenson), install(2021-03-31,MR12.6g-0053):
  7       A) Initial version created as part of rewriting help_ subroutine.
  8       B) Add hi.ALL_PARAGRAPHS_LABEL to support the new all_paragraphs
  9          response.
 10       C) Reorder items in help_info.info_ptrs substructure.
 11                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 13           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
 14           /*                                                                                                */
 15           /* Data shared between: help_.pl1, help_requests_.pl1 and help_responses_.pl1; and                */
 16           /*                      help_util_ and help_listen_util_.                                         */
 17           /*                                                                                                */
 18           /* FUNCTION: Document hidden data stored before the help_args public data structure.              */
 19           /*            - Document location/content of help_info structure (declared below).                */
 20           /*            - Document location of info_seg_data structure in temp segment                      */
 21           /*               (declared in info_seg_dcls_.incl.pl1)                                            */
 22           /*           Document location of help_args in temp segment (declared in help_args_.incl.pl1).    */
 23           /*           Document hidden data stored after  the help_args public data structure.              */
 24           /*            - Document location of Dinfo  structure (declared below.)                           */
 25           /*            - Document location of PDinfo_seg structure (declared in help_cis_args_.incl.pl1).  */
 26           /*                                                                                                */
 27           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
 29   dcl 1 help_info aligned,                                  /*     .. Position 1 (base) of help_ temp segment.        */
 31       2 init_ptrs,                                          /* == Items set by help_$init call.                    == */
 32         3 (sciP,                                            /*  - help_ subsystem's ssu_ invocation info_ptr          */
 33            areaP,                                           /*  - Points to help_ subsystem's standard allocation     */
 34                                                             /*    area (supplied by ssu_).                            */
 36            isdP,                                            /*  - Points to info_seg_ subsystem's info_seg_data struct*/
 37                                                             /*     .. Position 2    within help_ temp segment.        */
 39            help_argsP,                                      /*  - Points to help_args (help_ input arguments from     */
 40                                                             /*    help command or caller)                             */
 41                                                             /*     .. Position 3    within help_ temp segment.        */
 43            next_free_spaceP                                 /*  - Points to next available space in help_ temp seg.   */
 44            ) ptr,
 46       2 help_ptrs,                                          /* == Items set by help_$help_ call.                   == */
 47         3 (Dinfo_arrayP,                                    /*  - Points to Dinfo structure containing an array of    */
 48                                                             /*    Dinfo_seg structures, each describing one info      */
 49                                                             /*    block matching a help_args.path(I) input argument.  */
 50                                                             /*     .. Position 4    within help_ temp segment.        */
 52            Dinfo_sort_ptrsP,                                /*  - Points to PDinfo_seg structure containing a sorted  */
 53                                                             /*    array of pointers to one of Dinfo_seg structures.   */
 54                                                             /*     .. Position 5    within help_ temp segment.        */
 56            DinfoP                                           /*  - Points to current Dinfo_seg structure.              */
 57            ) ptr,
 59       2 help_video_data,                                    /* == Items set by help_$help_ & its display_block rtn == */
 60         3 video_iocbP ptr,                                  /*  - Points to IOCB of process's active video terminal.  */
 62                                                             /* == Items set by display_block & help_listen_util_   == */
 63         3 prompt_region,                                    /*  - Upper-left line/col index and lines/cols extent of  */
 64           4 (lineI, colI, linesN, colsN) fixed bin,         /*    region containing most recent prompt & user response*/
 65         3 clear_prompt_regionS bit(1) aligned,              /*  - if T: clear prompt region before displaying pghs.   */
 66         3 hvd_pad bit(36) aligned,
 68       2 help_labels,                                        /* == Labels set by help_$help_, used by display_block == */
 69                                                             /*    help_listen_util_ & help_responses_                 */
 70                                                             /*    to handle asynchronous events.                      */
 71                                                             /*  Transfer to given label when response ...             */
 72         3 NEXT_INFO_LABEL label variable,                   /*  - requires skipping to next file.                     */
 73         3 PI_LABEL label variable,                          /*  - interrupted via program_interrupt signal.           */
 74         3 ALL_PARAGRAPHS_LABEL label variable,              /*  - wishes to print all paragraphs of current block,    */
 75                                                             /*    or all blocks of a subroutine info seg.             */
 76         3 ANOTHER_BLOCK_LABEL label variable,               /*  - requires changing to another block in same info seg.*/
 77                                                             /*     - iBlokP points to iBlok of that target block.     */
 78         3 SUBSYSTEM_ABORT_LABEL label variable,             /*  - requires exiting help_ subsystem.                   */
 80       2 help_numbers,                                       /* == Items set by help_$help_, used by header response== */
 81         3 (Dinfo_sort_ptrsI,                                /*  - Index of current Dinfo_seg structure's pointer in   */
 82                                                             /*    PDinfo_seg.P array of pointers to Dinfo_seg structs */
 83            Dinfo_last_cross_refI,                           /*  - Index of last Dinfo_seg structure's pointer in the  */
 84                                                             /*    PDinfo_seg.P array of pointers w/ Scross_ref = T.   */
 86                                                             /* == Items set by help_$help_ and display_block       == */
 87            infos_printedN,                                  /*  - Count of Dinfo_seg info blocks displayed by help_.  */
 89                                                             /* == Items set by help_$help_, display_block,         == */
 90                                                             /*    help_listen_util_, help_responses_, etc.            */
 91            terminal_lineL,                                  /*  - Max length for lines on current terminal.           */
 92            newline_Nblanks_output,                          /*  - Count of blank lines emitted w/o additional output. */
 93            hn_pad                                           /*  - Pad field for alignment of pointers that follow.    */
 94            ) fixed bin,
 96       2 info_ptrs,                                          /* == Data set/used by help_'s display_block and      ==  */
 97                                                             /*    help_responses for each block.                      */
 98         3 storage,
 99           4 (CACHE_caP,                                     /*  - Points to cache of default control_arg resp args.   */
100              CACHE_findP,                                   /*  - Points to cache of default find_info response args. */
101              CACHE_scnP,                                    /*  - Points to cache of default section response args.   */
102              CACHE_srhP,                                    /*  - Points to cache of default search response args.    */
104              STRING_entrypointsP,                           /*  - Points to STRING w/ list of subr entrypoints        */
105              LIST_entrypointsP,                             /*  - Points to LIST of subr entrypoints in current info  */
106              LIST_non_subroutine_responsesP,                /*  - Points to LIST of help non-subroutine responses     */
107              LIST_subroutine_responsesP,                    /*  - Points to LIST of help subroutine responses         */
108              LIST_helpRql_responsesP                        /*  - Points to List of help request loop responses       */
109              ) ptr,                                         /*     (not currently used since help request does not    */
110                                                             /*      prompt user and accepts no responses)             */
112                                                             /* == Data for the "current block" being displayed.    == */
113         3 (iFileP,                                          /*  - Points to block container's iFile structure.        */
114            iBlokP                                           /*  - Points to selected block's iBlok structure.         */
115            ) ptr,
117         3 selected,                                         /* == Data for tracking "current paragraph" of block.  == */
118           4 (iSectP,                                        /*  - Points to selected section; null at "top" of block. */
119              iPghP                                          /*  - Points to selected paragraph; null to select sect.  */
120              ) ptr,
122         3 iPgh_print_range,                                 /* == Data given next chunk put onto terminal page.    == */
123           4 (startP,                                        /*  - Points to 1st paragraph to be displayed on cur page */
124              endP                                           /*  - Points to last pgh to be displayed on current page  */
125              ) ptr,                                         /*    of display_block output.                            */
127       2 info_numbers,                                       /* == Data set by help_'s display_block procedure.     == */
128         3 (block_progress,                                  /*  - Progress selecting/searching/displaying info block. */
129                                                             /*     (see BLOCK_PROGRESS_xxx constants below)           */
130            display_mode,                                    /*  - Current block is non-subroutine vs. subroutine.     */
131                                                             /*     (see DISPLAY_MODE_xxx constants below)             */
132            display_limit,                                   /*  - Limits on output paragraphs.                        */
133                                                             /*     (see DISPLAY_LIMIT_xxx constants below)            */
134            header_Nlines_follow                             /*  - Count of lines to be displayed immediately after    */
135                                                             /*    current help_responses_$header output.  This value  */
136                                                             /*    is zeroed when header has been displayed.           */
137            ) fixed bin,
139       2 info_switches,                                      /* == Switches controlling display/prompt content.     == */
140         3 (print_inhibitS,                                  /*  - If true, inhibit any printed output.                */
141                                                             /*        Set at PI_LABEL targets.                        */
142                                                             /*        Cleared when ready to display next prompt.      */
143            prompt_repeatS,                                  /*  - If true, inhibits display of next info paragraphs,  */
144                                                             /*    and forces prior "More help?" prompt to be repeated.*/
145                                                             /*        Set when response diagnoses user error, or      */
146                                                             /*        non-pgh request returns.                        */
147            section_search_matchedS,                         /*  - Result returned by most recent section/search/find  */
148                                                             /*    response.                                           */
149            another_blockS                                   /*  - If true, selects header format w/o path of info seg.*/
150                                                             /*        Set when switching to another info block after  */
151                                                             /*        earlier printing of full header.  It's same     */
152                                                             /*        info seg, just a different block.               */
153            )  bit(1) aligned,
154         3 Sctl aligned like help_args.Sctl;                 /* Copy of help_args.Sctl switches which can be changed   */
155                                                             /*   by display_block or responses as display ops occur.  */
157   dcl 1 hi aligned like help_info based (help_infoP),       /* Short name for help_info structure.                    */
158        help_infoP ptr;
160   dcl  hi_area area based (hi.areaP);                       /* Temporary area used to call external subroutines which */
161                                                             /*  expect an "area with standard characteristics"        */
163   dcl (BLOCK_PROGRESS_new_block         init(1),            /* Starting to process a new info block (Dinfo.seg item). */
164        BLOCK_PROGRESS_section_search    init(2),            /* Searching within block for starting section/paragraph. */
165        BLOCK_PROGRESS_needs_header      init(3),            /* First header response emits full header & increments   */
166        BLOCK_PROGRESS_display           init(4)             /* Entering request loop to display info block sections.  */
167        ) fixed bin int static options(constant);
169   dcl (DISPLAY_LIMIT_none               init(0),            /*  - Set when displaying all paragraphs that fit on page.*/
170        DISPLAY_LIMIT_section            init(1),            /*  - Set when displaying only paragraphs of 1 section.   */
171        DISPLAY_LIMIT_unseen             init(2),            /*  - Set when displaying only unseen paragraphs.         */
172        DISPLAY_LIMIT_rest_unseen        init(3)             /*  - Set when displaying all remaining unseen paragraphs.*/
173        ) fixed bin int static options(constant);
175   dcl (DISPLAY_MODE_unset               init(0),
176        DISPLAY_MODE_non_subroutine      init(1),            /*  - Set when displaying non-subroutine info block       */
177        DISPLAY_MODE_subroutine          init(2),            /*  - Set when displaying subroutine w/ entrypoints block */
178        DISPLAY_MODE_help_request_loop   init(3)             /*  - Set when invoking help from help_'s request loop    */
179        ) fixed bin int static options(constant);
181   dcl  HELP_LINE_SIZE_DEFAULT fixed bin int static options (constant) init (79);
182   dcl  HELP_LINE_SIZE_MAX fixed bin int static options (constant) init (136);
184   dcl (HELP_PAGE_LENGTH_BIG             init (35),          /* Page size between 36 : 200 inclusive                   */
185        HELP_PAGE_LENGTH_MID             init (25),          /* Page size between 26 :  35 inclusive                   */
186        HELP_PAGE_LENGTH_SHORT           init (15),          /* Page size between 15 :  25 inclusive                   */
187        HELP_PROMPT_LINES_MAX            init ( 7),          /* Prompt lines reserved on BIG   length pages.           */
188        HELP_PROMPT_LINES_MID            init ( 5),          /* Prompt lines reserved on MID   length pages.           */
189        HELP_PROMPT_LINES_MIN            init ( 3),          /* Prompt lines reserved on SHORT length pages.           */
190        HELP_PROMPT_RESPONSE_MIN_SPACE   init (50)
191        ) fixed bin int static options(constant);
193   dcl  HELP_VERSION_02 char (20) int static options(constant) init("help version: 2.00");
195 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  **  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
196 %page;
197 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  **  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
199   dcl 1 Dinfo_item aligned like Dinfo_seg based (hi.DinfoP);
201   dcl 1 Dinfo aligned based (PDinfo),                       /* Also pointed to by help_info.Dinfo_arrayP              */
202       2 N fixed bin,                                        /* Information about each log. info to be printed.        */
203       2 seg (0 refer (Dinfo.N)) like Dinfo_seg,             /*  Dinfo_seg is declared in: help_cis_args_.incl.pl1     */
204        PDinfo ptr;
205                                                             /* Each Dinfo.seg substructure is accessed by an          */
206                                                             /* element of the PDinfo_seg.P array (same include file). */
207                                                             /*  - Also pointed to by help_info.Dinfo_sort_ptrsP       */
208                                                             /*  - Pointers of this array have been sorted in          */
209                                                             /*    alphabetical order by the given info segment entry  */
210                                                             /*    name (or first entry name matching  given starname).*/
212 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  **  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
213 %page;
214 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  **  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
216     dcl 1 LIST aligned based,                               /* structure used by help_util_ to format list of things  */
217           2 header,                                         /* to be output in columns.                               */
218             3 (N,                                           /*   number of list elements.                             */
219                Npghs,                                       /*   number of filled paragraphs of formatted out.        */
220                Nrows,                                       /*   number of rows in formatted output.                  */
221                Ncols,                                       /*   number of columns in formatted output.               */
222                ML (6)                                       /*   length of longest element in each column.            */
223                ) fixed bin,
224           2 title char (84),                                /*   title of output list (includes COLON ending title).  */
225                                                             /*    NOTE: This element is pointed to by iLine.P & .L,   */
226                                                             /*          and by the Line structure.  It cannot be a    */
227                                                             /*          varying string.                               */
228           2 group (0 refer (LIST.N)),
229             3 arg char (88) varying,                        /*   the argument.                                        */
230             3 Snot_found fixed bin,                         /*   = 1 if no match found for the argument.              */
231           2 print_array (0 refer (LIST.Npghs), 0 refer (LIST.Nrows)),
232             3 line_out char (HELP_LINE_SIZE_MAX);           /* Array of lines to be output to the screen.             */
234 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  **  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
235 %page;
236 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
238           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
239           /*                                                                                                */
240           /* SUBROUTINE:  error, response_error                                                             */
241           /*                                                                                                */
242           /* SYNTAX:                                                                                        */
243           /*   declare error entry options(variable);                                                       */
244           /*   call error (sci_ptr, status_code, ioa_string, optional_args);                                */
245           /*                                                                                                */
246           /*   declare response_error entry options(variable);                                              */
247           /*   call response_error (sci_ptr, status_code, ioa_string, optional_args);                       */
248           /*                                                                                                */
249           /* FUNCTION:                                                                                      */
250           /* Provide a shared error routine used throughout help_ which has an ssu_$print_message           */
251           /* interface, and also provides the following side effects:                                       */
252           /*  1) Suppresses messages if help_ caller set help_args.Sctl.inhibit_errors.                     */
253           /*  2) Ensures there is a blank line printed before every error message.                          */
254           /*  3) Resets count of consecutive blank lines emitted to zero after error message is printed.    */
255           /*  4) For error entrypoint, calls ssu_$print_message to display the error.                       */
256           /*     For response_error, calls ssu_$abort_line to prevent any response following the one in     */
257           /*     error from being executed.                                                                 */
258           /*  5) For response_error entrypoint:                                                             */
259           /*      - sets help_info.prompt_repeatS = T to suppress printing when ssu_$listen calls           */
260           /*        help_listen_util_$iPgh_print_range.                                                     */
261           /*         - ssu_$listen then calls help_listen_util_$display_prompt to repeat prior prompt so    */
262           /*           USER can correct the error diagnosed in the response.                                */
263           /*  NOTE: If neither status_code nor ioa_string are given, ssu_$abort_line only aborts remainder  */
264           /*        of the current user response line.                                                      */
265           /*                                                                                                */
266           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
268 error:
269      procedure options (variable);
271   dcl  cu_$arg_ptr entry (fixed bin, ptr, fixed bin(21), fixed bin(35)),
272        cu_$arg_list_ptr entry returns (ptr),
273        cu_$generate_call entry (entry, ptr),
274        ssu_$abort_line entry() options(variable),
275        ssu_$get_info_ptr entry (ptr) returns(ptr),
276        ssu_$print_message entry() options(variable);
278   dcl  first_argP ptr,
279        hiP ptr,
280        ignore_code fixed bin(35),
281        ignore_argL fixed bin(21),
282        response_epS bit(1) aligned,
283        sciP ptr;
285   dcl  first_arg  ptr based(first_argP);
287      response_epS = F;
288      goto error_JOIN;
291 response_error:
292      entry options (variable);
294      response_epS = T;
296 error_JOIN:
297      call cu_$arg_ptr (1, first_argP, ignore_argL, ignore_code);
298      sciP = first_arg;                                      /* First argument is sci_ptr for help_'s ssu_ invocation  */
300      hiP = ssu_$get_info_ptr (sciP);                        /* Get pointer to help_info structure.                    */
301                                                             /*  - help_$init sets this pointer, so we're sure it is   */
302                                                             /*    non-null().                                         */
303      if  hiP->hi.help_argsP -> help_args.Sctl.inhibit_errors  then
304           return;                                           /* If errors are inhibited, do nothing further.           */
305      else if  hiP->hi.newline_Nblanks_output = 0  then
306           call newline (1);                                 /* Output blank line before error.                        */
308      hiP->hi.newline_Nblanks_output = 0;                    /* Errors count as printed output. Zero blank line count. */
310      if  response_epS  then do;                             /* Set hi.prompt_repeatS to inhibit display of info text. */
311           hiP->hi.prompt_repeatS = T;                       /*  Instead, latest prompt is redisplayed, so new user    */
312                                                             /*  response can correct the error.                       */
313           call cu_$generate_call (ssu_$abort_line, cu_$arg_list_ptr() );
314           end;                                              /*  Let ssu_$abort_line generate error message and abort  */
315                                                             /*  any responses after the failing response in the       */
316                                                             /*  response line.  ssu_$abort_line does not return here. */
317      else call cu_$generate_call (ssu_$print_message, cu_$arg_list_ptr() );
318                                                             /* Let ssu_$print_message generate the error message.     */
320      return;
322 warning_avoid:
323      entry options (variable);
325   dcl  hi_AVOID_PL1_WARNING entry variable;                 /* PL/I issues warning if any internal procedure is not   */
326                                                             /*  called.  These procedures are not called by           */
327      hi_AVOID_PL1_WARNING = error;                          /*  all includers of this include file.                   */
328      hi_AVOID_PL1_WARNING = ioa;
329      hi_AVOID_PL1_WARNING = newline;
330      hi_AVOID_PL1_WARNING = set_space_used;
332      end error;
333 %page;
334           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
335           /*                                                                                                */
336           /* SUBROUTINE:  ioa, ioa$nnl                                                                      */
337           /*                                                                                                */
338           /* SYNTAX:                                                                                        */
339           /*   declare ioa entry options(variable);                                                         */
340           /*   call ioa (ioa_control_string, optional_args);                                                */
341           /*                                                                                                */
342           /*   declare ioa$nnl entry options(variable);                                                     */
343           /*   call ioa$nnl (ioa_control_string, optional_args);                                            */
344           /*                                                                                                */
345           /* FUNCTION:                                                                                      */
346           /* Provide a shared ioa_-like routine used throughout help_ which also provides the following     */
347           /* side effects:                                                                                  */
348           /*  1) Suppresses output if hi.print_inhibitS is T (as results of program_interrupt signal).      */
349           /*  2) Resets count of consecutive blank lines emitted to zero.                                   */
350           /* ioa$nnl acts like ioa_$nnl (it suppresses NL at end of output string).                         */
351           /*                                                                                                */
352           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
354 ioa:
355      procedure options(variable);
357   dcl  cu_$arg_list_ptr entry returns (ptr),
358        cu_$generate_call entry (entry, ptr),
359       (ioa_, ioa_$nnl)  entry() options(variable);
361      if  help_infoP = null()  then;                         /* caller's environment must have a help_infoP pointer;   */
362                                                             /*   otherwise, do nothing!                               */
363      else do;
364           hi.newline_Nblanks_output = 0;
365           if  ^hi.print_inhibitS  then
366                call cu_$generate_call (ioa_, cu_$arg_list_ptr() );
367           end;
368      return;
370 ioa$nnl:
371      entry options(variable);
373      if  help_infoP = null()  then;                         /* caller's environment must have a help_infoP pointer;   */
374                                                             /*   otherwise, do nothing!                               */
375      else do;
376           hi.newline_Nblanks_output = 0;
377           if  ^hi.print_inhibitS  then
378                call cu_$generate_call (ioa_$nnl, cu_$arg_list_ptr() );
379           end;
380      end ioa;
383           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
384           /*                                                                                                */
385           /* SUBROUTINE:  newline                                                                           */
386           /*                                                                                                */
387           /* SYNTAX:                                                                                        */
388           /*   declare newline entry (fixed bin);                                                           */
389           /*   call newline (count_of_consecutive_NLs_to_emit);                                             */
390           /*                                                                                                */
391           /* FUNCTION:                                                                                      */
392           /* Provide a shared routine used throughout help_ to consolidate requests to output NLs, thus     */
393           /* avoiding excess consecutive NLs requested by different parts of help_ code.                    */
394           /*                                                                                                */
395           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
397 newline:
398      procedure (Acount);
400   dcl  Acount fixed bin;                                    /* Count between 1 and 5 (inclusive).                     */
402   dcl  iox_$put_chars entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin(21), fixed bin(35));
403   dcl  iox_$user_output ptr ext static;
404   dcl  NLs char(5) int static options(constant) init((5)"
405 ");
406   dcl  ignore_code fixed bin(35);
408   dcl  count fixed bin(21);
410      if  help_infoP = null()  then;
411      else if  hi.print_inhibitS  then;
413      else if  hi.newline_Nblanks_output < Acount  then do;
414           count = max (min (length(NLs), Acount - hi.newline_Nblanks_output), 0);
415           if  count > 0  then do;
416                hi.newline_Nblanks_output = hi.newline_Nblanks_output + count;
417                call iox_$put_chars (iox_$user_output, addr(NLs), count, ignore_code);
418                end;
419           end;
421      end newline;
423 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  **  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
424 %page;
425 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  **  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
427           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
428           /*                                                                                                */
429           /* SUBROUTINE:  set_space_used                                                                    */
430           /*                                                                                                */
431           /* SYNTAX:                                                                                        */
432           /*   declare set_space_used (size_of_current_storage_allocation);                                 */
433           /*   call set_space_used (currentsize(STRUCTURE_NAME));                                           */
434           /*                                                                                                */
435           /* FUNCTION:                                                                                      */
436           /* Provide a shared routine used by many parts of the help_ code to record size of structures     */
437           /* and/or arrays "pushed" onto the help_ temporary segment.  The temp segment returned by         */
438           /* help_$init is treated like a push-down stack.  At any point in time, help_ code can "push"     */
439           /* new storage onto the stack, so long as size of that new storage can be determined before that  */
440           /* code returns to its caller.                                                                    */
441           /*                                                                                                */
442           /* USAGE:                                                                                         */
443           /*  1) Declare a based storage item which may include adjustable extents (refer extents) for      */
444           /*     array size, area size, or character string lengths.  For example, see the help_args        */
445           /*     structure declared in help_args_.incl.pl1.                                                 */
446           /*  2) Base that storage declaration on a pointer variable: P                                     */
447           /*  3) Set P to the value of hi.next_free_spaceP (a variable in the structure pointed to by       */
448           /*     help_infoP.                                                                                */
449           /*  4) Initialize storage elements and refer extent variables.  When fully setup...               */
450           /*  5) Call set_space_used supplying the current size of this storage.  Use the PL/I builtin      */
451           /*     function currentsize(STORAGE_VARIABLE) to obtain current size of adjustable-size storage   */
452           /*     elements, based on current values of their refer-variable elements.                        */
453           /*                                                                                                */
454           /* Code below will adjust this currentsize upwards to the next even-word boundary, thus ensuring  */
455           /* all storage items are aligned on an even-word boundary.                                        */
456           /*                                                                                                */
457           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
459 set_space_used:
460      procedure (Asize_current_space);                       /* This procedure sets pointer to next free word of       */
461                                                             /*  storage in help_args temp segment.                    */
463   dcl  Asize_current_space fixed bin (21);                  /* Amount of space used in structure last structure in    */
464                                                             /*  temp segment.                                         */
466      hi.next_free_spaceP = addrel (hi.next_free_spaceP, Asize_current_space + mod (Asize_current_space, 2));
467      return;
469      end set_space_used;
471 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  **  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
473 /*  END OF:         _help_shared_data_.incl.pl1               *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */