1 /* BEGIN include file G115.incl.pl1 */ 2 3 /* This include file defines several special character codes used by the Ring 4 portion of the 4 Multics support for G115 (GRTS/NPS) protocol */ 5 6 /* JCW, 8/79 */ 7 8 dcl 1 G115 aligned internal static options (constant), 9 10 /* This group defines input/output media codes associated with records within the text of a message block */ 11 12 2 media_codes unal, 13 3 bcd_input_mc char (1) init ("H"), /* Input media code for BCD data - 110 octal */ 14 3 bin_input_mc char (1) init ("P"), /* Input media code for Binary data - 120 octal */ 15 16 3 printer_mc char (1) init ("L"), /* printer output media code - 114 octal */ 17 3 punch_bcd_mc char (1) init ("O"), /* punch output media code (BCD data) - 117 octal */ 18 3 punch_bin_mc char (1) init ("W"), /* punch output media code (Binary data) - 127 octal */ 19 3 teleprinter_mc char (1) init ("N"), /* teleprinter output media code - 116 octal */ 20 21 /* This group defines the message format codes which apply to all records in a single message block */ 22 23 2 format_codes unal, 24 3 info_ns_nc bit (9) init ("110"b3), /* information message, no split, no compression */ 25 3 info_ns_c bit (9) init ("111"b3), /* information message, no split, compression */ 26 3 info_s_nc bit (9) init ("112"b3), /* information message, split, no compression */ 27 3 info_s_c bit (9) init ("113"b3), /* information message, split, compression */ 28 3 special_nc bit (9) init ("104"b3), /* Special control record, no compression */ 29 3 special_c bit (9) init ("105"b3), /* Special control record, compression */ 30 31 /* This group defines reserved characters which appear in the message block */ 32 33 2 char_codes unal, 34 3 stx_char bit (9) init ("002"b3), /* start-of-text (STX) char */ 35 3 etx_char bit (9) init ("003"b3), /* end-of-text (ETX) char */ 36 3 soh_char bit (9) init ("001"b3), /* start-of-header (SOH) char */ 37 3 addr_code_char bit (9) init ("100"b3), /* address code character */ 38 3 id_code_char bit (9) init ("100"b3), /* identification code character */ 39 3 RS char (1) init ("^^"), /* record separator - 036 octal */ 40 3 CC char (1) init ("^_"), /* compression character code - 037 octal */ 41 42 /* The maximum size of a single g115 message from SOH to ETX */ 43 44 2 max_msg_len fixed bin init (324); /* max data in a message */ 45 46 47 /* END include file G115.incl.pl1 */