1 09/10/85  column_value, clv
 3 Syntax as an active request:  [clv column_id {-control_args}]
 6 Function:  This request returns the value of the specified column for
 7 the current row, previous row, or next row.  It can only be used as an
 8 active request.  It is used within a formatted report produced by the
 9 display request to obtain the value of a column.  It is an error to use
10 this request anywhere except in a header/footer or editing string
11 within a report produced by the display request.
14 Arguments:
15 column_id
16    specifies which column value is to be returned.  It can be given as
17    the name of the column or the number of the column as selected
18    through the subsystem.
21 Control arguments:
22 -current_row, -crw
23    returns the value of the named column for the current row.
24    (Default)
25 -default STR
26    returns the character string STR when there is no previous row, or
27    when there is no next row.  (Default value for STR is "" if this
28    control argument is not provided.)
29 -next_row, -nrw
30    returns the value of the named column for the next row.  If there is
31    no next row, the string "" is returned unless changed by the
32    -default control argument.
33 -previous_row, -prw
34    returns the value of the named column for the previous row.  If
35    there is no previous row, the string "" is returned unless changed
36    by the -default control argument.
39 Notes:  When a subtotal is being generated, the column_value request
40 returns the value of the subtotal, rather than the value of the column.
41 An editing string for a column like "[pic $99v.99 [clv salary]]", would
42 edit the value of the salary column through the picture active request
43 for every row.  When a subtotal is being generated, the value of the
44 salary subtotal is edited through the picture active request.  This
45 behavior also applies to subcounts, counts, and totals, in addition to
46 subtotals.
49 Examples:
50    [clv foo]
51    [clv 3]
52    [clv foo -previous_row]
53    [clv foo -next_row -default NULL]