1 04/21/86 init_vol
  3 Syntax as a command:  init_vol volume_name drive_name {-control_arg}
  6 Function:  writes the label of a new physical volume and sets up its
  7 VTOC and volume map.  This operation destroys any previous contents of
  8 the physical volume.  This command can be used in ring 1 or ring 4.  It
  9 is also automatically entered when a cold boot is done to initialize
 10 the RPV.
 13 Arguments:
 14 volume_name
 15    is the name of a physical volume.
 16 drive_name
 17    has the form <subsys>_<nn>{s},
 18    where:
 19      subsys is the disk subsystem name (dska)
 20      nn is the device number. (00 to 64)
 21      s is the subvolume name, for MSU3380 or MSU3390 (a,b, or c).
 22        example: dska_02 or dskb_00b.
 25 Control arguments:
 26 -special
 27    enters dialogue with the user.  The -special control argument is
 28    recommended for all RLV volumes.
 29 -copy
 30    initializes a copy of an already accepted physical volume (-copy
 31    also enters dialogue with the user).
 32 -rlv
 33    specifies that the physical volume is to be registered as part of
 34    the root logical volume.  this control argument can be used only
 35    during a cold boot of the root physical volume at ring-1 initializer
 36    command level.
 39 Notes on special mode:  Special mode is entered when -special is given
 40 on an init_vol command line, when the rebuild_disk command is used, or
 41 when a cold boot of the RPV is done.  In special mode, the user may
 42 specify various parameters of the volume being initialized as other
 43 than their default values.  Special mode uses a request loop subsystem
 44 to allow entry of these parameters.  This includes the ability to
 45 specify the locations and extents of partitions.
 47 Defaults for volume initialized by init_vol or rebuild_disk command are
 48 no partitions and VTOC size constrained by average segment length of
 49 5.0.
 52 Defaults for RPV initialized by cold boot sequence are partitions laid
 53 out on pack as follows.
 55            partition        partition          low/high
 56              name       size (in records)     end of pack
 58            HC                 2500            low
 59            CONF                  4            low
 60            <paging region>    <all space not used by partitions>
 61            FILE                255            high
 62            BCE                2200            high
 63            LOG                 256            high
 64            DUMP               2000            high
 65            BOS                 270            high
 66            ALT              as needed         high
 69 VTOC size constrained by average segment length of 2.0
 71 For non-RPV packs belonging to the RLV, it is recommended that special
 72 mode be used to set an average segment length of 4.0 since directories,
 73 which reside on the RLV, are usually smaller than other segments.  A
 74 smaller average segment length increases the number of VTOC entries
 75 (VTOCES) on the pack.  Since it is easier to make the VTOC bigger than
 76 to make it smaller, the recommended procedure is to start with 4.0 as
 77 an average segment length.  If more VTOCES are needed later, the
 78 rebuild_disk command can be used to define them.
 80 When using volume backup to recover the contents of a disk pack, make
 81 sure there are at least as many available records and total VTOC
 82 entries as there were on the physical volume before it was damaged.
 85 Notes on request loop of init_vol:  The following request lines may be
 86 typed when init_vol is invoked with the -special control argument,
 87 when the rebuild_disk command is being used, or within the cold boot
 88 sequence.
 89 asl FFF.FF, avg FFF.FF
 90    specifies the average segment length, which is used to determine the
 91    VTOC size.  As partitions are defined, the VTOC size is adjusted to
 92    maintain a VTOC entry to free page ratio producing this average
 93    segment length.  When operating in this mode (the default, with
 94    average segment length = 5.0), the parameters are said to be
 95    constrained by average segment length.
 96 default
 97    causes all parameters to be reset to their cold boot defaults,
 98    including the list of partitions.  This request is only valid within
 99    the cold boot sequence.
102 end
103    causes the command init_vol or rebuild_disk to proceed using the
104    parameters as they stand at this point.
105 help
106    lists all requests available within the init_vol request loop.
107 lace N
108    specifies physical address assignment interlace; i.e., specifies
109    that the system should try to place the pages of a segment N disk
110    records apart on the target disk.  The default value for N is 2.
111    This request is only valid in the rebuild_disk command.
114 list
115    causes the current parameters to be listed, including partition
116    data, VTOC size, number of VTOC entries and effective average
117    segment length.  Issuing other requests causes these parameters to
118    change.  When the request loop is entered, a list request is
119    performed automatically.
120 nvtoce N
121    specifies the VTOC size by the number of VTOC entries to be created.
122    As five VTOC entries occupy each page, this number is rounded up to
123    the next five before use.
126    This constrains parameters by VTOC size.
127 part name hilow size
128    where name is a 4-character or fewer partition name, hilow is either
129    "high" or "low", and size is the partition size in records, defines
130    a partition to be allocated on the pack.  The hilow argument
131    specifies which end of the pack, with respect to device address, the
132    partition shall be allocated.  Successive requests for "high"
133    partitions receive successively lower addresses, and successive
134    requests for "low" partitions receive successively higher addresses.
135    Partitions may not be redefined without issuing the "startover"
136    request.
137 quit
138    causes the command init_vol or rebuild_disk to be aborted, without
139    initializing or rebuilding any disks.  This request is not valid
140    within the cold boot sequence.
143 startover
144    causes all parameters to be reset to their defaults (init_vol
145    command defaults, not cold boot defaults).  In particular, no
146    partitions are defined, even in the cold boot environment.
147 vtoc N
148    specifies the total number of pages to be allocated for the volume
149    header and volume table of contents (VTOC).  All other space on the
150    pack is available for paging and partitions.  When the "vtoc" or
151    "nvtoce" request is given, the parameters are said to be constrained
152    by VTOC size, and average segment length varies as partitions are
153    defined.
156 Notes:  The init_vol command queries the user before destroying the
157 label of any pack that appears to be a validly labeled pack.  A message
158 giving the pack's physical volume name and time of last use is
159 displayed.
161 The init_vol command takes about 90 seconds for a model M400 disk.