1 01/12/2018 display_volume_log
3 Syntax as a command: display_volume_log vlname -control_args
6 Function: displays a summary of the dump volumes that contain
7 information dumped from a specified physical volume.
10 Arguments:
11 vlname
12 is the name of the volume log. The volog suffix is assumed if not
13 specified.
16 Control arguments:
17 -all, -a
18 specifies that information about all types of volume dumps, the
19 disk label information recorded at the time of the dump and
20 processing statistics are to be displayed.
21 -complete, -comp
22 specifies that information about only complete mode dump volumes is
23 to be displayed.
24 -consolidated, -cons
25 specifies that information about only consolidated mode dump volumes
26 is to be displayed.
27 -incremental, -incr
28 specifies that information about only incremental mode dump volumes
29 is to be displayed.
32 -header, -he
33 specifies that the dump volumes will be displayed with the output
34 header Default.
35 -label, -lbl
36 specifies that the disk label information stored at the time of
37 the dump is to be displayed.
38 -no_header, -nhe
39 specifies that the dump volumes will be displayed without the
40 header.
43 -no_label, -nlbl
44 specifies that the disk label information stored at the time of the
45 dump is not to be displayed.
46 -status, -st
47 specifies that processing totals for segments, directories and
48 volumes is to be displayed.
49 -volname STR, -vol STR
50 specifies that only the information pertinent to the dump volume
51 named STR is to be printed.
54 -working_dir, -wd
55 specifies that the volume backup databases are to be found relative
56 to the working directory. The default is to look for them relative
57 to the >daemon_dir_dir>volume_backup directory. This control
58 argument can be used to display volume logs for physical volumes
59 that are not part of the currently mounted storage system. This
60 control argument is optional.
63 Notes: If no modes -incr -cons or -comp are specified, information
64 about all modes is displayed.