1 02/18/85 reload
  3 Syntax as a command:  reload {-control_args}
  6 Function:  is used for recovery, when the intent is to make the storage
  7 system hierarchy look indentical to that which was dumped onto the tape
  8 being reloaded.  It deletes segments and directories from the hierarchy
  9 that are not present on the tape, and replaces existing segments and
 10 directories with their counterparts from the tape.  However, to avoid
 11 destroying useful information, it does not delete directories, and it
 12 does not replace segments and directories in the hierarchy that were
 13 modified after the time at which they were put on the tape.  To ensure
 14 that ring 1 segments (such as mailboxes) are recovered correctly, the
 15 process performing the reload must be logged in at ring 1.  To ensure
 16 that AIM restrictions are enforced correctly, the process performing
 17 the reload must have segment and directory privileges turned on.  The
 18 reload command calls the backup_load command to do the actual
 19 reloading.  This command can be used in ring 4 only.
 22 The reload command creates the directory >reload_dir (to which the
 23 process must have sma access), and places its maps there.  It doesn't
 24 automatically dprint them.  The reload command causes the entire RLV to
 25 be accepted, if it isn't already accepted.  If issued in ring 1, this
 26 command causes all logical volumes that were mounted at the time of the
 27 last shutdown to be automatically mounted.  Quota on the reloaded
 28 directories is force-set to that specified on the tape.
 31 The reload command is one of the commands used for hierarchy reloading
 32 and retrieving of storage system segments and directories.  The other
 33 commands are:
 35    backup_load
 36    reload (Multics command)
 37    reload_system_release
 38    retrieve
 40 Do not confuse this reload command, which is an initializer command,
 41 with the reload Multics command.
 44 You should note that argument processing for all of the hierarchy
 45 backup commands is performed by a common argument processing procedure.
 46 The values of all arguments are remembered in static storage and remain
 47 in effect for the life of the process, unless changed by arguments
 48 given in subsequent invocations of backup commands.  It should also be
 49 noted that the dumping commands and the reloading/retrieving commands
 50 are all part of the same hierarchy backup system, and argument values
 51 set by the dumping commands remain in effect for the
 52 reloading/retrieving commands and vice versa, unless overridden.
 53 However, dumping and reloading cannot be done in the same process; use
 54 the new_proc command between dumping and reloading.  See "Notes on
 55 Default Arguments" below.
 58 Control arguments:
 59 -all
 60    causes segments to be retrieved from the tape regardless of their
 61    date/time dumped.  This control argument overrides a previously
 62    given DATE argument.  This is the default.
 63 -brief_map, -bfmap
 64    functions like -long_map but lists the processed entries in a
 65    shorter format, with entries separated by blank lines instead of
 66    formfeeds.  The default is -long_map.
 67 -debug
 68    disables those hphcs_ calls that set quotas and transparency
 69    switches.
 70 -destination STR, -ds STR
 71    specifies a destination for printing maps and error file.  The
 72    default is "incremental" for maps and "error file" for error files.
 75 -error_of
 76    writes error messages into a file rather than printing them.  The
 77    name of the error file is printed when the first error is
 78    encountered.  This is the default.
 79 -error_on
 80    writes error messages on the user's terminal.
 81 -first
 82    prevents searching a tape for additional copies of a requested
 83    segment or subtree after the first copy has been retrieved.
 84 -header STR, -he STR
 85    specifies a heading for printing maps and error files.
 86 -last
 87    indicates that the last copy of a given segment or subtree on a tape
 88    or set of tapes is to be retrieved.  This is the default.
 91 -long_map, -lgmap
 92    writes a map file (with the suffix ".map") that lists the processed
 93    segments and directories in long format, with one entry to a page.
 94    This is the default.
 95 -map
 96    writes a list of the segments and directories processed into a file.
 97    This is the default.
 98 -nodebug
 99    enables hphcs_ calls to set quotas and the transparency switches.
100    This is the default.
101 -nomap
102    inhibits listing of the names of processed segments and directories.
103 -noprimary, -npri
104    uses each pathname as given.  The default is -primary.
107 -noqcheck
108    causes the hierarchy reload to be done with quota checking
109    suspended.  Access to hphcs_ is required.  This is the default.
110 -noquota
111    inhibits resetting of quotas.  See -quota.  This is the default.
112 -noreload
113    inhibits actual hierarchy reloading of segments into the hierarchy.
114    This control argument can be used with -map to create a table of
115    contents of the tape.  The -noreload control argument also causes
116    the names that would have been reloaded to be put into the map.
117 -nosetlvid
118    inhibits the setting of the logical volume identifiers for each
119    directory to be reloaded.
122 -notrim
123    inhibits deletion of entries in a directory.  Entries can only be
124    added or modified.
125 -operator STR
126    indicates that STR is the user's name or initials (up to 16
127    characters in length).
128 -primary, -pri
129    replaces all directory names in each pathname with the primary
130    names.  This is the default.
131 -pvname STR
132    indicates that segments and directories may only be reloaded onto
133    the physical volume specified by STR.
134 -qcheck
135    causes quota restrictions to be enforced during the reload.
138 -quota
139    causes the quotas on directories being reloaded to be set to the
140    values they had when the directories were dumped.  Access to hphcs_
141    is required.
142 -reload
143    enables actual reloading of segments into the hierarchy.  This is
144    the default.
145 -request_type STR, -rqt STR
146    specifies an output request type for printing maps and error files.
147    Available request types can be listed by using the
148    print_request_types command (described in the Multics Commands and
149    Active Functions manual, Order No.  AG92 ).  The default is
150    "printer".
153 -setlvid
154    enables setting of the logical volume identifier for reloaded
155    entries inferior to each directory reloaded.  This is the default.
156 -trim
157    enables deletion of all entries in a directory not found in the copy
158    of that directory being reloaded.  This causes entries deleted from
159    an earlier version of the directory to be deleted when a later
160    version is reloaded.  It has effect only in the case of a directory
161    that is both on the tape and in the hierarchy.  This is the default.
162 DATE
163    an argument beginning with a character other than "-", or ">" is
164    assumed to be a date in a format acceptable to the
165    convert_date_to_binary_ subroutine.  If it can be converted
166    successfully, then the hierarchy retriever only retrieves segments
167    and directories dumped at or after the given date/time.
170 Notes on default arguments:  The values of arguments given to any of
171 the hierarchy backup commands are remembered in static storage and
172 remain in effect for the life of the process, unless explicitly changed
173 during the invocation of a subsequent backup command.
175 The following defaults are in effect for the reloader and retriever
176 before any backup commands are given; they are not, however, reset to
177 these values at the start of each backup command, except as noted
178 below.
180       -all                    -primary
181       -error_of               -reload
182       -map                    -setload
183       -nodebug                -setlvid
184       -nohold                 -trim
185       -noquota
189 The following defaults are set automatically at the time the respective
190 commands are executed:
192       reload (initializer command), reload (Multics command),
193         reload_system_release
194          -quota
195          -trim
197       retrieve
198          -all
199          -noquota
200          -notrim
202       All of the above commands
203          -map