1 02/18/85 rcp
 3 Syntax as a command:  rcp keyword {-control_args}
 6 Function:  lists resources controlled by the resource control package
 7 (RCP), or cancels a reservation.  This command can be used in ring 4
 8 only.
11 Arguments:
12 keyword
13    must be one of the following:
14    list
15       lists resources controlled by RCP.  This keyword may be used with
16       any control arguments except -id.  If used without control
17       arguments, all resources are listed.
18    cancel
19       cancels the specified reservation.  This keyword must be used
20       with both the -id and the -user control arguments.
23 Control arguments:
24 -device STR, -dv STR
25    specifies the name of one device to be listed.
26 -id STR
27    specifies the ID of the reservation to be cancelled.  This control
28    argument must be used in conjunction with the cancel keyword.
29 -long, -lg
30    specifies that all of the information known about each device listed
31    is printed.  If this argument is not specified, only the state of
32    the device, the time the device was put into that state, the process
33    group ID of the process that has the device assigned, and any volume
34    mounted on the device are printed.  If this argument is specified,
35    then all of the characteristics of each device are printed.  Also,
36    for each device type listed all of the per device type information
37    is printed.
40 -mounts, -mnt
41    lists pending mount requests for the device or devices specified.
42    If the -long control argument is given with -mounts, the process
43    name and write-protect status of the mount requests listed are
44    listed as well.
45 -reserved, -resv
46    lists information for all reservations known at this time, including
47    the reservation ID, for the devices specified.
48 -type STR, -tp STR
49    specifies the type of resource to be listed.  Currently, only device
50    types are allowed.  The following device type names are valid:
51    tape_drive, disk_drive, console, printer, punch, reader, and
52    special.
55 -unattached, -unat
56    lists names of all loaded, unattached volumes.
57 -user STR
58    specifies the group ID of the user whose reservation is to be
59    cancelled.  This control argument must be used in conjunction with
60    the cancel keyword.