1 02/13/85  login, logi
  3 Syntax as a command:  logi daemon_user_id source {-control_args}
  6 Function:  causes the login of a daemon process at the user's request.
  7 This command can be used in ring 4 only.
 10 Arguments:
 11 daemon_user_id
 12    logs in the user whose name is specified by daemon_user_id as a
 13    daemon.  The daemon user's name may be given in either of these
 14    forms.
 16          Person_id.Project_id
 17          Person_id Project_id
 19    The user whose name is specified by daemon_user_id must have the
 20    daemon attribute.
 21 source
 22    is the name of the input source, used in the reply command to direct
 23    terminal input to this process.
 26 Control arguments:  may be chosen from those available with the login
 27 access request, which is documented in the Multics Commands and
 28 Active Functions manual, Order No.  AG92.  Those appropriate for use
 29 in this context are listed here:
 30 -arguments STR, -ag STR
 31    supplies arguments to the process.  STR can be one or more
 32    arguments.  All arguments following -ag on the command line are
 33    taken as arguments to the process.  Therefore -ag, if present, must
 34    be the last control argument on the login command line.  The process
 35    may determine the number and value of each argument with the user
 36    active function, described in the Multics Commands and Active
 37    Functions manual, Order No.  AG92.
 40 -authorization STR, -auth STR
 41    sets the authorization of the process to that specified by STR,
 42    where STR is a character string composed of level and category names
 43    for the desired authorization, separated by commas.  The STR
 44    character string cannot contain any embedded blank or tab
 45    characters.  (The short names for each level and category are
 46    guaranteed to not contain any blanks or tabs, and can be used
 47    whenever the corresponding long names do contain blanks or tabs.)
 48    The STR character string must represent an authorization that is
 49    less than or equal to the maximum authorization of Person_id on the
 50    project Project_id.  If this control argument is omitted, the
 51    daemon's registered default login authorization is used.  (See
 52    Access Control in the Multics Programmerg's Reference manual, Order
 53    No.  AG91, for more information about process authorizations.)
 56 -brief, -bf
 57    suppresses messages associated with a successful login.  If the
 58    standard process overseer is being used, the message of the day is
 59    not printed.
 60 -change_default_auth, -cda
 61    changes the daemon's registered default login authorization to the
 62    authorization specified by the -authorization control argument.  If
 63    the authorization given by the user is valid, the default
 64    authorization is changed for subsequent logins, and the message
 65    "default authorization changed" is printed at the terminal.  If the
 66    -cda control argument is given without the -auth control argument,
 67    an error message is printed.
 68 -home_dir path, -hd path
 69    sets the daemon's home directory to the path specified, if the
 70    daemon's project administrator allows this choice.
 73 -no_start_up, -ns
 74    instructs the standard process overseer not to execute the daemon's
 75    start_up.ec segment, if one exists, and if the project administrator
 76    allows this choice.
 77 -outer_module path, -om path
 78    attaches the daemon's terminal via the outer module named path
 79    rather than the daemon's registered outer module, if the daemon is
 80    allowed this choice.
 83 -process_overseer path, -po path
 84    sets the daemon's process overseer to the procedure given by the
 85    path specified, if the daemon's project administrator allows this
 86    choice.  If path ends in the characters ",direct", the specified
 87    procedure is called directly during process initialization rather
 88    than by the standard procedure provided by the system.  This means
 89    that the program specified by path must perform the tasks that would
 90    have been performed by the standard procedure.
 91 -ring N, -rg N
 92    sets the daemon's initial ring to be ring N, if this ring number is
 93    greater than or equal to the daemon's registered initial ring and
 94    less than the daemon's registered maximum ring.
 97 Notes:  It should be noted that most daemon logins don't need any
 98 control arguments, and are often taken care of by the admin.ec or the
 99 system_start_up.ec.
101 The login command is used to cause a daemon process to be logged in
102 without a terminal of its own; such a process sends all its output via
103 the message routing DIM to the message coordinator for output on one of
104 the message coordinator's output destinations, and all input to such a
105 daemon process must be done via the initializer command reply.  (See
106 the reply command later in this section.)