1 10/20/83 read_mail request: write, w
3 Syntax: w message_specifiers path -control_args
6 Function: writes the printed representation of the specified
7 messages to the end of an existing segment.
10 Arguments:
11 message_specifiers
12 identifies which messages are to be written. If no
13 message_specifiers are supplied, the current message is written.
14 For more information on message specifiers, type:
15 help message_specifiers.gi
16 path
17 is the pathname of the segment to which the messages are written.
18 The suffix "mail" is added if necessary.
21 Control arguments:
22 -extend
23 writes the messages at the end of the segment if there is already
24 data present in the segment. Default
25 -truncate, -tc
26 truncates the segment before writing the messages.
27 -include_deleted, -idl
28 includes all messages in the mailbox whether or not they have been
29 deleted when processing the message_specifiers to determine which
30 messages will be written.
31 -only_deleted, -odl
32 includes only those messages which have been deleted.
33 -only_non_deleted, -ondl
34 includes only those messages which have not been deleted. Default
37 -delete, -dl
38 marks the specified messages for deletion on exit from read_mail
39 if all messages are successfully written.
40 -no_delete, -ndl
41 does not mark the messages for deletion. Default
42 -reverse, -rv
43 writes the messages in descending numeric order.
44 -no_reverse, -nrv
45 writes the messages in ascending numeric order. Default
48 Notes:
49 If the segment identified by the path argument does not exist, it will
50 be created automatically.
52 This request will acknowledge any messages requiring acknowledgement
53 unless -no_acknowledge is specified on the read_mail command line.