1 10/11/83 read_mail forward request: exec_com, ec
3 Syntax: ec ec_path ec_args
6 Syntax as an active request: ec ec_path ec_args
9 Function: executes a program written in the exec_com language which is
10 used to pass request lines to the sub-request loop of the forward
11 request and to pass input lines to requests which read input. As an
12 active request, the exec_com program specifies a return value of the
13 exec_com request by use of the &return statement.
16 Arguments:
17 ec_path
18 is the pathname of an exec_com program. The suffix "rdmec" is added
19 to the pathname if necessary.
20 ec_args
21 are optional arguments to the exec_com program and are substituted
22 for parameter references in the program such as &1.
25 Notes:
26 If ec_path does not contain a "<" or ">" character, forward will search
27 for the exec_com program using the mail_system search list. The
28 default content of this search list is:
29 -working_dir
30 >udd>user project>user name>user name.mlsys
32 For a description of the exec_com language both version 1 and
33 version 2, type:
34 .. help v1ec v2ec
36 When evaluating a forward exec_com program, subsystem active requests
37 are used rather than Multics active functions when evaluating the
38 &... construct and the active string in an &if statement. The
39 forward execute active request may be used to evaluate Multics active
40 strings within the exec_com.
43 Limitation:
44 In the present implementation, any errors detected during execution of
45 an exec_com within the forward sub-request loop will abort the request
46 line in which the exec_com request was invoked.