1 09/21/82  read_mail request:  apply, ap
 3 Syntax:  ap {message_specifier} {-control_args} command_line
 6 Function:  places the text of the selected message(s) into a temporary
 7 segment, catenates the pathname of this segment to the end of the given
 8 command line, and executes the resulting Multics command line.  Each
 9 message is processed individually.
12 Arguments:
13 message_specifier
14    identifies to which messages the command line is to be applied.  If
15    no message_specifier is supplied, the command line is applied to the
16    current message.  For more information on message specifiers, type:
17          help message_specifiers.gi
18 command_line
19    is the Multics command line to which is catenated the pathname of
20    the temporary segment before execution.
23 Control arguments:
24 -text
25    specifies that the text of each message is to be included in the
26    temporary segment.  (Default)
27 -no_text
28    specifies that the text of each message is not to be included in the
29    temporary segment.
30 -header, -he
31    specifies that the header of each message is to be included in the
32    temporary segment.  (Default)
33 -no_header, -nhe
34    specifies that the header of each message is not to be included in
35    the temporary segment.
36 -message message_specifier, -msg message_specifier
37    specifies additional messages to which the command line is applied.
40 -include_deleted, -idl
41    includes all messages in the mailbox whether or not they have been
42    deleted when processing the message_specifiers to determine which
43    messages will be processed.
44 -only_deleted, -odl
45    includes only those messages which have been deleted.
46 -only_non_deleted, -ondl
47    includes only those messages which have not been deleted.  (Default)
48 -delete, -dl
49    marks the specified messages for deletion on exit from read_mail
50    if all messages are successfully processed.
51 -no_delete, -ndl
52    does not mark the messages for deletion.  (Default)
53 -reverse, -rv
54    processes the messages in descending numeric order.
55 -no_reverse, -nrv
56    processes the messages in ascending numeric order.  (Default)
59 Notes:
60 This request will acknowledge any messages requiring acknowledgement
61 unless -no_acknowledge is specified on the read_mail command line.
63 The command line may not modify the contents of the temporary segment.
65 -no_text and -no_header are mutually exclusive.
67 The supplied command line need not be enclosed in quotes.  However, if
68 there are (), [], or "'s in the command line which should be processed
69 by the Multics command processor, they should be enclosed in quotes to
70 prevent processing by read_mail's request processor.
73 Examples:
74 The request line:
76       apply /frogs/ "do ""copy &1 &!; eor &! -dl"""
78 may be used to issue a separate output request for each message which
79 contains the string "frogs".