1 06/25/87  login, l
  3 Syntax:  l Person_id{.Project_id} {-control_args}
  6 Function: gives you access to the system.  It is a request to the
  7 answering service to start your identification procedure, and then
  8 either create a process for you or connect the terminal to your
  9 disconnected process.  The command line can be up to 300 characters
 10 long.
 13 Arguments:
 14 Person_id
 15    is your registered personal identifier, which can be replaced by a
 16    registered "login alias" if you have one.  This argument must be
 17    supplied.
 18 Project_id
 19    is the identification of your project.  If this argument is not
 20    supplied, the default project associated with the Person_id is used.
 21    (See -change_default_project.)
 24 Control arguments (general):
 25 -brief, -bf
 26    suppresses messages associated with a successful login except the
 27    ones indicating that you have incorrectly specified your password
 28    and the ones indicating all your login attempts with the same
 29    Person_id.  If the standard process overseer is being used, the
 30    message of the day is not printed.
 31 -change_default_auth, -cda
 32    changes your registered default login authorization to the one
 33    specified by -authorization.  If you give a valid authorization, the
 34    default authorization is changed for subsequent logins and the
 35    message "default authorization changed" is printed.  If
 36    -change_default_auth is given without -authorization, an error
 37    message is printed.
 40 -change_default_project, -cdp
 41    changes your default project to the Project_id specified in this
 42    login request line.  The default Project_id is changed for
 43    subsequent logins, and the message "default project changed" is
 44    printed at your terminal.  If -change_default_project is specified
 45    without a Project_id, an error message is printed.
 46 -change_password, -cpw
 47    changes your password to a newly given one.  The login request asks
 48    for the old password before it requests the new one, twice, to
 49    verify the spelling.  If it is not typed the same both times, the
 50    login and the password change are refused.  If the old password is
 51    correct, the new one replaces the old for subsequent logins and the
 52    message "password changed" is printed at your terminal.  Do not type
 53    the new password as part of the control argument.  (See "Notes on
 54    passwords" below.)
 57 -generate_password, -gpw
 58    changes your password to a new one, generated for you by the system.
 59    The login request asks for the old password first; then, a new
 60    password is generated and typed on your terminal.  You are asked to
 61    retype the new password, to verify having seen it.  If you type it
 62    correctly, it replaces the old for subsequent logins and the message
 63    "password changed" is printed.  If you mistype it, the login and
 64    password change are refused.
 65 -long, -lg
 66    reverses the effect of -brief, or the brief attribute in the project
 67    definition table (see the MAM Project, AK51).
 70 -modes STR, -mode STR, -md STR
 71    sets the I/O modes associated with your terminal to STR, where STR
 72    consists of modes acceptable to the tty_ I/O module (see the set_tty
 73    command).  STR is usually a list of modes separated by commas; it
 74    must not contain blanks.
 75 -no_print_off, -npf
 76    tells the system that the terminal cannot stop printing while a
 77    password is being entered.  The system prints a mask field to
 78    overwrite the area in which the password will be typed.
 79 -no_warning, -nw
 80    suppresses even urgent system warning messages and emergency
 81    messages from the operator, both at login and during your session.
 82    Give this argument when using a remote computer to simulate a
 83    terminal or when typing out long memoranda, when the process output
 84    should not be interrupted by even serious messages.
 87 -print_off, -pf
 88    tells the system that the terminal can stop printing while a
 89    password is being entered.  No password mask is printed.
 90 -terminal_id STR, -tid STR
 91    sets your terminal identification to STR, where STR may be
 92    from 1 to 4 characters long.  (By default, the terminal ID is
 93    obtained from the terminal answerback string.)
 94 -terminal_type STR, -ttp STR
 95    sets your terminal type to STR, where STR is any terminal type name
 96    defined in the standard terminal type table.  This control argument
 97    overrides the default terminal type.
 98 -warning
 99    reverses the effect of -no_warning, or the no_warning attribute in
100    the project definition table (see the MAM Project, AK51).
103 Control arguments (process creation):
104 -arguments STR, -ag STR
105    supplies arguments to the process; STR can be one or more arguments.
106    If you use -arguments, put it last because everything following it
107    on the command line is taken as arguments to the process.  The
108    process can determine the number and value of each argument with the
109    login_args active function.
112 -authorization STR, -auth STR
113    sets the authorization of the process to that specified by STR; STR
114    is a character string composed of level and category names for the
115    desired authorization, separated by commas.  STR cannot contain any
116    embedded blank or tab characters.  (The short names for each level
117    and category always contain no blanks or tabs, and can be used
118    whenever the corresponding long names contain blanks or tabs.)  STR
119    must represent an authorization that is less than or equal to the
120    maximum authorization of Person_id on the Project_id.  If
121    -authorization is omitted, your registered default login
122    authorization is used.  (See authorization.gi.)
125 -force
126    logs you in if at all possible, provided you have the guaranteed
127    login attribute.  Only system users who perform emergency repair
128    functions have the necessary attribute.
129 -home_dir path, -hd path
130    sets your home directory to the path specified if your project
131    administrator allows it.
132 -no_save_on_disconnect, -nosave
133    logs your process out instead of saving it if it is disconnected
134    from its login terminal.  This control argument is used to override
135    a default of -save_on_disconnect if that default has been set by
136    your project administrator.
137 -no_preempt, -np
138    does not log you in if you might preempt somebody in this user's
139    load control group.
142 -no_start_up, -ns
143    instructs the standard process overseer not to execute your
144    start_up.ec segment if the project administrator allows it.
145 -outer_module path, -om path
146    attaches your terminal via the outer module named path rather than
147    your registered outer module if your project administrator allows
148    it.
149 -process_overseer path, -po path
150    sets your process overseer to the procedure given by path if your
151    project administrator allows it.  If path ends in the characters
152    ",direct", the specified procedure is called directly during process
153    initialization rather than by the standard system-provided
154    procedure.  This means that the program used by path must perform
155    the tasks that would have been performed by the standard procedure.
158 -ring N, -rg N
159    sets your initial ring to N if this ring number is greater than or
160    equal to your registered initial ring and less than your registered
161    maximum ring.
162 -save_on_disconnect, -save
163    saves your process if it is disconnected from its login terminal
164    because of a communications line hangup or FNP crash.  Your project
165    administrator gives permission to use the process-saving facility
166    and to enable it by default.  (See -no_save_on_disconnect and the
167    save_on_disconnect and no_save_on_disconnect commands.)
168 -subsystem path, -ss path
169    creates your process using the prelinked subsystem in the directory
170    specified by path if your project administrator allows it.  To
171    override a default subsystem specified by the project administrator,
172    type -ss "".
175 Control arguments (operator login):
176 -operator, -op
177    logs in the user as a system operator, connecting the terminal to
178    the message coordinator.  The user must have the operator attribute
179    to use this control argument.
180 -virtual_channel STR, -vchn STR
181    connects the terminal to the message coordinator virtual channel
182    STR, which has been preaccepted by the operator using the
183    accept_vchn operator command.
186 Control arguments (disconnected processes):
187 -connect {N}
188    connects the terminal to your disconnected process.  If more than
189    one such process exists, the process number N must be indicated.
190 -create
191    creates a new process without destroying any disconnected ones.
192    This is permitted only if you are allowed to have multiple
193    interactive processes.
194 -destroy {N} {-control_args}
195    destroys your disconnected process.  If more than one such process
196    exists, the process number N must be specified.
197 -list
198    lists your disconnected process, its number, the time of the
199    original login, and the ID of the channel and terminal that were
200    last connected to the process.
203 -new_proc {N} {-control_arg}
204    destroys your disconnected process and creates a new one.  If more
205    than one such process exists, the process number N must be given.
208 List of control arguments for disconnected processes:
209 -hold, -hd
210    prevents the breaking of the connection between the terminal and the
211    answering service.  You can use it only with -destroy. (Default)
212 -immediate, -im
213    bypasses termination of the existing process by the trm_ IPS signal
214    (which causes running of finish and epilogue handlers in the
215    existing process) and instead tells the hardcore to destroy the
216    existing process immediately.  You can use it only with -destroy and
217    -new_proc.
218 -no_hold, -nhd
219    drops the connection.  You can use it only with -destroy.
222 Notes: Unless you already have one or more processes, login creates a
223 process for you.  The load control mechanism is consulted to determine
224 if the creation of your process overloads either the system or your
225 load control group.
227 If the mechanism allows it, a process is created for you and the
228 terminal is connected to it (i.e., the terminal is placed under that
229 process's control).  (See "Control arguments for process
230 creation" above.)
233 You might have a disconnected process because of a phone line hangup,
234 network failure, or an FNP crash.  Then, you can choose among the
235 following alternatives: connecting the terminal to the process;
236 destroying the disconnected process, with or without creating a new
237 one; or logging out without affecting the disconnected process (see
238 "Control arguments for disconnected processes" above and "Notes on
239 disconnected processes" below).
241 Several parameters of your process, as noted above, can be controlled
242 by your project administrator; for example, allowing you to override
243 attributes by specifying control arguments in the login line.
246 If the project administrator does not allow you to use -subsystem,
247 -outer_module, -home_dir, -process_overseer, -save_on_disconnect, or
248 -ring or does allow you to give one or more of these control arguments
249 and you specify them incorrectly, a message is printed and the login is
250 refused.
253 Notes on passwords: The login request asks you for a password and
254 ensures that the password does not appear on your terminal.  The
255 password is a string of one to eight characters, which can be any
256 character from the ASCII character set (including the backspace) except
257 space and semicolon.  The password used for interactive logins cannot
258 be "quit", "help", "HELP", or "?"  because these have special meaning
259 to the password processor.  Typing "quit" terminates the login attempt;
260 "help", "HELP", or "?"  produces an explanatory message and repeats the
261 request for the password.
264 Notes on disconnected processes:  If your project administrator allows
265 it, your process can be preserved when it becomes disconnected from its
266 terminal.  You can call back any time before the installation-defined
267 maximum inactive time and ask to be reconnected.  This feature is
268 controlled by -save and -nosave; your project administrator sets the
269 default.
272 If your project administrator allows you to have several interactive
273 processes simultaneously, you can have more than one disconnected
274 process.  Multiple disconnected processes are numbered consecutively
275 starting with 1, in the order of their login times.  Use these process
276 numbers as arguments when referring to one of a set of multiple
277 disconnected processes.  The number and login time of each is printed
278 by -list.  You can, however, anticipate the number and use it with a
279 control argument.  The time listed and sorted on is the time of the
280 original login from which the process is descended; this time is not
281 affected by new_proc or reconnection.