1 08/05/81  print, pr
 3 Syntax:  pr {-control_args}
 6 Function:  retrieves selected data and prints it on the terminal.
 9 Control arguments:
10 -all, -a
11    specifies that every row of information is to be displayed without
12    querying the user (DEFAULT -- 10 lines).
13 -col_widths W1 ... Wn, -cw W1 ... Wn
14    specifies the width of each column to be printed.  Wi may be an
15    integer or may be P.Q where P and Q are precision and scale (DEFAULT
16    -- determined from database descriptions).  Asterisks are printed if
17    the retrieved data cannot be printed in the column widths specified.
18 -col_widths_truncate W1 ... Wn, -cwt W1 ... Wn
19    identical to the -cw control argument except that truncation occurs
20    in cases where the retrieved data contains more characters than the
21    column widths specified.
24 -max N
25    specifies that no more than N lines are to be printed without the
26    user's permission (DEFAULT -- 10 lines).
27 -no_header, -nhe
28    specifies that column headers are not to be printed (DEFAULT --
29    print column headers).
30 -no_end, -ne
31    specifies that the string "(END)" is not to be printed after the
32    last piece of retrieved data is printed (DEFAULT -- print the
33    "(END)" string).
36 Notes:
37 Columns are printed side-by-side and there is no pagination.  If
38 -col_widths is specified, a width must be specified for every column.