1 12/01/86 list_format_options, lsfo
3 Syntax: lsfo -control_arg
4 or lsfo -format_option_args
7 Syntax as an active request: lsfo -format_option_arg
10 Function: lists the names and values of individual report formatting
11 options; all report formatting options; or the active report formatting
12 options. As an active request returns the value of the specified
13 format option.
16 Control arguments:
17 -active, -act
18 specifies that only the active formatting options are to be listed
19 DEFAULT. Type help "formatting_options.gi" for more information
20 on "active" formatting options. This control arg is incompatible
21 with "-all" and the format option arguments.
22 -all, -a
23 specifies that all formatting options are to be listed. This
24 control arg is incompatible with "-active" and the format option
25 arguments.
28 Format Option Arguments General Report Options
29 -delimiter, -dm
30 the character used to delimit the different portions of a header or
31 footer.
32 -format_document_controls, -fdc
33 specifies the interpretation of imbedded format document controls
34 when filling is occuring, or the treatment of imbedded controls as
35 ordinary text.
36 -hyphenation, -hph
37 specifies whether or not hyphenation will be attempted for
38 overlength values.
39 -page_footer_value, -pfv
40 the page footer placed at the bottom of each page.
41 -page_header_value, -phv
42 the page header placed at the top of each page.
45 -page_length, -pl
46 the length of each formatted page given as the number of lines.
47 -page_width, -pw
48 the width of each formatted page given as the number of character
49 positions.
50 -title_line, -tl
51 specifies the printing or suppression of printing of the title line.
52 -truncation, -tc
53 the character or characters used to indicate truncation has occured.
56 Format Option Arguments General Column Options
57 -column_order, -co
58 the order of the display of columns in the detail line.
59 -count, -ct
60 the columns which will have counts taken on them.
61 -exclude, -ex
62 the columns that will be excluded from display in the detail line.
63 -group, -gr
64 the columns used to group a number of rows based on their values.
65 -group_footer_trigger, -gft
66 the columns which are candidates to cause the generation of the
67 group footer.
68 -group_footer_value, -gfv
69 the group footer placed after each group of rows.
72 -group_header_trigger, -ght
73 the columns which are candidates to cause the generation of the
74 group header.
75 -group_header_value, -ghv
76 the group header placed before each group of rows.
77 -outline, -out
78 the columns which are candidates for duplicate suppression.
79 -page_break, -pb
80 the columns which are candidates to cause a break to a new page.
81 -row_footer_value, -rfv
82 the row footer placed after each row value.
83 -row_header_value, -rhv
84 the row header placed before each row value.
85 -subcount, -sct
86 the columns which will have subcounts taken on them.
89 -subtotal, -stt
90 the columns which will have subtotals taken on them.
91 -total, -tt
92 the columns which will have totals taken on them.
95 Format Option Arguments Specific Column Options
96 "column_id" in the following descriptions means the column name as
97 defined in the open model/submodel, the number of the column in the
98 query or a star name which is matched against the column names.
100 -alignment column_id, -al column_id
101 the alignment mode within the display width for the specified
102 column.
103 -editing column_id, -ed column_id
104 the editing string for the specified column.
105 -folding column_id, -fold column_id
106 the folding action taken when the column value exceeds the display
107 width for the specified column.
108 -separator column_id, -sep column_id
109 the character string that separates the specified column from the
110 column in the detail line which immediately follows it.
111 -title column_id, -ttl column_id
112 the character string that is placed at the top of the page above the
113 specified column.
116 -width column_id, -wid column_id
117 the display width in the detail line for the specified column.
120 Notes: Refer to the description of the set_format_options request for
121 a complete list of the default values for the format options and a
122 discussion of their allowed values.
125 Examples:
126 list_format_options
127 list_format_options -all
128 list_format_options -width 1 -alignment salary
129 list_format_options -page_width -title ** -page_length