1 02/21/82 LINUS Introduction
3 Congratulations! You are now within the Logical Inquiry and
4 Update System LINUS which is a powerful, yet easy to use, facility
5 for accessing a Multics Relational Data Store MRDS data base. LINUS
6 provides a complete data base management capability including both
7 retrieval and update operations.
9 By default, LINUS will prompt you whenever it expects input from
10 you. If you are at LINUS request level, the default prompt will be
11 "linus:". If you are at LILA request level, the prompt will be an
12 arrow ->. Type "help set_mode" if you want to learn how to turn off
13 the prompting mode.
15 There are many requests which you can make within LINUS. Type "?"
16 for a summary list of those requests. Type "list_requests" for a list
17 of those requests that will contain a brief explanation of each. Type
18 "help REQUEST_NAME" in order to obtain more detailed information about
19 a given request.
22 Builtin functions:
24 Information on the LINUS builtin functions may be obtained by
25 typing "help builtin_functions"
28 Helpful hints:
30 Knowledge of the following requests will allow you to perform
31 simple retrievals from a data base:
33 open, set_scope, lila, print, del_scope, close, quit.
35 If you type a dot ., LINUS will let you know whether you are at
36 LINUS request level or within the LILA editor.
38 It is possible to execute any Multics command line when at LINUS
39 request level by typing "execute command_line" or "e command_line" or
40 "..command_line". The latter form is handled slightly differently than
41 the first two. Type "help execute" for a discussion of those
42 differences.