1 10/16/84  Kermit modes
  3 The following list of modes are recognized by the kermit file transfer
  4 protocol, and the kermit requests: set and show.   The values
  5 associated with each mode are also given.
  8 List of modes affecting file storage:
  9 file_type STR
 10    indicates the type of file being transferred.  STR may be one of
 11    "binary" or "ascii".
 12 file_warning STR
 13    indicates the action to be taken when an incoming file name has
 14    the same name as an existing file name in the default directory
 15    when receiving files.  STR may be one of "on" or "off".  If
 16    file_warning is on, kermit will rename the file to avoid
 17    overwriting the pre-existing one.  If file_warning is off the
 18    incoming file will replace the pre-existing one.  If logging
 19    transactions, the log will indicate the name of the file in which
 20    the data was stored.  Default is on.
 24 incomplete STR
 25    indicates the action to be taken if a file was not completely
 26    transferred.  STR may be one of "keep" or "discard".  If keep is
 27    specified, all incomplete files are saved.  If discard is
 28    specified, incomplete files will be discarded.  (Default is
 29    keep.)
 32 List of modes affecting file transfer:
 33 control_prefix CHR, cp CHR
 34    the character to use for quoting of control characters, where CHR
 35    is any character in the range "!" through ">" or "`" through "~",
 36    but different from the eight_bit_prefix and repeat_prefix.
 37    (Default is #)
 40 eight_bit_prefix CHR, ebp CHR
 41    the ascii character Multics-Kermit will use to quote characters
 42    which have the 8th bit set, when transmitting binary files via a
 43    7-bit connection.  CHR is one of the following, but
 44    different from the control_prefix and repeat_prefix:
 46    Y characters with the 8th bit set will be quoted if the remote
 47      Kermit requests it.
 49    N Characters with the 8th bit set will not be quoted.
 51    & or any character in the range "!" through ">" or "`" through
 52      "~".  Use the specified character for quoting characters with the
 53      8th bit set.  If the Multics-Kermit eight_bit_prefix character is
 54      different from the remote kermit's, then no 8th bit prefixing
 55      will be done.
 57    The value of this mode is ignored if line_byte_size is 8.
 58    (Default is &)
 61 end_of_packet CHR, eop CHR
 62    the character Multics-Kermit will use as a line terminator for
 63    incoming packets, where CHR is an ascii character between SOH (001
 64    octal) and US (037 octal) inclusive, and different from the
 65    start_of_packet character.  (Default is carriage return,
 66    015 octal)
 67 line_byte_size N
 68    indicates whether data is being transmitted via a 7-bit or 8-bit
 69    connection, where N may be one of 7 or 8.
 70    A 7-bit connection is desirable when transferring ascii
 71    files, or when the 8th bit of each transmitted byte is
 72    required for parity or changed by intervening communications
 73    equipment.  An 8-bit connection should be used for transferring
 74    binary files as it decreases protocol overhead.  If an 8-bit
 75    connection cannot be used for a binary file transfer, then a 7-bit
 76    connection with the eight_bit_prefix mode enabled may be used to
 77    transfer binary files (See above).  (Default is 7)
 80 packet_length N, pl N
 81    maximum packet length Multics-Kermit will receive, where N is an
 82    integer between 20 and 94 (decimal).  (Default is 80)
 83 parity STR
 84    used for communicating with systems or networks that require the
 85    8th bit for character parity.  The parity used must be the same
 86    for both the local and remote kermit.  STR may be one of:
 88           "none"    eight data bits and no parity.
 89           "mark"    seven data bits with the parity bit set to
 90                     one.
 91           "space"   seven data bits with the parity bit set to
 92                     zero.
 93           "even"    seven data bits with the parity bit set to
 94                     make the overall parity even.
 96           "odd"     seven data bits with the parity bit set to
 97                     one to make the overall parity odd.
 99    The value of the mode is ignored if line_byte_size is 8.
100    (Default is none)
103 repeat_prefix CHR, rp CHR
104    the character Multics-Kermit will use to indicate a repeated
105    character, where CHR may be any character in the range "!" through
106    ">" or "`" through "~", but different from the control_prefix and
107    eight_bit_prefix.  Space " " denotes no repeat count processing is
108    to be done.  If the Multics-Kermit repeat_prefix character is
109    different from the remote kermit's, then no repeat prefixing will
110    be done.  (Default is "~").
111 retry_threshold N, rt N
112    how many times to try sending or receiving a particular packet
113    before giving up, where N is an integer between 5 and 15
114    inclusive.  (Default is 5)
117 start_of_packet CHR, sop CHR
118    the character to be used for the start of packet, where
119    CHR is an ascii character between NUL (000 octal) and US (037
120    octal) inclusive.  The start_of_packet character must be the same
121    for both the local and remote kermit, but different from the
122    end_of_packet character.  (Default is SOH, octal 001)
123 timeout N
124    how many seconds Multics-Kermit wants the remote Kermit to wait
125    for a packet from Multics before trying again, where N is an
126    integer value between 5 and 20.  (Default is 15)