1 03/20/85 hasp_host_operators_console, hhoc
3 Syntax as a command: hhoc tty_channel control_arguments
4 attach_arguments
7 Function: is used to simulate the operation of the operator's console
8 of a HASP workstation. The operator's console is used to identify a
9 workstation to a remote system, to issue commands governing the
10 operation of the workstation, and to receive status information from
11 the remote system.
14 Arguments:
15 tty_channel
16 is the name of the terminal channel to be attached as the operator's
17 console. This channel must be configured as the console sub-channel
18 of a HASP multiplexer channel eg: a.h014.op. See the Multics
19 Communications Administrator's Manual, Order No. CC75, for a
20 further description of the HASP multiplexer.
23 Control arguments:
24 -signon STR
25 specifies that the remote host requires a SIGNON record to be
26 transmitted before data transmission may occur. STR is the text of
27 the control record; it may be up to 80 characters in length. Before
28 transmission it is translated to uppercase and the remote system's
29 character is set.
30 -no_signon
31 specifies that the remote host does not require a SIGNON record.
32 Default
35 attach_arguments
36 are options acceptable to the hasp_host_ I/O module. This command
37 supplies the -comm, -tty, and -device options automatically; these
38 options need not be given on the command line. See the Multics
39 Subroutines and I/O Modules manual Order No. AG93 for a
40 description of the hasp_host_ I/O module.
43 Notes: If the remote system requires a SIGNON, the -signon option
44 should be supplied on the command line specifying the exact SIGNON
45 record to be transmitted.
48 List of hasp_host_operators_console requests: The following requests
49 are recognized by hasp_host_operators_console when given at the
50 beginning of a line of terminal input:
51 .. <REST_OF_LINE>
52 the rest of the line is passed to the Multics command processor for
53 execution as ordinary commands.
56 .
57 prints a message of the form:
59 hasp_host_operators_console N.N; connected to channel NAME.
61 where N.N is the current version of this program and NAME identifies
62 the channel connected as a console to the remote system.
63 quit
64 causes the command to hangup the operator's console channel and
65 return to Multics command level.