1 1/19/83  examples of forum transaction specifiers
 3 14                            Transaction 14
 4 u                             The unprocessed transaction.
 5 +5                            Transaction current+5
 6 /budget/                      All transactions containing the string "budget"
 7 p:l -from JBSmith             Transactions in the range previous thru last
 8                                entered by participant JBSmith
 9 fref                          First transaction in the chain of transactions
10                                which make reference to each other and include
11                                the current transaction
12 new                           All transactions never printed or written
13 1:c-5 -sj /pl1/ -from Baker   Transactions in the range 1 thru five before the
14                                current which contain the string "pl1" in the
15                                subject and were entered by participant Baker
16 aref /solutions/ SDLee        Transactions in the current reference chain
17                                which contain the string "solutions".
20 aref -before 11/1/82          All transactions in the current reference
21                               entered before 11/1/82.
22 unseen -after_time "12/1/82 2PM"
23                               all transactions entered after 2:00 PM on
24                               12/1/82 which have not been printed or
25                               written.
26 -between 12/1/82 12/31/82     all transactions entered in December, 1982
29 Examples of transaction specifiers as requests:
30 next                          returns the number of the next transaction.
31 previous 10                   returns the number of the transaction before
32                                transaction 10.
33 fref 40                       returns the number of the first transaction in
34                                the same reference chain as transaction 40.
35 aref [first]                  returns the numbers of all transactions that
36                                are in the same reference chain as the first
37                                transaction.
38 next_seen [fu]                returns the number of the first
39                                transaction that has been seen that was
40                                entered after the first transaction that
41                                has not been seen.
44 For details on transaction specifiers, type the forum request
45 'help trans_specs'.