1 12/2/84  forum request:  talk, t
  3 Syntax:  t {-control_args}
  6 Function:
  7 allows a participant to build a new transaction and optionally enter
  8 it into a meeting.
 11 Control arguments:
 12 -auto_write
 13    do not require the "w" request to be given in the editor
 14    in order to save editing changes. This is only meaningful
 15    if the transaction is entered from the terminal and ended
 16    with \f.
 17 -brief, -bf
 18    suppresses the message that says that the transaction was
 19    successfully entered.
 22 -fill, -fi
 23    specifies that the transaction should be filled after the user has
 24    exited input mode. This is the default, unless the -input_file
 25    control argument is used or unless the -no_input_fill (-nif) control
 26    argument was given with the invocation of forum.  The default fill
 27    width is 72, but the user can specify the fill width via the
 28    -line_length control argument or either the -line_length
 29    or -input_line_length control arguments to the forum command.
 30 -force, -fc
 31    overwrites a previous unprocessed transaction without querying.
 32 -input_file pathname, -if pathname
 33    specifies that the segment identified by pathname be entered into
 34    the proceedings. The default is to input the transaction from the
 35    terminal.
 38 -line_length LENGTH, -ll LENGTH
 39    fills the transaction to the specified line length.  The default is
 40    72 columns unless a different value was given with the
 41    -input_line_length or -line_length control arguments to the forum
 42    command.
 43 -long, -lg
 44    print a message indicating that the transaction was successfully
 45    entered. (Default)
 46 -meeting meeting_name, -mtg meeting_name
 47    enters the transaction into the proceedings of the meeting_name
 48    meeting.  The default is to enter the transaction into the
 49    proceedings of the meeting the user is currently attending.
 50    meeting_name may be a meeting name or a pathname.
 53 -no_auto_write
 54    Require the "w" request to be given in the editor
 55    in order to save editing changes. This is only meaningful
 56    if the transaction is entered from the terminal and ended
 57    with \f.  (Default)
 58 -no_fill, -nfi
 59    specifies that the transaction not be filled to the default fill
 60    width when entered.  The default is to fill the transaction, unless
 61    the -input_file control argument is specified or the -no_input_fill
 62    argument was given with the invocation of forum.  The default fill
 63    width is 72, but the user can specify the fill width via the
 64    -line_length control argument or either the -line_length
 65    or -input_line_length control arguments to the forum command.
 66 -no_force, -nfc
 67    query before overwriting a previous unprocessed transaction.
 70 -no_request_loop, -nrql
 71    causes the transaction to be entered into the meeting without first
 72    entering the forum request loop. (Default unless -if is given)
 73 -request_loop, -rql
 74    causes the forum request loop to be entered before the transaction
 75    is entered in the meeting. (default if -if is given)
 76 -subject subject_string, -sj subject_string
 77    Specifies that subject_string be used as the subject, avoiding the
 78    prompt for subject. The default is to prompt the user for the
 79    subject. If subject_string contains spaces, it must be quoted.
 80 -terminal_input, -ti
 81    Specifies that the transaction be input from the user's terminal.
 82    (Default)
 85 Notes on terminal input:
 86 Unless the user makes use of the -input_file control argument, the
 87 transaction will be built by taking lines from the user's terminal.
 88 There are three methods of exiting from terminal input mode:
 90    line consisting of the single character period (.)
 91           Enters the transaction as is, returns to forum request level.
 93    \f
 94           Exits terminal input mode and invokes 'qedx' editor on transaction.
 96    \q or \fq
 97           Exits terminal input mode and enters forum request loop.
100 Notes:
101 A transaction which was not entered via the period (.) exit from
102 terminal input mode may be entered from forum request level via the
103 'enter' request.  Type 'help enter' from forum request level for
104 details.