1 7/2/83  forum request:  retrieve, rt
 3 Syntax:  rt trans_specs
 6 Function:
 7 Allows participants to retrieve specified transactions that were previously
 8 deleted with the 'delete' request.  The chairman may retrieve any
 9 deleted transaction. Other participants may only retrieve transactions
10 that they authored and then deleted.
13 Arguments:
14 trans_specs
15    are transaction specifiers which determine the transactions to be
16    retrieved.  Use the forum request "help trans_specs" for more
17    information on transaction specifiers.
21 List of transaction specification control arguments:
22 -after DT, -af DT
23    selects transactions entered on or after the the date specified.
24    The time of day is ignored.
25 -after_time DT, -aft DT
26    selects transactions entered after the date_time specified.
27 -before DT, -be DT
28    selects transactions entered before the date specified. The time
29    of day is ignored.
30 -before_time DT, -bet DT
31    selects transactions entered before the date_time specified.
32 -between DT1 DT2, -bt DT1 DT2
33    selects transactions entered between the dates specified,
34    inclusive.  The times of day are ignored.
37 -between_time DT1 DT2, -btt DT1 DT2
38    selects transactions entered between the date_times specified,
39    inclusive.
40 -date DT, -dt DT
41    selects transactions entered on the day specified.
42 -from Person_id, -fm Person_id
43    selects transactions entered by the participant named Person_id.
44 -subject /regexp/, -sj /regexp/
45    selects transactions whose subjects match the given regular
46    expression.
47 -text /regexp/, -tx /regexp/
48    selects transactions whose text matches the given regular
49    expression.