1 1/21/85  forum request:  print, pr, p
  3 Syntax:  p {trans_specs} {-control_args}
  6 Function:
  7 prints specified transactions on the terminal.
 10 Arguments:
 11 trans_specs
 12    are transaction specifiers which determine the transactions to be
 13    printed.  Use the forum request "help trans_specs" for more
 14    information on transaction specifiers.  If no transaction specifiers
 15    are supplied, the unprocessed transaction will be printed if there
 16    is one, otherwise the current transaction will be printed.
 19 Control arguments:
 20 -by_chain
 21    specifies that transactions are to be grouped by transaction chain.
 22 -fill, -fi
 23    specifies that transactions are to be filled before being printed.
 24 -include_deleted, -idl
 25    selects transactions even if they have been deleted. See "Notes"
 26    below. Default is -only_non_deleted.
 27 -initial
 28    selects only transactions which are at the beginning of transaction
 29    chains.
 30 -line_length LENGTH, -ll LENGTH
 31    fills the transaction to the specified line length.  The default
 32    is 72 columns unless a different value was given with the
 33    -output_line_length or -line_length control argument to the forum
 34    command.
 37 -meeting meeting_name, -mtg meeting_name
 38    indicates that the specified transactions are to be selected from
 39    the meeting_name meeting.  The default is to select transactions
 40    from the current meeting.
 41 -no_fill, -nfi
 42    suppresses filling of transactions.  (Default)
 43 -only_deleted, -odl
 44    select only deleted transactions. See "Notes" below. Default is
 45    -only_non_deleted.
 46 -only_non_deleted, -ondl
 47    select only non-deleted transactions. (Default)
 48 -reverse, -rv
 49    causes transactions to be printed in the reverse order that they
 50    were given in the transaction specifier.
 53 -trailer_format TYPE, -tfmt TYPE
 54    specifies the format of the trailer line printed by the print
 55    and write requests after each transaction.   TYPE must be one of:
 57    none
 58       no trailer is printed.
 59    number, nb
 60       a trailer containing the transaction number is printed.
 61    more
 62       a trailer containing the transaction number is printed.  If there
 63       is a subsequent transaction in the same chain, "(more)" is
 64       also printed.
 65    references, refs
 66       a trailer containing the transaction number and the numbers of
 67       the previous and next transaction is printed.  (Default)
 70 List of transaction specification control arguments:
 71 -after DT, -af DT
 72    selects transactions entered on or after the the date specified.
 73    The time of day is ignored.
 74 -after_time DT, -aft DT
 75    selects transactions entered after the date_time specified.
 76 -before DT, -be DT
 77    selects transactions entered before the date specified. The time
 78    of day is ignored.
 79 -before_time DT, -bet DT
 80    selects transactions entered before the date_time specified.
 81 -between DT1 DT2, -bt DT1 DT2
 82    selects transactions entered between the dates specified,
 83    inclusive.  The times of day are ignored.
 86 -between_time DT1 DT2, -btt DT1 DT2
 87    selects transactions entered between the date_times specified,
 88    inclusive.
 89 -date DT, -dt DT
 90    selects transactions entered on the day specified.
 91 -from Person_id, -fm Person_id
 92    selects transactions entered by the participant named Person_id.
 93 -subject /regexp/, -sj /regexp/
 94    selects transactions whose subjects match the given regular
 95    expression.
 96 -text /regexp/, -tx /regexp/
 97    selects transactions whose text match the given regular
 98    expression.
101 Notes:
102 In order to print a deleted transaction, the user must either be the
103 chairman of the meeting, or the author of the deleted transaction.