1 6/2/83 forum request: goto, go, g
3 Syntax: g meeting_name -control_args
6 Function:
7 The goto request is used to enter a meeting, or to switch from one meeting
8 to another. This request requires access to the meeting_name meeting.
11 Argument:
12 meeting_name
13 is the pathname or entryname of an established meeting. If a pathname is
14 specified, it identifies the meeting directly. Otherwise, the "forum"
15 search list will be used in an attempt to locate the meeting. The
16 '.control' suffix is optional. Either this argument or the "-meeting"
17 control argument must be given.
20 Control argument:
21 -meeting meeting_name, -mtg meeting_name
22 enters the meeting whose pathname or entryname is meeting_name.
23 See the description of the meeting_name argument above.
24 -no_return_on_error, -nroe
25 does not return to the current meeting if meeting_name does not exist
26 or cannot be opened for any other reason. Default
27 -return_on_error, -roe
28 returns to the current meeting if the new meeting cannot be opened.