1 6/27/82  forum request: expunge
 3 Syntax:  expunge {-control_args}
 6 Function:  Physically removes deleted participant records and
 7 transactions from a meeting and freeing their storage. This
 8 request also checks the consistency of the control segment and
 9 will attempt to salvage invalid transaction and attendee records.
12 Control arguments:
13 -brief, -bf
14    Suppresses the messages indicating how many participants and
15    transactions were expunged.
16 -force, -fc
17    Does not ask if the user really wants to expunge the meeting.
18 -long, -lg
19    Prints messages indicating how many participants and transactions
20    were expunged. (Default)
21 -participants, -part
22    Specifies that only attendee records are to be expunged. The default
23    is to expunge both attendee records and transactions.
24 -transactions, -trans
25    Specifies that only transactions are to be expunged. The default
26    is to expunge both attendee records and transactions.
29 Notes:  Only the chairman of the meeting may issue this request.