1 01/22/82 forum request: .
3 Syntax: .
6 Function:
7 Prints information about the current version of forum, the forum
8 the user is attending if any and the unprocessed transaction if any.
9 The format of the output is:
11 forum 1.0: 0 new, 220 last, 220 current.
12 Attending the >udd>Company>forums>excursions forum.
13 12 lines unprocessed; subject: Re: picnic
15 If the user is attending a forum, the number of new unseen transactions,
16 the transaction number of the last transaction, and the number of the current
17 transaction are printed. If the user has built a transaction but not yet
18 entered it into a forum, the subject and number of lines in that transaction
19 are printed.