1 7/2/83  forum request:  apply, ap
  3 Syntax:  ap {trans_specs} {-control_args} command_line
  6 Function:
  7 places the text of the specified transaction into a temporary segment,
  8 catenates the pathname of this segment to the end of command_line and
  9 executes the resulting Multics command line.  If the unprocessed
 10 transaction is specified, the transaction text is updated from the
 11 contents of the temporary segment after execution.
 14 Arguments:
 15 trans_specs
 16    are transaction specifiers. If no trans_specs are given, the
 17    unprocessed transation is selected. If there is no unprocessed
 18    transaction, one is created. Type "help trans_specs" for more
 19    information on transaction specifiers.
 20 command_line
 21    is the Multics command line to which is catenated the pathname of the
 22    temporary segment before execution.
 25 Control arguments:
 26 -by_chain
 27    specifies that transactions are to be grouped by transaction chain.
 28 -fill, -fi
 29    specifies that the unprocessed transaction is to be refilled upon
 30    return from the command. This is the default unless the
 31    -no_input_fill control argument was given to the forum command or
 32    unless the -no_fill control argument was given to the talk or reply
 33    request.
 34 -include_deleted, -idl
 35    lists transactions even if they have been deleted. See "Notes"
 36    below. Default is -only_non_deleted.
 37 -initial
 38    only lists transactions which are first in transaction chains.
 41 -no_fill, -nfi
 42    specifies that the transaction is not to be refilled upon return
 43    from the command.
 44 -only_deleted, -odl
 45    list only deleted transactions. See "Notes" below. Default is
 46    -only_non_deleted.
 47 -only_non_deleted, -ondl
 48    list only non-deleted transactions. (Default)
 49 -reverse, -rv
 50    causes transactions to be listed in the reverse order that they were
 51    given in the transaction specifier.
 54 List of transaction specification control arguments:
 55 -after DT, -af DT
 56    selects transactions entered on or after the the date specified.
 57    The time of day is ignored.
 58 -after_time DT, -aft DT
 59    selects transactions entered after the date_time specified.
 60 -before DT, -be DT
 61    selects transactions entered before the date specified. The time
 62    of day is ignored.
 63 -before_time DT, -bet DT
 64    selects transactions entered before the date_time specified.
 65 -between DT1 DT2, -bt DT1 DT2
 66    selects transactions entered between the dates specified,
 67    inclusive.  The times of day are ignored.
 70 -between_time DT1 DT2, -btt DT1 DT2
 71    selects transactions entered between the date_times specified,
 72    inclusive.
 73 -date DT, -dt DT
 74    selects transactions entered on the day specified.
 75 -from Person_id, -fm Person_id
 76    selects transactions entered by the participant named Person_id.
 77 -subject /regexp/, -sj /regexp/
 78    selects transactions whose subjects match the given regular
 79    expression.
 80 -text /regexp/, -tx /regexp/
 81    selects transactions whose text matches the given regular
 82    expression.
 85 Notes: The supplied command line need not be enclosed in quotes.
 86 However, if there are (), [], or "'s in the command line which should
 87 be processed by the Multics command processor, they should be enclosed
 88 in quotes to prevent processing by forum's request processor.
 90 If more than one transaction is selected, the command line is applied
 91 to each selected transaction in turn.  In order to select a deleted
 92 transaction, the user must either be the chairman of the meeting, or
 93 the author of the deleted transaction.
 96 Examples:
 97 This request may be used to edit the unprocessed transaction with an
 98 editor other than qedx or ted.  For example, the request
100    !  apply emacs
102 will invoke the emacs editor on the transaction.
104 The request
106    !  apply aref send_mail Smith -sj Transactions -if
108 will send each transaction in the current chain as mail to the user
109 Smith.