1 11/14/84  forum_request:  announce_meeting, anm
 3 Syntax: anm {-control_argument}
 6 Function:  Places an announcement of the current meeting in another
 7 meeting. This announcement can be used with the add_meeting request by
 8 other users in order to add this meeting to their search list.
11 Control arguments:
12 -enter_description, -eds
13    prompts the user for a textual description of the meeting instead of
14    using the text of the first transaction in the announcement.
15 -force, -fc
16    enters the announcement without querying.
17 -meeting MEETING, -mtg MEETING
18    specifies the name of the meeting where the announcement is to be placed.
19    If -meeting is not given, the announcement is placed in the site's
20    default directory, normally >site>forum_dir>Meetings_Directory.
21 -no_force, -nfc
22    asks if the announcement should be entered before proceeding.
23    (Default)