1 12/24/85  forum_request:  add_meeting, am
 3 Syntax: am {trans_specs} {meeting_names} {-control_args}
 6 Function:  adds meetings to the user's "forum" search list by placing
 7 links to them in the directory >udd>Project>Person>meetings, and makes
 8 the user a participant in the meeting.
11 Arguments:
12 trans_specs
13    are transaction specifiers identifying transactions created by the
14    announce_meeting request. If any trans_specs are given, they must precede
15    all meeting_names. At least one trans_spec or meeting_name must be
16    given.  Type "help trans_specs" for more information on transaction
17    specifiers.
18 meeting_names
19    are pathnames of forum meetings to be added to the search list.
22 Control arguments:
23 -brief, -bf
24    suppresses some informational messages.
25 -current_meeting, -cmtg
26    adds the current meeting to the search list.
27 -directory PATH, -dr PATH
28    places the links in the specified directory instead of the default
29    directory of >udd>Project>Person>meetings.
30 -force, -fc
31    adds the link even if the user is not eligible to participate in the
32    meeting.
33 -long, -lg
34    prints all informational messages.  (Default)
37 -no_force, -nfc
38    does not add the link if the user is not eligible to participate in
39    the meeting.  (Default)
40 -update, -ud
41    changes all links to version 1 meetings into links to a version 2
42    meeting if that meeting exists in the directory that the link points
43    to.
46 List of transaction specification control arguments:
47 -after DT, -af DT
48    selects transactions entered on or after the the date specified.
49    The time of day is ignored.
50 -after_time DT, -aft DT
51    selects transactions entered after the date_time specified.
52 -before DT, -be DT
53    selects transactions entered before the date specified. The time
54    of day is ignored.
55 -before_time DT, -bet DT
56    selects transactions entered before the date_time specified.
57 -between DT1 DT2, -bt DT1 DT2
58    selects transactions entered between the dates specified,
59    inclusive.  The times of day are ignored.
62 -between_time DT1 DT2, -btt DT1 DT2
63    selects transactions entered between the date_times specified,
64    inclusive.
65 -date DT, -dt DT
66    selects transactions entered on the day specified.
67 -from Person_id, -fm Person_id
68    selects transactions entered by the participant named Person_id.
69 -subject /regexp/, -sj /regexp/
70    selects transactions whose subjects match the given regular
71    expression.
72 -text /regexp/, -sj /regexp/
73    selects transactions whose subjects match the given regular
74    expression.
77 Notes:  If the directory >udd>Project>Person>meetings does not exist,
78 and the -directory control argument is not given, a link with that name
79 pointing to >udd>Project>Person is created in >udd>Project>Person.