1 10/19/80 RMAIL- Emacs mail reading/sending subsytem
  4 **This file is intended to be perused via dprint, print, or via an**
  5 **editor.  It is not intended to be perused with the help command **
 10 ^L
 11      The Emacs mail system provides a facility for reading, sending, and
 12 responding to Multics mail within Emacs, utilizing the standard Emacs features
 13 and the interfaces of the Multics mail system.  Known deficiencies/misfeatures
 14 will be detailed below.  RMAIL is modeled after ITS RMAIL.
 16      ------------------------------ ------------------------------
 18      There are two basic functions, sending mail and reading mail.  The Emacs
 19 command for sending mail is
 21           ^XM       send-mail
 23 Issuing this command will prompt for a "Subject", which should be supplied,
 24 terminated by a carriage return.  This subject will be incorporated into the
 25 buffer name, so it should be short.  A buffer will be formatted up with the
 26 mail in it, header prefabricated.  The buffer will be placed  in an available
 27 window (like ^X^E (comout) does).  Fill mode will be turned on with a fill
 28 column of 72.  The buffer is now in MAIL mode, which defines the following
 29 commands:
 31     ^XA   mail-append.  Go to the end of the body of the mail. Use this to
 32           start inputting the text after you have set the destination, or
 33           to go back to the text after editing some header field.
 35     ^XT   mail-to.  Go to the end of the "To:" line, to add a recipient.
 36           You will be left here when the MAIL buffer is entered, to enter
 37           the first recipient.  Then use ^XA to continue. Separate
 38           recipients (like all header fields) with commas, i.e.,
 40           To:       Washington.States, Consultant.c
 42     ^XF   mail-from. Go to the end of the "From:" line, to edit it, or
 43           add more sender's names.
 45     ^XJ   mail-subject.  Go to the end of the "Subject:" line, to edit it.
 47     ^XC   mail-cc. Go to the end of the "Cc:" (carbon copy recipients)
 48           line, making one if there is none, so that you can type in the
 49           destination of a carbon copy recipient.
 51     ^XY   mail-reply-to. Generate a "Reply-To" field, if none exists,
 52           and go to it.  The destination put here will be used for replies
 53           if a recipient of your mail uses RMAIL (or another mail system) to
 54           automatically reply to your message.
 56     ^X^S  send-the-mail.  Send the buffer to the recipients specified in the
 57           header.  The relative success of the sendings will be displayed as
 58           local output (2 linefeeds to restore display).
 60     ESC-^F forward-mail-field.  Move forward one recipient, cc recipient, etc.
 61            on this (header) line.  Circles around at end.
 63     ESC-^B backward-mail-field.  Move backward one recipient, cc recipient,
 64            etc. on this (header) line. Circles around at end.
 66     ESC-^D delete-mail-field.  Delete, including necessary commas, the
 67            single header item (recipient, etc.) that the cursor is on.
 69     ^XL   rmail-logger-append.  Log the message into a file, placing it at
 70           the end, separated by a formfeed. With an argument, or the first
 71           time, the pathname of the log file is prompted for.  Otherwise,
 72           the same file last used by ^XL or ^XP is used.
 74     ^XP   rmail-logger-append.  Same as ^XL, but puts message at the front
 75           of the file.
 77      Three forms of recipient (or cc recipient) destinations are accepted:
 79           Jones.States                  (standard Multics person.project)
 80           Jones                         (link mailbox in Daemon mailbox dir)
 81           Mxyptlk at KRYPTON-KL10       (ARPANET address, PERSON at SITE)
 83      Parenthetical comments in destinations are ignored, thus:
 85           Muhammad (I am the Greatest) Ali at (the) WBA
 87 gets set to "Muhammad Ali" at Site WBA, as per RFC 733. Quote processing
 88 is done, too, and a field between <> brackets makes all outside it
 89 (in a given address) a comment (as per RFC 733, which is visible
 90 on Multics as mail_format.gi.info).
 92      Net mail sending is done via the Network Mailer Daemon; net connect
 93 access is NOT required; you should be prepared for an acknowledgement message
 94 from the Mailer Daemon.
 96      Your name will be given as
 98           From:     Destructo.CHAOS
100 or, if this site is on the ARPANET
102           From:     Destructo.CHAOS  at RANDUM-MULTIX
104 If RMAIL knows your real name, you will get
106           From:     Myron P. Destructo <Destructo.CHAOS at RANDUM-MULTIX>
108 RMAIL knows your name if either your site Emacs expert has placed it in the
109 "rmail-full-name-table" in the "emacs environment directory" (see him or her
110 about this) or if you have a form setting "my-personal-name" in your startup,
111 e.g.,
113           (setq my-personal-name "Myron P. Destructo")
115      If the Lisp variable "mail-mode-hook" is bound by the user, the atomic
116 symbol to which it is bound will be called as a function with no arguments
117 whenever a mail-mode buffer is created.  This be used to set mail-mode key
118 bindings.
120      ------------------------------ ------------------------------
122      Mail reading is performed via the command
124           ^XR       rmail
126 By default, mail is read in your personal default mailbox,
127 >udd>your-project>you>you.mbx.  If ^XR is given an argument, e.g., ^U^XR, the
128 "mailbox name" is prompted for.  This may take any of the forms
130           Person.Project
131           <pathname>          (with or without ".mbx" suffix)
132           Person              (if a link to Person.mbx exists in the ARPANET
133                                mailbox link directory)
135 If you have no mail in the selected mailbox, a message will be issued to this
136 effect.  Otherwise, the first message in the mailbox will be displayed in a
137 buffer, in RMAIL mode.  This buffer is read-only;  the following extra
138 commands (all normal commands are here too) apply in RMAIL mode:  NB:  these
139 are mostly NOT control characters, but regular characters!:  (note also
140 that numeric araguments may be typed directly, e.g., 3 g to go
141 to message 3, without ESC or ^U):
144    n      Move on to the next message.
145    p      Move back to the previous message.
146    l      Move to the last message in your mailbox.
147    g      Move to message number (argument), i.e.,
148           3 g  to go to message # 3.
149    j      Same as g.
150    d      Delete (i.e., queue for deletion when rmail is exited)
151           this message, move on to next undeleted message.
152    D      Same as d, but moves backward.
153    u      Undelete the last (stacked) deleted message.
154    c      Copy the message to some other mailbox.  A mailbox name will
155           be prompted for; anything acceptable to ^XR (as above) is ok.
156    q      Quit out of rmail, returning to buffer from which
157           rmail was invoked, deleting all messages marked for
158           deletion.
159    s      Summarize (as local output) all undeleted messages.
160           May take a little time for full mailboxes.
161    ^XL    Log the message to an ASCII file, at the end of the file.
162           See the description above under the mail-sending commands.
163    ^XP    Same as ^XL, but "prepends" to the front.  See the description
164           above under mail-sending commands.
166    m      Send mail, not necessarily a reply (see r).  Indentical to
167           ^XM, send-mail, but ESC-^Y, ^X^Q and ^X^S are defined as below
168           for the r command, for convenience while RMAIL'ing.
170    r      Reply to sender, via MAIL mode.  Formats up a MAIL mode buffer to
171           reply to the current message, copying the subject (if any), or
172           making one up, and setting up as a destination the sender's address
173           that he/she would like to be responded to at. With a numeric
174           argument, i.e, 1r, responds to other recipients as well:
175           we do not do so by default.  This command is EXTREMELY effective
176           in 2-window mode, in which case the response will be put in the
177           other window, and ESC-^V (page-other-window) may be used to "page"
178           the letter you are responding to as you respond.  When in RMAIL
179           reply mode, (variant of MAIL mode set up for this purpose), the
180           following three ADDITIONAL commands apply, other than the normal MAIL
181           mode commands and the standard Emacs commands:
183              ESC-^Y rmail-yank-mail
185                     Yanks the text and header of the original piece of
186                     mail being responded to, indented, by default, by
187                     4 (opt rmail-original-yank-indent controls this number).
189              ^X^Q   return-to-rmail
191                     returns to RMAIL, and its window  without sending the
192                     message.
194              ^X^S   send-from-rmail
196                     Actually sends the reply, and returns to RMAIL and its
197                     window.
202      It is important to quit (q) out of RMAIL before leaving Emacs;  Messages
203 do not actually get deleted unless you quit out of RMAIL (or, equivalently,
204 answer "yes" to "All messages deleted.  Quit RMAIL?").
206      If the Lisp variable "rmail-mode-hook" is bound by the user,
207 the atomic symbol to which it is bound will be called as a function with
208 no arguments before the first message is displayed.  This can
209 be used to set RMAIL-mode key bindings.
211      ------------------------------ ------------------------------
212 People who receive a lot of mail from a lot of people and or
213 ARPAnet sites may want to set the variable "rmail-names-for-me"
214 in their startup.  This variable is set to a list of valid
215 addresses which should NOT be included among recipients of any
216 piece of mail generated by rmail-reply with an argument.
217 This is to prevent sending yourself mail.  Project names of
218 "*" as well as host names of "*" are permitted.
220   Example:
221     (setq rmail-names-for-me
222           '("bsg.*" "Greenberg.*" "BSG1.*" "Greenb1 @ Foo-Unix"
223                     "BSG @ *"))
225 By default, rmail-reply will suppress responding the the same
226 name as would be put in the From field by send-mail (^XM).
227 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
228      Current lossages, deficiencies, and unimplementeds (3/17/79)
230 1. We don't send mail acknowledgements.
232 2. We currently have no facility for forwarding mail.
234                                         (END)