1 Multics Emacs Commands (Fundamental mode) 7/22/90
   3           K^H__^He_^Hy_^Hs _^Ha_^Hn_^Hd _^Ht_^Hh_^He_^Hi_^Hr _^Hb_^Hi_^Hn_^Hd_^Hi_^Hn_^Hg_^Hs
   4                     (Extended (esc-X) commands are listed at the end.)
   6 #                   rubout-char
   8    Deletes  the  previous  character  (before the cursor, which is usually the
   9    last  character  typed,  like  in  normal Multics.) Note that # deletes the
  10    character  to the left of the cursor, while ^D deletes the character at the
  11    cursor.
  13 @                   kill-to-beginning-of-line
  15    Kills all the text on the current line to the left of the cursor.  The text
  16    killed is saved on the kill ring, and may be retrieved with ^Y.
  18 CR                  new-line
  20    Inserts  a  newline  character into the buffer at the current point, ending
  21    the  current  line,  and starting a new one.  If entered in the middle of a
  22    line,  breaks  the  line  at the current point.  If the next line is empty,
  23    i.e.,  was  made  by a single CR or ^O, CR will just go to it, and will not
  24    insert  a  newline.   However,  the last empty line before a non-empty line
  25    will be left empty.  If there is a fill prefix (see ^X.), CR will insert it
  26    after any newline character it inserts.
  28 ESC                 escape
  30    Used  to enter two-keystroke key sequences, and to supply numeric arguments
  31    to  commands.   For example, to enter the esc-K command, type ESC then a K.
  32    To  supply  a  numeric argument to a command, type ESC, the number, and the
  33    command.  For example, ESC 3 ^D deletes 3 characters.
  35 \                   escape-char
  37    \NNN  where  NNN are 1 to 3 octal digits, inserts the character whose value
  38    is  NNN  into  the  buffer.  For example, \14 inserts a form-feed (^L).  \\
  39    inserts  a  \;  \#  inserts  a  #; \@ inserts a @.  \ followed by any other
  40    character  inserts  \  and  that  character  (except  \ CR, which inserts a
  41    newline).
  43 \177                rubout-char
  45    Deletes  the  previous  character  (before the cursor, which is usually the
  46    last  character  typed, like in normal Multics.) Note that \177 deletes the
  47    character  to the left of the cursor, while ^D deletes the character at the
  48    cursor.
  50 ^@                  set-or-pop-the-mark
  52    With  no  argument, i.e., ^@, sets the-mark in this buffer where the cursor
  53    is  now,  and  leaves it there.  The current value of the-mark, if any, and
  54    different than the current point, will be pushed on the mark ring.  It will
  55    move  around  properly if the text around the-mark is deleted.  See ^X^X to
  56    verify  where  the-mark is.  With an argument, i.e., ^U ^@, pops a mark off
  57    the  mark  ring,  and  positions  to it.  Successive ^U ^@'s will "try" all
  58    marks on the mark ring.
  60 ^A                  go-to-beginning-of-line
  62    Position  to  the  beginning of the current line of the buffer.  That is to
  63    say, right before the first character.
  65 ^B                  backward-char
  67    Move  backward  one  character  in  the  buffer.   Tabs,  and  the  newline
  68    characters  at the ends of lines count as one character.  Will command-quit
  69    at the beginning of the buffer.
  71 ^C                  re-execute-command
  73    Re-execute  the  last keystroke (command), other than ^J or ^C.  If used to
  74    repeat  a  search, the search will be repeated with the same search string.
  75    Useful for skipping successive words, etc.
  77 ^D                  delete-char
  79    Delete  the  character  to  the  right  of  the current point.  This is the
  80    character  on  which the cursor sits.  Move the rest of the line one to the
  81    right,  closing  up  the  space.   Deleting  a newline at the end of a line
  82    merges lines.
  84 ^E                  go-to-end-of-line
  86    Position  to the end of the current line: that is, after the last character
  87    and  before  the  linefeed.   On  an  empty  line,  this is the same as the
  88    beginning of the line.
  90 ^F                  forward-char
  92    Move forward one character.  Tabs and newlines count as one character each.
  93    Will command-quit at the end of the buffer.
  95 ^G                  command-prompt-abort
  97    Quit  out  of  the  current minibuffer prompt if any, and ring the bell (or
  98    beep).  May be used to exit a minibuffer you did not intend to get into, or
  99    just to tell when Emacs has "caught up."
 101 ^J                  noop
 103    Linefeed;  ignored.  See also ^L.  Good for exiting displays (such as ^X^B,
 104    apropos, etc.)
 107 ^K                  kill-lines
 109    Kill  to  end  of  line,  except  when  already  at end of line, delete the
 110    linefeed  (merge  lines).   If  on  an  empty  line, delete it.  If given a
 111    numeric  argument, deletes that many lines, starting from the current point
 112    on the current line.
 114 ^L                  redisplay-command
 116    Clear  the  screen,  and  display the current window of the current buffer,
 117    centered  about  the  current  line.  Useful if your screen is messed up by
 118    messages (although see accept-msgs), non-Emacs output, etc.  With a numeric
 119    argument,  moves current line to that line from the top of screen; ESC-1 ^L
 120    moves  current  line to top, for example.  With a negative argument, a line
 121    counting from the bottom of the screen will be used.
 123 ^N                  next-line-command
 125    Position to the next line of the buffer.  If on the last line now, append a
 126    new  empty  line to the bottom of the buffer, and position to the beginning
 127    (and  end)  of  it.   Successive  ^N's  and  ^P's  try to maintain the same
 128    horizontal position.
 130 ^O                  open-space
 132    Open  up space by putting a newline AHEAD of the current point.  Pushes all
 133    lines  of the buffer below the current line down one.  For instance, ^U^U^O
 134    will open up 16 lines.  See ^X^O to remove (extra) blank lines.
 136 ^P                  prev-line-command
 138    Move to previous line of the buffer.  Will command-quit if on first line of
 139    the  buffer.  Attempt to maintain the same horizontal position.  Successive
 140    ^P's and ^N's will try to maintain the original horizontal position.
 142 ^Q                  quote-char
 144    "Quote"  the  next  character,  i.e.,  insert it into the buffer literally.
 145    This  is used to enter control characters and other "funny" characters into
 146    the  buffer,  i.e.,  ^Q# to insert a pound sign.  ^Q CR, however, inserts a
 147    single  Newline  chaacter  (Newline  characters  separate  lines in Multics
 148    files.)
 150 ^R                  reverse-string-search
 152    Reverse search.  Leave cursor positioned before matching string, don't move
 153    cursor  if  not found.  Prompts for search string in minibuffer, which must
 154    be ended with CR.
 156 ^S                  string-search
 158    Search  for  a  character  string,  from  current  point  in buffer to end.
 159    Prompts  for  string  in  minibuffer, and leaves point, if search succeeds,
 160    after  the  matched  string.  End search string with CR.  ^SCR re-uses last
 161    search string.  If search fails, point will not move.
 163 ^T                  twiddle-chars
 165    Twiddle  (transpose,  interchange)  the  last two characters typed, like, I
 166    like Mutl^Tics becua^Tse...  etc.
 169 ^U                  multiplier
 171    Multiplier.   When not followed by a number, multiplies the next command by
 172    4  for  each  use.  i.e., ^U^D deletes 4 chars.  ^U^U^D deletes 16.  With a
 173    number, uses that, i.e., ^U13x inserts 13 x's.
 175 ^V                  next-screen
 177    Display  next  screenful  of  this buffer.  Leave cursor at upper left hand
 178    corner of screen.  With an argument, displays that many screens ahead.
 180 ^W                  wipe-region
 182    Wipe (kill) all text between cursor and the-mark.  Succeeding kill commands
 183    (like  ^K, NOT ^W) will merge killed text.  The killed text is saved on the
 184    kill ring, and can be retrieved with ^Y.
 186 ^X#                 kill-backward-sentence
 188    Kill  backwards  to  the  beginning  of  this sentence: kill as much of the
 189    sentence   as   thus  far  typed.   Successive  kills  via  ^X#  and  other
 190    reverse-killing commands (e.g., esc-#) merge, and may be retrieved with one
 191    ^Y.
 193 ^X(                 begin-macro-collection
 195    Start  learning all which follows as a macro, until ^X) or an error occurs.
 196    All commands and input between ^X( and ^X) will be remembered as a "macro",
 197    which can be executed by ^XE, or saved and assigned to a key by save-macro,
 198    and displayed by ^X*.
 201 ^X)                 end-macro-collection
 203    End  a macro definition.  The commands and input typed since ^X( become the
 204    "last  macro  defined"  for  ^XE,  which see.  If given a numeric argument,
 205    re-executes  the defined macro as ^XE does (see that command).  See ^X( for
 206    what a macro is.
 208 ^X*                 show-last-or-current-macro
 210    Display  the  commands  (as  keystrokes, i.e., ^A, ESC-B, etc.) in the last
 211    macro defined (see ^X().  If given a numeric argument, i.e., ^U^X*, display
 212    the keystrokes and command names.
 214 ^X.                 set-fill-prefix
 216    Set "fill prefix" in this buffer to be whatever is between the beginning of
 217    the  line  and  the cursor.  The "fill prefix" is inserted automatically by
 218    CR,  autofill,  and runoff-paragraph.  If the cursor is at the beginning of
 219    the line when ^X.  is issued, the fill prefix is reset (i.e., there will be
 220    no fill prefix).  It may be used to establish a "left margin".
 222 ^X0                 remove-window
 224    Removes  a  window  from  the  screen; only valid if there is more than one
 225    window  on  the  screen.  With no argument, ^X0 removes the current window.
 226    With  a  numeric argument, it removes the window specified by the argument.
 227    The uppermost window is window 1.
 229 ^X1                 expand-window-to-whole-screen
 231    The  window  in which the cursor appears will be expanded to fill the whole
 232    screen; all other windows will be removed.  This in essence returns to "one
 233    window mode" from having any number of windows.  The cursor will retain its
 234    position in the text.  See ^Z^W.
 236 ^X2                 create-new-window-and-go-there
 238    Creates  a  new  window  at the bottom of the screen, redividing the screen
 239    equally  among  the  windows  there.   The  cursor will be moved to the new
 240    window,  which will have a buffer name created from its window number.  See
 241    ^Z^W.
 243 ^X3                 create-new-window-and-stay-here
 245    Create  a  new  window  at  the bottom of the screen, redividing the screen
 246    equally  among  all  the windows.  The cursor remains where it is.  The new
 247    window,  which  has  a  default buffer name created from its window number,
 248    becomes the "least recently used window".  See ^X4 and ^Z^W.
 250 ^X4                 select-another-window
 252    The  cursor  is  moved  to the least-recently visited window on the screen.
 253    That  window  then  becomes  the  most-recently  visited.  Thus, successive
 254    applications  of  ^X4  will visit all windows on the screen.  ^X4 is a good
 255    command  to  use  when  you  want to visit some new buffer or file, but not
 256    overwrite windows containing information you have been looking at recently.
 257    With an argument, i.e., ESC 3 ^X4, goes to that window, e.g., window 3.
 260 ^X;                 set-comment-column
 262    Make  the  "comment-column" in this buffer be the horizontal position where
 263    the  cursor  is  now..   With  an argument, sets the comment column to that
 264    number, counting from the left as column 1.  See esc-;.
 267 ^X=                 linecounter
 269    Display in the minibuffer area the number of lines in this buffer, the line
 270    number  (the  first  line  is line 1) of the line the cursor is on, and the
 271    horizontal column position (on a dprinted line, not the screen).
 273 ^XB                 select-buffer
 275    Switch  to  another buffer.  Prompts for the name of that buffer, terminate
 276    with  CR.   If that buffer does not already exist, it will be created.  All
 277    key bindings, fill column, comment column, comment prefix, etc., associated
 278    with that buffer will be put in effect.  The last point that you were at in
 279    that  buffer  becomes the current point.  ^XBCR goes to the last buffer you
 280    were in.
 282 ^XCR                eval-multics-command-line
 284    Prompt for a Multics command line.  Terminate it with CR.  Multics commands
 285    that produce output may well ruin your screen; if this occurs, use ^L.  Use
 286    ^X^E if you expect output.
 288 ^XD                 edit-dir
 290    Enter  the  directory  editor,  editing  the  working  directory.   With an
 291    argument,  i.e.,  ^U^XD,  prompts  for other directory name.  Position to a
 292    line  with some segment's name on it, and the following commands (keys) may
 293    be used (lower case O.K.):
 295    D       Delete this segment when the directory editor is exited.
 296    U       Undelete, i.e., cancel previous D on this line.
 297    E       Examine (i.e., take a look at) this segment, in a separate
 298              buffer.  Use ^X^Q to get back, and the examine
 299              buffer will disappear of its own accord.
 300    Q       Quit the directory editor.  A list of files will be shown,
 301             and you will be queried if you want to delete them
 302             or not.  To exit without any action use ^XB.
 303    R       Rename this segment.  The new name is prompted for.
 304    N       Same as ^N.
 305    P       Same as ^P.
 307 ^XE                 execute-last-editor-macro
 309    Execute  the  last macro defined (via ^X( ), one or many times depending on
 310    the numeric argument to this command:
 312    No argument:     Execute it once.
 313    0( i.e., ESC-0^XE) Execute it over and over, pausing after each
 314                        execution. Type a space to go on to the next,
 315                        CR or ^G to stop repeating.
 316    1-9999           Do it that many times.
 317    9999-infinity    Do it forever until an error happens.
 319 ^XESC               escape-dont-exit-minibuf
 321    ^XESC  is  the  same  as ESC, and may be used for all ESC-...  commands and
 322    numeric  arguments, but may be used in the minibuffer when typing ESC would
 323    terminate the minibuffer, as in search strings.
 325 ^XF                 set-fill-column
 327    Sets  the  fill  column in the current buffer to be the horizontal position
 328    where  the  cursor  is  now.  The fill column is the "right margin" used by
 329    esc-Q to fill and adjust text, by fill mode to fill and adjust text, and by
 330    esc-S to determine where to center.  The fill column is the first column in
 331    which  text  is  NOT  to  be  placed.   The new value of the fill column is
 332    printed out in the minibuffer.  If a numeric argument is given, e.g., ^U 72
 333    ^XF, the fill column is set to that value.
 335 ^XG                 get-variable
 337    Get  back  a  "variable"  stored  by ^XX.  The name of the variable will be
 338    prompted for; the cursor will be put after it, and the-mark before it.
 340 ^XH                 mark-whole-buffer
 342    Put  the-mark  at  the  end  of the buffer and the cursor at the beginning.
 343    This  "marks"  the  whole  buffer,  so  that  ^W  will delete it, etc.  The
 344    linefeed  at  the end of the buffer is NOT in the marked region, but ^XH ^W
 345    ^XB ...  ^Y will effectively move a whole buffer.
 347 ^XI                 insert-file
 349    Insert  file.   Prompts  for a filename, terminated by CR.  Reads that file
 350    into  the  current  buffer  without destroying the previous contents of the
 351    buffer.   The  file  is read in to the left of the cursor and the cursor is
 352    left  after  the  contents of the file just read.  The default file for the
 353    buffer is not changed.  (See ^X^S.)
 355    Archive  component  pathnames are accepted.  Starnames are accepted, but no
 356    more than one segment or archive component can match the starname.
 358 ^XK                 kill-buffer
 360    Kill  (destroy)  a  buffer.   Prompts  for the buffer's name.  End with CR.
 361    Buffers  may  be  killed  to  conserve  storage, or not to appear in buffer
 362    listings  or  to  prevent  quitting  (see  ^X^C).   If you kill the current
 363    buffer, prompts for another buffer to go to, as in ^XB.
 365 ^XM                 send-mail
 367    Enter  the  Emacs mailer (RMAIL) to compose a letter of outgoing mail.  ^XM
 368    will  prompt  for the mail subject, end the subject with a carriage return.
 369    For full information on reading and sending mail, see rmail.info.
 371 ^XO                 select-other-window
 373    When  in  two-window  mode,  (see ^X2) move the cursor to the other window,
 374    implicitly  (usually)  switching buffers.  The mode line will be updated to
 375    reflect the new buffer.  The cursor will appear at the last point it was in
 376    the  new  window.   In general, the cursor will enter the window used last,
 377    immediately before the current window was entered.
 379 ^XQ                 macro-query
 381    Query.   Only  usable  while  macros are being collected: when the macro is
 382    run, ^XQ will query the user for a character: space will continue execution
 383    of  the  macro.   ^G  will  stop  the macro altogether.  CR or other random
 384    characters will restart the macro from the beginning.  In this way,
 386   ^X( ^S f o o ESC ^XQ esc-U ^X)
 388 will "query replace", i.e., interrogatively upper-case all foo's.
 390 ^XR                 rmail
 392    Enters  the  Emacs RMAIL subsystem to read mail.  Without an argument, that
 393    is,  ^XR, your default mailbox is used.  With an argument, that is, ^U ^XR,
 394    the   mailbox   name,   which   may  take  any  reasonable  form  (such  as
 395    Washington.States, Palter, >udd>m>abc>abc, etc) is prompted for.  The first
 396    message  in  the  mailbox is placed in a buffer in RMAIL mode.  Type "q" to
 397    exit  RMAIL and delete all mail queued for deletion during RMAIL.  Refer to
 398    rmail.info for full info on RMAIL and reading and sending mail.
 400 ^XS                 global-print
 402    Global  print  all  lines a la QEDX.  Prompts for a string.  With a numeric
 403    argument,  i.e.,  ^U^XS,  takes  a QEDX-like regular string.  End in either
 404    case  with  CR.   Prints  all  lines  containing  that  string.  Type ^J or
 405    continue editing to restore buffer display.
 407 ^XV                 view-lines
 409    View  lines  or  region,  for  printing  terminals.   The  optional numeric
 410    argument is how many lines to print- leaves you after them, unless argument
 411    is  1  or  not supplied, in which case it leaves you on current line, after
 412    printing it.  ESC-0^XV views the region (between cursor and the-mark), thus
 413    ^XH  ESC-0^XV  prints  the  whole buffer.  With a negative argument, prints
 414    lines starting that many back.
 416 ^XW                 multi-word-search
 418    Multi-word search.  Prompts for one or more words, terminated by CR.  (this
 419    is  a search string; just CR re-uses last).  Searches from current point to
 420    end  for  those  words  appearing  in order, regardless of case of letters,
 421    underlining,  intervening  punctuation,  whitespace, or line breaks.  Finds
 422    whole words, not parts of words.  A word that ends in * will match the rest
 423    of  a  word  to  *.  With a numeric argument, (^U^XW), goes to beginning of
 424    buffer before searching.
 426 ^XX                 put-variable
 428    Store  away  point/mark region to a "variable", whose name will be prompted
 429    for.  Use ^XG to retreive this value, and list-variables to get it back.
 431 ^X\177              kill-backward-sentence
 433    Kill  backwards  to  the  beginning  of  this sentence: kill as much of the
 434    sentence  as  thus  far  typed.   Successive  kills  via  ^X\177  and other
 435    reverse-killing commands (e.g., esc-#) merge, and may be retrieved with one
 436    ^Y.
 438 ^X^B                list-buffers
 440    Produces listing of buffers and their pathnames.  ">" marks buffer you came
 441    from,  "*"  says  buffer  is  modified  since  it was last read or written.
 442    Proceed with editing, or type ^J to refresh screen.
 444 ^X^C                quit-the-editor
 446    Exit the editor.  If modified buffers exist, they are listed as if by ^X^B;
 447    ^X^C then asks you if you really want to exit the editor.
 449 ^X^E                comout-command
 451    Executes  a Multics command line (prompted for, end with CR), and places the
 452    output  in  a  buffer; if the command line is empty this request is aborted.
 453    The output is placed in the buffer "file_output"; however, if the command is
 454    given  a  numeric  argument  (e.g.   ^U^X^E)  the "comout-command-to-buffer"
 455    command (see below) is executed.  The file_output buffer is made the current
 456    buffer.
 458 ^U^X^E              comout-command-to-buffer
 460    This is like "comout-command", except the user is prompted for the name of a
 461    buffer  (which  is  used  instead  of  "file_output").  This can be made the
 462    normal operation of ^X^E by placing the following line in the start_up.emacs
 463    (see   Appendix   G   for   more   information   on   the   start_up.emacs):
 464    (set-permanent-key "^X^E" comout-command-to-buffer)
 466 ^X^F                find-file
 468    Find  file.   Prompts  for  a  filename,  terminated by CR.  If the file is
 469    already in a buffer, ^X^F goes to that buffer (see ^XB).  If the file is in
 470    more than one buffer, you will be queried about which one (or a new one) to
 471    use.   If  the  file  is  not  in  any buffers, it will be read into a new,
 472    appropriately-named  buffer.  This is the standard way to read in a file or
 473    create a buffer for a new file.
 475    If no such buffer exists, ^X^F reads the file into the buffer whose name is
 476    the  first  component  of  the  entry portion of the filename, and sets the
 477    default   file   of   this   buffer   to   the  file  just  read.   If  the
 478    find-file-set-modes  option  is  on,  ^X^F  will  set the major mode of the
 479    buffer  according  to  the  last  component  of  the  entry  portion of the
 480    filename.   (For example, for the filename ">ldd>include>sst.incl.pl1", the
 481    buffer chosen is "sst" and the major mode is "PL/1".)
 483    ^X^F  will  accept  archive component pathnames (archive::component).  ^X^F
 484    also  accepts  star  names  (including  stars  in the archive and component
 485    names).   When  more  than one star match is found, a ^X^F is done for each
 486    segment/archive component selected.
 488 ^X^G                ignore-prefix
 490    Flush  a  prefix  character.   Used  when a prefix character such as ESC is
 491    entered by accident; causes an audible signal to indicate that the ^X^G has
 492    been executed.  Unlike ^G, does not exit the minibuffer.
 494 ^X^I                indent-rigidly
 496    Re-indents  all  lines  in the region defined by the cursor and the mark by
 497    the  amount specified by the numeric argument.  The numeric argument may be
 498    negative  to  unindent.   All  lines  that  have any characters between the
 499    cursor  and  the  mark  will  be  re-indented; thus, a line with the region
 500    ending at its beginning will not be re-indented.
 502 ^X^L                lower-case-region
 504    Lower-case all letters between the cursor and the mark.
 506 ^X^O                delete-blank-lines
 508    Delete  blank  lines  around  cursor:  get  rid of vertical whitespace.  If
 509    issued  on a blank line, leave one blank line.  Otherwise, delete all blank
 510    lines after this line's end.  See ^O.
 512 ^X^R                read-file
 514    Read file.  Prompts for a filename, terminated by CR.  Reads that file into
 515    the  current  buffer  destroying anything which was in the buffer, and sets
 516    this  buffer's  default  file  to the file read.  The cursor is left at the
 517    first  position of the first line of the file read.  If a blank response is
 518    given  for  the  filename,  the buffer's default file is read.  The default
 519    file is set by ^X^R, ^X^F, and ^X^W.
 521    Archive  component pathnames are accepted.  Starnames are accepted too, but
 522    no more than one segment or archive component must match.
 524 ^X^S                save-same-file
 526    Save  file.  Writes the contents of the current buffer to its default file.
 527    This command is equivalent to ^X^WCR.
 529 ^X^T                toggle-redisplay
 531    Turns  off  all screen updating until the next ^X^T, command-quit, or error
 532    happens.   ^X^T  may  be  used  on  slow  terminals  with  no insert/delete
 533    facilities  to  avoid excessive printing time for operations such as typing
 534    in the middle of a line.
 536 ^X^U                upper-case-region
 538    Upper-case all characters between the cursor and the mark.
 540 ^X^W                write-file
 542    Writes  the  current  buffer out to a file, whose relative pathname will be
 543    prompted  for in the minibuffer.  Terminate response with a CR.  If a blank
 544    or null response is given, write it out to this buffer's default file.  The
 545    file specified becomes the buffer's default file.  See ^X^S.
 547 ^X^X                exchange-point-and-mark
 549    Exchange  the  cursor  and  the-mark,  to  verify what you are getting into
 550    before  typing  ^W  or similar.  Puts the cursor where the-mark is and vice
 551    versa.   ^X^X  ^X^X  quickly verifies the extent of the "point-mark region"
 552    visually  and  puts  things  back.   Use  ^U  ^@ to visit older settings of
 553    the-mark in this buffer.
 555 ^X_                 underline-region
 557    Underlines the region between the point and the mark.  If the option
 558    underline-whitespace is On, underline the spaces also (Default is Off).
 559    With a numeric argument, removes the underlining from the region.
 561 ^Y                  yank
 563    Yank  (retrieve) killed text to cursor.  Unkills last killed word, line, or
 564    region  (^W).   With  a  numeric argument, goes that many killings down the
 565    10-position kill ring.  Leaves the-mark at the front of the retrieved text,
 566    and the point at the end.
 568 ^Z;                 kill-comment
 570    Removes  the comment and the whitespace preceding it from the current line.
 571    The  deleted text is saved on the kill ring, accessible to ^Y.  The text is
 572    saved  in  such a way that folowing ^K's and other forward-killing commands
 573    will merge properly with the deleted text.
 575 ^ZG                 go-to-named-mark
 577    Prompt  for  the  name  of a "named mark", and move the cursor to the point
 578    where that mark was saved.  Use ^Z^@ to set a named mark.
 580 ^Z^@                set-named-mark
 582    Prompt  for the name of a "named mark", and set that named mark to be where
 583    the  cursor is now.  Named marks are valid only in the buffer in which they
 584    were created.  Use ^ZG to go to a named mark.
 586 ^Z^B                edit-buffers
 588    Enters  the  buffer  editor.   If given no argument, i.e., ^Z^B, the buffer
 589    editor  will  set  up  its  display  in  the  current  window.  If given an
 590    argument, i.e., ^U ^Z^B, the buffer editor will find some other appropriate
 591    window   (if  in  two-or-more-window  mode)  to  set  itself  up  in.   See
 592    windows.info for full information on the buffer editor.
 594 ^Z^F                get-filename
 596    Inserts the pathname (as seen in the mode-line below) of the current buffer
 597    at  the  cursor.   With  an  argument, inserts the entryname portion of the
 598    pathname  only.   If  the  pathname  is  an archive component pathname, the
 599    componentname is inserted.
 601 ^Z^G                ignore-prefix
 603    Flush  a  prefix  character.   Used  when a prefix character such as ESC is
 604    entered by accident; causes an audible signal to indicate that the ^Z^G has
 605    been executed.  Unlike ^G, does not exit the minibuffer.
 607 ^Z^V                scroll-current-window
 609    Scrolls the current window (or whole screen, in one-window mode) up or down
 610    a  specified  number  of lines.  The cursor remains on the same line of the
 611    buffer.   The  numeric  argument  tells how many lines to scroll it up; the
 612    default is one line up.  A negative numeric argument indicates scrolling it
 613    down.  Thus, ESC - 3 ^Z^V scrolls the current window three lines down.
 615 ^Z^W                edit-windows
 617    Enter  the window editor to create, realign, destroy, or visit windows.  If
 618    given no argument, i.e., ^Z^W, the window editor will set up its display in
 619    the window where the cursor currently sits.  If given an argument, i.e., ^U
 620    ^Z^W,  the  window editor will find some appropriate window in which to set
 621    up shop.  See windows.info for full information on the window editor.
 623 ^Z^Z                signalquit
 625    Signals  QUIT  to  Multics.  Restores normal tty modes before so doing, and
 626    sets them back as Emacs needs them after having typed start.
 628 ^Z_                 remove-underlining-from-word
 630    Remove  underlining  from  the  current  or  previous  word:  the rules for
 631    selecting which word are the same as those used by uppercase-word.
 633 ^_                  help-on-tap
 635    Gets  help/documentation  at  any time.  This feature is now only partially
 636    complete.  The current repertoire is:
 638   ^_ H  Find out where to get more help.
 639   ^_ ?  Display the current repertoire of ^_
 640   ^_ A  Prompt for a string to search for appropriate
 641          commands (same as esc-X apropos).
 642   ^_ C  Prompt for a key sequence to document (same as
 643          esc-?).
 644   ^_ D  Prompt for the name of an extended command to
 645          document (same as esc-X describe).
 646   ^_ L  Display the last 50 characters typed in.
 647   ^_ ^G Do a command-quit as usual.
 649 esc-#               rubout-word
 651    Delete  the  word  to  the  left  of the current point.  More specifically,
 652    delete  going backwards, deleting characters until the beginning of a word.
 653    Successive  words  deleted  with esc-# are merged and may be retrieved with
 654    one ^Y.
 656 esc-%               query-replace
 658    Interactively  replaces  all  occurences  of  one string with another.  The
 659    command  prompts  for  both  strings  in  the minibuffer, and then searches
 660    forward  for  each  occurrence  of the first string.  Terminate the strings
 661    with  CR.   It positions the cursor immediately after this string and waits
 662    for one of the following responses:
 664   space  -- replaces this particular occurrence of the first string
 665             with the second.  Then searches for the next occurrence of
 666             the first string and waits for a response again.
 667   ,      -- same as space, but redisplays before searching on.
 668             Normally, esc-% redisplays only before prompting.
 669   return -- leaves this occurrence of the first string alone and searches
 670             for the next occurrence of the first string.
 671   period -- replaces this occurrence of the first string with the second
 672             and terminates the query replace.
 673   !      -- Replaces this and all succeeding occurences of the
 674             first string by the second, without asking.
 675   ^G     -- terminates the query replace without modifying this
 676             occurrence of the first string.
 677   ESC    -- same as ^G.
 679 esc-/               regexp-search-command
 681    Search  forward  regular  expression,  `^Ha  la "QEDX".  Terminate the regular
 682    expression  by  CR,  we  supply  the  slashes.   All rules for QEDX regular
 683    expressions  apply.   Searches  forward  from  cursor,  and  can  find many
 684    occurences  of  the  regular  expresion on one line.  Leaves the cursor and
 685    the-mark around the string it finds, so that
 687    s/(fo.*)/(a b & )/ (QEDX)
 688  = esc-/(fo.*) CR ^W( a b ^Y )  (EMACS)
 691 esc-;               indent-for-comment
 693    Searches for this line's comment.  If one exists, indents it to the comment
 694    column  in  this buffer (see ^X;).  If one does not exist, start one at the
 695    comment  column  on  this line.  Uses the "comment-prefix" to search for an
 696    old one or start a new one.  See also set-comment-prefix.
 699 esc-<               go-to-beginning-of-buffer
 701    Move  to  the  beginning  of  the  current  buffer,  i.e., before the first
 702    character in the buffer, that is, the top of the document being edited.
 704 esc->               go-to-end-of-buffer
 706    Move to the end of the current buffer, i.e., before the newline on the last
 707    line  of  the  current  buffer.   In  other  words, go to the bottom of the
 708    document being edited.  There is no way to position beyond that newline.
 710 esc-?               describe-key
 712    Display  the  documentation  for  a given key sequence.  To find out what a
 713    Control  D  does,  type  esc-?   and a Control D.  With a numeric argument,
 714    i.e.,  ^U  esc-?,  just  the  command  name  to  which the key is currently
 715    connected will be displayed in the minibuffer.
 717 esc-A               backward-sentence
 719    Go  to  the  beginning of the current sentence, i.e., just before the first
 720    letter.   If already at the beginning of a sentence, go to the beginning of
 721    the  previous sentence.  The beginning of the first word after a blank line
 722    always counts as the beginning of a sentence.
 724 esc-B               backward-word
 726    Go  backward  one  word.   If  in  the  middle  of a word, go to before the
 727    beginning  of that word.  Skips backwards over all whitespace to get to the
 728    next word.  Underscores and backspaces count as parts of words.
 730 esc-C               capitalize-initial-word
 732    Capitalize a word, leading capital, rest of word lower-case, like "Word".
 733    If the cursor is in a word or immediately after a word,capitalize that word.
 734    Otherwise, do the next word.  With a numeric argument, do that many words;
 735    with a negative numeric argument, to that many backward.  Leaves cursor
 736    immediately after the last word (or before the first word) capitalized.
 738 esc-CR              cret-and-indent-relative
 740    Does  a  CR and a indent-relative.  Basically, this means finish this line,
 741    and  start  a  new  line,  indented  the same as the previous line.  If the
 742    original line was not indented, note that this will line up with the second
 743    word  on  the first line.  This is the command you want to terminate a line
 744    of an indented body of text.
 746 esc-D               delete-word
 748    Delete  the  word  to  the  right of the current point.  More specifically,
 749    delete   going   forward,  deleting  all  whitespace  and  punctuation  and
 750    characters until the end of the next word.
 752 esc-E               forward-sentence
 754    Move  forward  to  the  end of this sentence.  If at the end of a sentence,
 755    move  forward  to  the  end  of  the next sentence.  Ends of paragraphs are
 756    implicitly ends of sentences, whether or not an end-of-sentence punctuation
 757    (period, question mark, exclamation point) appears.
 759 esc-ESC             eval-lisp-line
 761    Prompt  for  a string for Lisp to evaluate; put a pair of parens around it,
 762    evaluate  it  in  Lisp (with ibase = 8) and print out the Lisp value in the
 763    minibuffer  (base = 8, *nopoint nil).  To get a variable value, use esc-ESC
 764    progn <varname> CR.
 766 esc-F               forward-word
 768    Go  forward  one  word.  If in the middle of a word, move to the end of the
 769    current  word.   Leaves point immediately after that word.  All punctuation
 770    and  whitespace before the word are moved over.  Underscores and backspaces
 771    count as parts of words.
 773 esc-G               go-to-line-number
 775    Goes  to  a  given  line, given by line number, from the top of the buffer.
 776    The numeric argument specifies the line number.  For instance, ESC 25 esc-G
 777    goes to line 25.  If the line number  is not specified,  prompts for a line
 778    to go to.
 780 esc-H               mark-paragraph
 782    Put  the-mark at the beginning of the current paragraph.  Put the cursor at
 783    the  end  of  the  current  paragraph.   See  esc-[  for  a  definition  of
 784    paragraphs.
 786 esc-I               tab-to-previous-columns
 788    Indent the current point on this line (where the cursor is) to line up with
 789    the  next  non-whitespace  item on the previous non-blank line.  Successive
 790    invocations   of   esc-I   cause   attempts  to  line  up  with  succeeding
 791    non-whitespace  items.   This is ideal for building columnated tables, etc.
 792    Type  in  the  first  line by hand, and use esc-I to get to each new field,
 793    column,  etc.   on succeeding lines.  Typed on an empty line, or at the end
 794    of  a  line,  it positions for the next text to be entered.  With a numeric
 795    argument,  esc-I  uses previously undented lines (other than the last line)
 796    for a model, thus facilitating typing in outlines, etc.
 798 esc-K               kill-to-end-of-sentence
 800    Delete  text  going  forward  from  the  cursor  to  the end of the current
 801    sentence.   If  at  the end of a sentence, delete forward to the end of the
 802    next  sentence.   Sentences  and  other  text  killed consecutively in this
 803    fashion are merged, and may be retrieved with a single ^Y.
 805 esc-L               lower-case-word
 807    Convert a word to all lower-case, like "word".  If the cursor is in a word
 808    or immediately after a word, lower-case that word.  Otherwise, do the next
 809    word.  Convert a word to all upper-case, like "WORD".  If the cursor is in
 810    a word or immediately after a word, upper-case that word.  Otherwise, do
 811    the next word.  With a numeric argument, do that many words; with a negative
 812    numeric argument, to that many backward.  Leaves cursor immediately after
 813    the last word (or before the first word) lower-cased.
 815 esc-M               skip-over-indentation
 817    Move  the  cursor  to  the  first  non-whitespace  (i.e.,  not  tab, blank,
 818    formfeed,  or  vertical  tab)  position on this line.  In other words, skip
 819    over the indentation on this line.
 821 esc-N               down-comment-line
 823    Properly  indents  the  comment  on the next line, or puts a comment on the
 824    next  line,  if  there  is  not one there already.  Effectively the same as
 825    ^Nesc-;.  See esc-;.
 827 esc-P               prev-comment-line
 829    Indent  the  comment on the previous line properly.  If there is no comment
 830    on  the  previous  line, put one there, indented properly.  Effectively the
 831    same as ^Pesc-;.  See esc-;.
 833 esc-Q               runoff-fill-paragraph
 835    "Fill"  the  current  paragraph,  like  runoff/compose  with  ".na".   With
 836    argument  (i.e., ESC-1 esc-Q), fill and adjust like runoff/compose with .fi
 837    and  .ad.   Right  margin is determined by fill column, left margin by fill
 838    prefix.   Runoff/compose  control lines count as their own paragraphs.  See
 839    ^XF to set fill-column, and ^X.  to set fill prefix.
 841 esc-R               move-to-screen-edge
 843    Move to top, bottom, or other point on screen.  ESC-1 esc-R is the top line
 844    of  the  screen, ESC 6 esc-R is the 6th line from the top, ESC - 4 esc-R is
 845    the  fourth  line from the bottom.  A very large number is also the bottom.
 846    Leaves the cursor on the start of the selected line.
 848 esc-S               center-line
 850    Center the current line, according to fill-column (see ^XF).
 853 esc-T               twiddle-words
 855    Twiddle  (transpose,  interchange)  the  last two words typed, like: like I
 856    esc-T  Multics  because...   If  you are currently in the middle of a word,
 857    goes to the end of the word first.
 860 esc-U               upper-case-word
 862    Convert a word to all upper-case, like "WORD".  If the cursor is in a word
 863    or immediately after a word, upper-case that word.  Otherwise, do the next
 864    word.  With a numeric argument, do that many words; with a negative numeric
 865    argument, to that many backward.  Leaves cursor immediately after the last
 866    word (or before the first word) uppercased.
 868 esc-V               prev-screen
 870    Display  the  previous  screen (one back) of this buffer, leaving cursor at
 871    the top of it.  With an argument, displays that many screens backward.
 873 esc-W               copy-region
 875    Copies  the  text between the cursor and the-mark on to the top of the kill
 876    ring.   This  means  that  the  next  ^Y will copy the text now between the
 877    cursor and the-mark to wherever the cursor is when the ^Y is issued.
 879 esc-X               extended-command
 881    Prompt  for  the  name  and  arguments  of  an  extended  commands  in  the
 882    minibuffer.   Terminate  with  CR.   To find out about an extended command,
 883    type
 885           esc-X describe <name-of-command> CR
 887 esc-Y               wipe-this-and-yank-previous
 889    I  don't like what I just ^Y'ed.  Get rid of it and yank the previous thing
 890    in  its place.  Used to retrieve the previous "kill" when you find that the
 891    thing  that you just ^Y'ed was the wrong thing.  In more detail, delete the
 892    text  between  the  cursor  and the-mark without saving it, rotate the kill
 893    ring one position, and ^Y.
 895 esc-[               beginning-of-paragraph
 897    Move  to  the  beginning  of  the  current  paragraph.   If  already at the
 898    beginning  of a paragraph, move to the beginning of the previous paragraph.
 899    The  beginning  of  a  paragraph  is the beginning of the first line of the
 900    paragraph.    The   definition   of   paragraphs   is   controlled  by  the
 901    paragraph-definition-type  option;  if  1, blank lines separate paragraphs.
 902    If  2,  an  indented  line  starts a paragraph.  Runoff and compose control
 903    lines count as paragraphs.
 905 esc-\               delete-white-sides
 907    Delete  all  whitespace  characters  on  the  current  line surrounding the
 908    cursor.   In  this  context,  a  whitespace  character is a space, a tab, a
 909    formfeed, or a vertical tab.
 911 esc-\177            rubout-word
 913    Delete  the  word  to  the  left  of the current point.  More specifically,
 914    delete  going backwards, deleting characters until the beginning of a word.
 915    Successive words deleted with esc-\177 are merged and may be retrieved with
 916    one ^Y.
 918 esc-]               end-of-paragraph
 920    Move  to  the  end of the current paragraph.  If at the end of a paragraph,
 921    move  to  the end of the next paragraph.  The end of a paragraph is the end
 922    of  the  last  line  of  the  paragraph.   The  definition of paragraphs is
 923    controlled  by  the  paragraph-definition-type  option;  if  1, blank lines
 924    separate  paragraphs.   If  2, an indented line starts a paragraph.  Runoff
 925    and compose control lines count as paragraphs.
 927 esc-^               delete-line-indentation
 929    Without  a  numeric  argument,  i.e.,  esc-^,  delete all whitespace at the
 930    beginning  of  this line and then merge it with the previous line.  With an
 931    argument,  i.e.,  ^Uesc-^,  does  a  ^N  first,  so  that ^Uesc-^ in effect
 932    "connects"   the   next  line  into  this  one,  without  the  next  line's
 933    indentation.
 935 esc-^B              balance-parens-backward
 937    Skip  backward over one set of balanced parentheses.  Will search backwards
 938    until  a  set  of  parentheses  is  found.   Does not handle quoting or any
 939    programming language conventions.
 941 esc-^C              compile-buffer
 943    Compiles  the buffer.  Writes the current buffer out to its default pathname
 944    (as for ^X^S), and then compiles it.  Compiler diagnostics are placed in the
 945    buffer "Compilation Errors" if the option "one-error-scan-buffer" is On (the
 946    default); if it is Off then the diagnostics are placed in the buffer "<name>
 947    Errors",  where  <name>  is  replaced  with  the  name  of  the buffer being
 948    compiled.   (This  allows several buffers to be compiled without overwriting
 949    each  other's  error  messages.)  If in two-window mode, the error buffer is
 950    displayed  in another window; if the option "compile-two-windows" is On (the
 951    default  is  Off) then this command will automatically enter two-window mode
 952    if  necessary.  If the "compile-local-display" option is On (default is Off)
 953    and  "compile-two-windows" is Off, the error messages will be displayed as a
 954    local  display  (in  addition  to being put in a buffer).  If neither is set
 955    (the   default),   a  one-line  local  display  will  indicate  whether  the
 956    compilation  was successful.  The extended requests "ESC X set-compiler" and
 957    "ESC  X  set-compile-options" can be used to select the compiler and options
 958    to be used.
 960 esc-^F              balance-parens-forward
 962    Skip  forward  over  one  set of balanced parentheses.  Will search forward
 963    until a set of parentheses is found.  Does not handle quoting, or any other
 964    programming language conventions.
 966 esc-^G              ignore-prefix
 968    Flush  a  prefix  character.   Used  when a prefix character such as ESC is
 969    entered  by  accident; causes an audible signal to indicate that the esc-^G
 970    has been executed.  Unlike ^G, does not exit the minibuffer.
 972 esc-^I              indent-to-fill-prefix
 974    Delete  the  indentation  (leading  whitespace)  of  the  current line, and
 975    replace it with the fill prefix in this buffer.  See ^X..
 977 esc-^O              split-line
 979    Break  the  line  at this point, shear it vertically.  Puts the text to the
 980    right of the cursor on the next line, with enough indentation so that it is
 981    still  in the same place horizontally.  This can be undone by ^Uesc-^.  See
 982    esc-^.
 984 esc-^V              page-other-window
 986    Valid only when more than one window exists.  With no argument, causes a ^V
 987    to  be  done  on the other window (i.e., the one the cursor is not now in);
 988    with  an  argument,  pages  the  other window that many screens backward or
 989    forward;  thus,  ESC  -  esc-^V  pages the other window one backward.  Very
 990    useful  for  "paging"  compiler  diagnostics while editing a program.  When
 991    more  than  two windows are in use, the "next most recently visited" window
 992    will be considered to be the "other window".
 994 esc-^W              merge-last-kills-with-next
 996    Causes  the  next kill-type commands (example, ^K, esc-D) which must follow
 997    immediately,  to  merge what they kill with the last saved kill on the kill
 998    ring, in the same direction as the next command kills.  For instance, ^A ^K
 999    ^K ^N ^N esc-^W ^K ^K catenates two disjoint lines on the kill ring.
1001 esc-^Y              yank-minibuf
1003    Yank  back  the last content of the minibuffer, without prompt string.  The
1004    mark  will be set in the minibuffer, so ^X^X may be used to position around
1005    it,  and  ^W  to  delete  it.  The real mark in the main buffer will not be
1006    destroyed.
1008 esc-_               underline-word
1010    Canonically underscore the current or previous word.  Although it will look
1011    peculiar  on  the screen, it will be correct, and runoff-paragraph and fill
1012    and  dprint  correctly.   The  rules for selecting which word to do are the
1013    same as those used by uppercase-word.
1015 esc-~               unmodify-buffer
1017    Marks  the  current  buffer  as  not modified.  Emacs will not mention this
1018    buffer  when  querying because of a ^X^C.  esc-~ is useful after accidently
1019    modifying a buffer which you only intended to examine.
1025                               E^H__^Hx_^Ht_^He_^Hn_^Hd_^He_^Hd C^H__^Ho_^Hm_^Hm_^Ha_^Hn_^Hd_^Hs
1027 Type esc-X followed by the command name, and a carriage return to invoke these
1028 commands.
1030 esc-X accept-messages
1032    Accept  Multics interactive console messages into Emacs buffers, one buffer
1033    per correspondent.  Causes messages to be displayed as local output as they
1034    arrive.  All correspondence to and from each correspondent is maintained in
1035    a  buffer  named  "Messages from <PersonName>", in which carriage return is
1036    bound  to respond-from-buffer, which causes messages to be transmitted when
1037    a  line  is typed by you into that buffer.  In these buffers, conversations
1038    "transcript"  as  with  send_message  in  "input  mode".  The following key
1039    bindings are set up globally by accept-msgs: (see their documentation):
1041           ^X:  message-response-command (responds to last sender from
1042                     minibuffer).
1043           ^X'  go-to-new-message-buffer (goes to a message buffer).
1044                With an argument, lists message buffers (conversations)
1045           ^X`  send-a-message (prompts for user name and then message)
1046           ^X~  repeat-last-message (reprints last interactive message)
1048 esc-X accept-messages-path
1050    Accepts messages on some other mailbox than the user's default mailbox.  Up
1051    to  50  mailboxes  may  be  accepting  messages  at once in a process.  The
1052    argument  to  esc-X  accept-messages-path  is  either  a  mailbox  pathname
1053    (containing  >'s  or  <'s) or a user-name (for sites using the ARPANet Mail
1054    Daemon)  or  a  pair  of  the form User.Project.  The effect is the same as
1055    esc-X accept-messages.
1057 esc-X alm-mode
1059    Enter  ALM  major  mode in this buffer.  ALM mode consists of many commands
1060    and  variable  settings  suitable  for  the  creation  and  editing  of ALM
1061    programs.
1063 esc-X apropos
1065    Lists  all  commands and extended commands that "mention" a given string in
1066    their names, and tell what, if any, keys invoke them in the current buffer.
1067    For instance,
1069     apropos forw
1071    will  list forward-word, forward-char, etc.  This is the most common way to
1072    "find" a command that does something you are looking for.
1074 esc-X compose-mode
1076    Mode for editing compose text files.  Turns on fill mode automatically.
1077    Equivalent to the text-mode and runoff-mode commands; entered automatically
1078    for files with a last component of ".runoff" or ".compin" if the option
1079    find-file-set-modes is On (Default is Off).
1081 esc-X describe
1083    Display the documentation for an extended command.  The command name is the
1084    argument describe.  For example,
1086           esc-X describe apropos CR
1088 to find out about the "apropos" extended command.
1090 esc-X edit-macros
1092    Produces  a  symbolic  file  of  all keyboard macros defined in the current
1093    buffer  and  places  it  in  a new buffer.  The keyboard macros may then be
1094    written  out  for  later  loading, edited, redefined, or compiled into Lisp
1095    code.  See macro-edit.info for full information.
1097 esc-X electric-alm-mode
1099    Enters ALM mode, with several commands for automatically formatting ALM.
1101 esc-X electric-pl1-mode
1103    Enters  Electric  PL/I mode in the current buffer.  Electric PL/I mode is a
1104    variant  of PL/I mode in which semicolons and colons have violent automatic
1105    "electric"  action  which  may be disturbing to some, but useful to others.
1106    See pl1-mode.info.
1108 esc-X filloff
1110    Turns off fill mode in this buffer, if it is on.
1112 esc-X fillon
1114    Turn  on  Fill Mode (a minor mode) in this buffer.  In Fill Mode, text will
1115    be  wrapped  around lines so as not to extend past the fill column (see ^XF
1116    to  set  that).   When  a space, tab, or punctuation mark is placed after a
1117    word  which  passes  the  fill column, the line will be broken at the first
1118    whitespace  from  the  end of the line.  filloff turns it off.  To insert a
1119    character  to  cause  a  line  deliberately to extend pass the fill column,
1120    either type CR or precede the character with ^Q.
1122 esc-X fortran-mode
1124    Enter  Fortran  major  mode  in this buffer.  Fortran mode consists of many
1125    commands  and  variable  settings  suitable for the creation and editing of
1126    Fortran  programs.   See fortran-mode.info for a list of the commands and a
1127    description  of this mode.  You can issue the command esc-X apropos fortran
1128    CR in a Fortran mode buffer for a list of relevant commands in this mode.
1130 esc-X fundamental-mode
1132    Enters  the  mode  (set  of  key  bindings  and variable settings) that all
1133    buffers start out in.  This can be used to "undo" any other major mode that
1134    you may have set.
1136 esc-X ldebug
1138    Enters a "Lisp Top Level" buffer in Lisp Debug mode.  Forms typed into this
1139    buffer  are  evaluated  and  the  value  is displayed by placing it in this
1140    buffer.   When  esc-X  ldebug  has been used, all Lisp errors in Emacs trap
1141    into  this  buffer.   ESC-P  restarts  a  break.   See ldebug.info for more
1142    information.
1144 esc-X lisp-mode
1146    Enter  Lisp major mode in this buffer.  Lisp mode consists of many commands
1147    and  variable  settings  suitable  for  the  creation  and  editing of Lisp
1148    programs.   See lisp-mode.info for a list of the commands and a description
1149    of this mode.
1151 esc-X list-named-marks
1153    Display  a  list of all of the named marks in the current buffer.  Use ^Z^@
1154    to create a named mark, and ^ZG to go to one.
1156 esc-X loadfile
1158    Loads  a  private Emacs extension package into the editor.  The argument is
1159    its pathname.
1161 esc-X loadlib
1163    Load  an  "uninstalled"  extension  package  into  Emacs.   Normally,  such
1164    packages  are "autoloaded" when commands in them are invoked, but from time
1165    to  time,  new,  experimental,  or  highly specialized packages may require
1166    being  loaded  in this way.  The single argument is the name of the package
1167    to be loaded.  Loading a package makes the commands in it available.
1169 esc-X lvars
1171    Display  the names and lengths of all "variables" saved by ^XX.  Type ^J to
1172    resume, or just continue editing.  See ^XX and ^XG.
1174 esc-X make-wall-chart
1176    Puts  into  a  buffer  a "Wall Chart", describing all the currently defined
1177    commands  and  what  keys invoke them in the current buffer.  The resultant
1178    buffer is intended for dprinting.
1180 esc-X opt
1182    Also "option".  Sets non-obvious internal flags and defaults, each of which
1183    have names.  Takes three forms,
1185           opt list                      List all options and settings.
1186           opt NAME VALUE                Set option value.
1187           opt status NAME               Report setting of one option.
1189    Values  may be on, off, or numbers, depending on the option.  Code, such as
1190    startups, can simply set these Lisp variables.  (on/off => t/nil).  Current
1191    options are:
1193     display-ctlchar-with-^  Causes control characters to print as
1194                             ^P instead of \020.
1195     suppress-ctlchar-display  Don't show control characters.  Any character
1196                             which would print as \NNN (except \177) is not
1197                             displayed.
1198     suppress-rubout-display Don't show rubout characters.  Causes \177 to
1199                             never be displayed.  Usefull when reading ALM
1200                             listing segments.
1201     suppress-backspace-display Don't show backspaces.  Causes underlined
1202                               "foo" to print as "_f_o_o".
1203     rdis-whitespace-optimize Avoid printing whitespace when clever
1204                              terminal control would go faster.  Currently
1205                              on by default, but adds a little expense.
1206     rdis-wosclr-opt      Wipe Out Screen lines before filling screen.
1207                            Try it both ways to see what this means.
1208     paragraph-definition-type 1 (default) = blank lines precede
1209                            paragraphs. 2 = indented line starts one.
1210     find-file-set-modes  When on, find-filing foo.pl1 sets pl1 mode, etc.
1211     track-eol-opt        When on, ^N, ^P at eol stick to ends of lines.
1212     default-fill-column        Fill column for new buffers.
1213     default-comment-column Comment column for new buffers (0 origin).
1214     pop-up-windows       When on, ^XB, ^X^F, ^X^E, etc., find an
1215                               appropriate place on the screen to put up
1216                               a window as opposed to replacing contents
1217                               of current window (highly experimental).
1219 esc-X pl1-mode
1221    Enter  PL/I major mode in this buffer.  PL/I mode consists of many commands
1222    and  variable  settings  suitable  for  the  creation  and  editing of PL/I
1223    programs.   See  pl1-mode.info for a list of the commands and a description
1224    of  this  mode.   You  can issue the command esc-X apropos pl1 CR in a PL/I
1225    mode buffer for a list of relevant commands in this mode.
1227 esc-X replace
1229    Global  replace  of  one string with another, from the current point to the
1230    end  of  the  buffer.  Prompts for two strings, which must be terminated by
1231    CR.   If  the  first string is not found, esc-X replace will not prompt for
1232    the second string, and will not move the cursor.
1234 esc-X reset-minibuffer-size
1236    Resets  the  size  of  the  minibuffer/prompting area to its default of two
1237    lines.  See set-minibuffer-size.
1239 esc-X reset-screen-size
1241    reset-screen-size
1243    Resets  the  size  of  the  main editing area of the screen to its default,
1244    namely, all of the space above the mode line.  See set-screen-size.
1246 esc-X runoff-fill-region
1248    Fills/adjusts  an  entire  region  in  the  same  way  as  esc-Q  does to a
1249    paragraph.   It  does  not  respect  paragraph  breaks:  this makes it only
1250    marginally useful.
1252 esc-X runoff-mode
1254    Mode for editing runoff text files.  Turns on fill mode automatically.
1255    Equivalent to the text-mode and compose-mode commands; entered automatically
1256    for files with a last component of ".runoff" or ".compin" if the option
1257    find-file-set-modes is On (Default is Off).
1259 esc-X save-macro
1261    Saves  a  macro,  assigning  it to a key.  Invoke it after a macro has been
1262    defined.  Will prompt for a command name to assign to the macro, and a key.
1263    When a key has been assigned, this key will invoke that macro- it will take
1264    arguments identical to ^XE.
1266 esc-X set-comment-prefix
1268    Set the "comment prefix" in this buffer.  This is usually set automatically
1269    by  entering  a  major mode.  The comment prefix is given as an argument to
1270    this  command,  in quotes.  The comment prefix is used by esc-;, esc-N, and
1271    esc-P to find comments, and start them.
1273 esc-X set-compile-options
1275    In  language  modes  that  support ESC-^C for "compile buffer", and similar
1276    (e.g.,  PL/I, FORTRAN), sets non-default compilation options to be given to
1277    the appropriate compiler.
1279 esc-X set-compiler
1281    Sets  the  name  of  the  compiler to be used by the compile-buffer command
1282    (usually  ESC-^C)  in  those  language  modes that compile buffers this way
1283    (e.g.,  PL/I,  FORTRAN).   The single argument to esc-X set-compiler is the
1284    compiler name.
1286 esc-X set-key
1288    Assigns  key bindings in the current buffer.  Takes two arguments, the "Key
1289    name"  and  the  command name.  Makes that key execute that command in this
1290    buffer.    The   command  name  is  what  describe-command  or  apropos  or
1291    make-wall-chart  give;  the key name can be anything like the names in this
1292    documentation,  e.g., ^X, ^x, ESC-ESC, ^Xq, control-p, c-p, meta-f, esc-^f,
1293    CR, ^X-^F, ^X-CR, \177, #, A, ^P, etc.  For instance, you might want to say
1295           set-key ^Z quit-the-editor
1297 if you want the privilege of quitting in one keystroke.
1299 esc-X set-minibuffer-size
1301    Sets  the size of the minibuffer/prompting area on the screen to any value.
1302    The  single  argument to esc-X set-minibuffer-size is the decimal number of
1303    how  many  lines  should  be devoted to this function.  The default is two.
1304    With  many-line  minibuffers,  many messages and errors may appear at once.
1305    Use  reset-minibuffer-size  to  reset the minibuffer size to its default of
1306    two lines.  Valid sizes are 1 to 6.
1308 esc-X set-permanent-key
1310    Used  to  set  permanent (default in all buffers) key bindings.  Otherwise,
1311    works exactly like set-key.  See set-key.
1313 esc-X set-screen-size
1315    Set  the  size  of  the main editing area (the area above the Mode Line) to
1316    other  than  its  default.   The  default is all of the area above the mode
1317    line.  The decimal argument to esc-X set-screen-size is the number of lines
1318    in  the main editing area.  reset-screen-size may be used to reset the main
1319    editing  area  size to its default value.  esc-X set-screen-size is usually
1320    used to reduce the amount of redisplay at low terminal speeds.
1322 esc-X set-search-mode
1324    Sets  the  bindings  of  ^S  and  ^R  to  invoke several different forms of
1325    searching.  The argument is the search mode.
1327    The known search modes are:
1329      string                   Searches for the exact character
1330                               string typed (the default).
1331      regular-expression       The string typed is interpreted as a
1332             or  regexp        QEDX regular expression.
1333      character                Searches for the single character
1334                               typed.  Control characters control
1335                               sophisticated options.
1336      ITS-string               A type of search popularized by
1337                               Dave Moon and Dan Weinreb on MIT-AI,
1338                               having many sophisticated features.
1339      incremental              Searches for a string showing the
1340                               state of the search as each character
1341                               is entered.
1343    All  searches  prompt telling the type of search that has been invoked.  To
1344    find  out more about these different kinds of searches, set the search mode
1345    of interest, and do an esc-?  ^S.
1347 esc-X setab
1349    Define  one  word  as  an  abbreviation for another for Speedtype mode, for
1350    instance,
1352      setab edr editor
1354    Will  accept  multiple pairs of arguments.  If the second string (the thing
1355    being  abbreviated)  is many words, or has special characters in it, put it
1356    in quotes.
1358 esc-X show-macro
1360    Displays    an    editor   macro   (defined   with   ^X()   the   same   as
1361    show-last-editor-macro  does,  but takes the name assigned to the macro (by
1362    save-macro) as an argument.
1364 esc-X speedtype
1366    Enter  speedtype  minor  mode in this buffer.  Speedtype allows words to be
1367    used   as   abbreviations  for  other  words.   setab  is  used  to  define
1368    abbreviations;  When  a  space,  newline, tab, or punctuation mark is typed
1369    after  an  abbreviation,  the abbreviation is removed from the text and its
1370    expansion  is  used  instead.   Precede  punctuation  or  spaces with ^Q to
1371    deliberately avoid speedtype expansion when in this mode.
1373 esc-X speedtypeoff
1375    Turn off speedtype mode in this buffer, if it is on.
1377 esc-X text-mode
1379    Mode for editing text files.  Turns on fill mode automatically.  Equivalent
1380    to the runoff-mode and compose-mode commands; entered automatically for
1381    files with a last component of ".runoff" or ".compin" if the option
1382    find-file-set-modes is On (Default is Off).