1 01/31/79 Multics EMACS Fortran mode.              Paul Schauble
  2                                                   DVCP M.S. C34
  3                                                   602-866-4531
  5 **This file is intended to be perused via dprint, print, or via an**
  6 **editor.  It is not intended to be perused with the help command **
 11 ^L
 12      This is the second edition of EMACS Fortran mode.  This
 13 mode is intended to aid in the construction and debugging of
 14 Fortran programs using EMACS.  Commands are provided for
 15 producing comment and continuation cards and for other commonly
 16 used formatting operations.
 18      Fortran major mode is entered via the following command:
 20           ESC-X fortran-mode CR
 22      This mode may also be entered by Find File'ing any file
 23 with a last component name of ".fortran" when the
 24 find-file-set-modes option is selected.
 26      The current list of special commands in Fortran mode is:
 28 CR        Carriage Return has been changed so that the cursor will
 29           return to column 7, rather than to column 1. This will
 30           also insert comment prefixes ("c     ") in the appropriate
 31           places. If desired, the cursor may be moved back by hand
 32           to delete spaces or comment prefixes.
 34 ^I        Tab has been changed so that a tab done in column 1 will
 35           tab to column 7. Subsequent tabs will tab to the normal
 36           places. The sequence for successive tabs is 7,10,20,30...
 38 ESC-^M    Or ESC-CR ends the current line when the next line is a
 39           continuation. A new line will be done, unless the current
 40           line is blank or empty, and the prefix "     &  " will be
 41           inserted, leaving the cursor in column 9. This is the
 42           continuation for standard Fortran rather than for
 43           Multics.
 45 ESC-;     Begins a single comment line. A new line is done, unless
 46           the current line is blank or empty, and the prefix
 47           "c     " inserted, leaving the cursor in column 7. This
 48           may be used to end a line when the next line is a comment.
 50 ^XC       Begins a block of comments. The current line, if any, will
 51           be ended and a comment block header line inserted. Any
 52           future lines added will be prefixed by the standard
 53           comment prefix "c     ". This minor mode is exited by a
 54           second ^XC. Notice that ^X^C exits the editor. Don't miss!
 56 ESC-:     Positions a fortran label. Since a line usually starts in
 57           column 7, this command is provided to correctly position
 58           statement numbers. Type the statement number, then ESC-:
 59           to place the label in column 1.
 61 ESC-^C    Compile program.  The current buffer, if changed, is written
 62           out to its default pathname (as for ^X^S), and then
 63           compiled.  Compiler diagnostics are displayed, in the other
 64           window if in two-window mode.  The extended commands
 65           set-compiler and set-compile-options may be used to select
 66           the compiler and options to be used.
 68 ^X^D      Find next error. This command is used following a
 69           compilation in two-window mode. It scans the compiler output
 70           and the source buffer in parallel, pointing a simulated
 71           cursor to consecutive errors and placing the real cursor on
 72           the line referred to in the error message. This mode will
 73           terminate itself when you advance past the last error, when
 74           you do another compilation, or when you exit it by keying
 75           ^XT. Since this mode locks the buffer used for
 76           compilations, you are strongly advised to exit it when you
 77           are finished.
 79 '         Abbreviation expander. The two characters immediately
 80           preceeding the cursor when this character is struck
 81           are taken as an abbreviation and expanded. The
 82           character ' may itself be inserted by quoting it with
 83           \ or ^Q. These abbreviations are initially supplied:
 84                in   integer             su   subroutine
 85                di   dimension           co   continue
 86                fu   function            re   return
 87                eq   equivalence         ex   external
 88                au   automatic           cn   common
 89                fo   format              im   implicit
 90           Note that, with the exception of cn for common, all of
 91           these abbreviations are the first two characters of
 92           the word. Other abbreviations may be defined using the
 93           extended command set-fortran-abbrev.
 94           The abbreviations co (continue) and re (return) are very
 95           special.  Since these words almost always have a label
 96           and sit on a line by themselves, these abbreviations have
 97           been hacked to do an ESC-:  and a new-line, so that
 98           typing (in column 7)
 99                 123co'
100           will expand to
101           123   continue
102           leaving you on the next line. The abbrev fo for format
103           hacks labels, but not new lines. Try them.
105      In addition, several extended commands have been provided to set
106 various parameters. These are:
108 For comment blocks:
109 ESC-X fortran-set-begin-comment CR     to set the begin line, and
110 ESC-X fortran-set-end-comment CR       to set the end line.
112      Both of these commands prompt for the line in the minibuffer.
113 The line supplied is inserted exactly as given, and must therefore
114 include the "c" at the beginning. Default values for these lines are
115           "c     ========================================".
116 These are set by buffer.
118 For compilations:
119      ESC-X set-compiler compiler-name CR
120           to set the compiler to be used.  Default is "ft".
121      ESC-X set-compile-options options  CR
122           to set compile options.  These are given as on the
123           compiler command.  The default is "-tb".  These are
124           set by buffer.
126 And, for abbreviations,
127      ESC-X set-fortran-abbrev abbrev expansion label eol
128           may be used to define new abbreviations. abbrev must
129           be a two character abbreviation that will be replaced
130           with expansion. Arguments must be enclosed in quotes
131           if they contain special characters, including spaces.
132           The optional arguments label and eol will cause this
133           abbrev to hack labels and new lines, respectively, just
134           like co and re.  The label option does not require a
135           label, but processes it if it is present.
136           Abbreviations are defined globaly and apply to all
137           buffers in fortran mode.  For example,
138           ESC-X set-fortran-abbrev as "common /xyz/ y(100)" eol
139           defines an abbrev as that expands to
140                     common /xyz/ y(100)
141           and does a new-line, but does not believe in labels.
144      As mentioned above, this is an early edition and there may
145 still be problems.  Any difficulties, comments, suggestions, etc.
146 may be mailed to Schauble.fso (on System M, Phoenix) for action.
147 (MIT-Multics and other ARPANET users continue to send bug/comment
148 mail to emacs.bugs at MIT-Multics as usual, they will be forwarded).
149 In fact, I would like to know if anyone is using this thing.
151      Intended for future implementation are:
153 Debugging mode - Fortran debugging using probe integrated with
154           the editor. For now, the recommended debugging method
155           is to do a ^Z and run your program one level up.
156           Return to emacs with a pi command.
159      Any suggestions on these or other features should be mailed to
160 the above address.