1 12/12/91  dial_out request:  wait
 3 Syntax:  !wait {STR} {-control_args}
 5 Syntax as an active request:  [wait {STR} {-control_args}]
 7 Function:
 8 Causes dial_out to wait until a specified string is sent from the
 9 foreign system.  As an active request, wait will return all characters
10 sent from the foreign system, including the string specified, since
11 the last characters processed by dial_out.
14 Arguments:
15 STR
16    the string that must be sent from the foreign system.  If omitted,
17    dial_out will wait until any characters are sent from the foreign
18    system unless -nl is supplied.
21 Control arguments:
22 -inhibit_error, -ihe
23    specifies that dial_out should not abort after a timeout has
24    occured. This control argument requires that a timeout interval
25    greater than zero also be specified (See the '-timeout' ctl arg).
26    This control argument is most useful when wait is used as an active
27    request.
28 -nl
29    specifies that dial_out should wait for an occurence of the
30    specified string that ends in a new line (octal 12).
31 -nnl
32    undoes -nl.
33 -no_inhibit_error, -nihe
34    Specifies that timeouts should result in an abort.  This is the
35    default.
38 -no_timeout, -ntm
39    specifies no time out.  This is the default.
40 -timeout N, -tm N
41    specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that can elapse between
42    transmissions of characters from the foreign system before dial_out
43    is to assume that the transmission is complete and that the wait
44    should terminate.
47 Notes:
48   This request is intended for dial_out exec_coms that attempt to enter
49 a conversation with a foreign system.  As such, it allows for some
50 degree of synchronization with the foreign system.
52   Within dial_out exec_coms, when used as an active request, wait will
53 return all characters sent since the last wait request or active
54 request.  When not in an exec_com, wait returns all characters sent
55 since the last characters printed by normal processing.
57   The other suggested use is:
58      'e fo FILE; wait STR; e ro'
59 which allows for receipt of a foreign file where the user does not
60 watch the transmission (as in the dial_out file_output request) but
61 instead specifies a string that marks the end of transmission.