1 12/03/86  list, ls
 3 Syntax as a command:  ls {key} {-control_args}
 6 Function:  create a deckfile.list from a tandd_deck_file.
 9 Arguments:
10 key
11    is a key obtained from a tandd_deck_file.list which identifies a
12    particular deck in a tandd_deck_file.  If a key is specified, output
13    by default is directed to the user terminal.  If no key is
14    specified, the default is to the deckfile.list entry.
17 Control arguments:
18 -all, -a
19    make a complete deckfile.list.  If requested, the output is directed
20    to the deckfile.list entry.
21 -brief, -bf
22    suppresses messages from deckfile_manager specifying the
23    deckfile.list and tandd_deck_file that will be used for this
24    request.
25 -deckfile deckfile_path, -df deckfile_path
26    specifies that the deckfile_path is the target deckfile to be used
27    for all requests.
28 -file_out -fo
29    direct output to the deckfile.list
30 -term_out -to
31    direct output to the user terminal.
35 Notes:  If a required argument or information is missing the user is
36 queried for the required information.
40 Notes on deckfile_path:  If the deckfile_path is not given on the
41 request line then the following sequence is used.  If a deckfile_path
42 is entered in the deckfile_manager command line, it is used.  Otherwise
43 the current working_dir is searched for an entry, if one is found the
44 user is notified of its use.  If an entry is not found and the user has
45 sufficient effective access, the user is queried as to the creation of
46 the tandd_deck_file and/or the deckfile.list.  If the reply is no and
47 the user has sufficient effective access to modify the tandd_deck_file
48 in >system_library_tandd, the user is again query as to its usage.  If
49 no tandd_deck_file is found the command is aborted.
53 Notes on key:  key is unique identifier for each file in a
54 tandd_deck_file and may be up to 24 characters in length.  If no key is
55 supplied the user will be requested to supply one.  The key may be
56 obtained from a deckfile.list and can be inputted as either a complete
57 or partial key.  If a partial key is supplied the user is queried for
58 each match of the given key.