1 04/21/86  test_disk, td
 3 Syntax as a command:  td key device {-control_args}
 6 Function:  tests disks for errors.
 9 Arguments:
10 key
11    must be one of the following:
12    w
13       for writing to specified pages.
14    r
15       for reading specified pages.
16    wr
17       for writing and then rereading/checking specified pages.
18    rw
19       for reading and then rewriting specified pages.
22 device
23    is a disk known to the system in the standard form <subsys>_<nn>{s},
24    where:
25      subsys is the disk subsystem name (dska)
26      nn is the device number. (00 to 64)
27      s is the subvolume name, for MSU3380 or MSU3390 (a,b, or c).
28        example: dska_02 or dskb_00b.
31 Control arguments:
32 -force, -fc
33    suppresses the query, "Do you wish to write on <target>".
34 -first_record N, -frec N
35    specifies the first record to be read and/or written.  The default
36    is the first record number for the device type unless a partition is
37    specified (via the -partition control argument), in which case the
38    default is the first record of the partition.  The keywords "first"
39    and "last" may be used in place of a record number to specify the
40    first or last record of the device (or partition).
43 -last_record N, -lrec N
44    specifies the last record to be read and/or written.  The default is
45    the last record number for the device type unless a partition is
46    specified (via the -partition control argument), in which case the
47    default is the last record of the partition.  The keywords "first"
48    and "last" may be used in place of a record number to specify the
49    first or last record of the device (or partition).
52 -n_record N, -nrec N
53    specifies the number of records to be read and/or written.
54    Specifying -first_record and -n_record will cause test_disk to read
55    and/or write to N records, where the first record to be operated on
56    is specified by -first_record.  Specifying -last_record and
57    -n_record will cause test_disk to read and/or write to N records,
58    where the last record to be operated on is specified by
59    -last_record.  Note:  To operate on more than one record, two of the
60    following control arguments must be used:  -first_record,
61    -last_record, -n_record.
62 -partition part_name, -part part_name
63    specifies a partition, where part_name is the name of the desired
64    partition.  If a partition is specified, the defaults for the first
65    and last page become the first and last page of the partition.
68 -pattern word1 word2 word3 ...  , -pat word1 word2 word3 ...
69    specifies the pattern of words to be written to a record.  An
70    arbitrary number of words may be specified.  The default is an all
71    zero page.
72 -record N, -rec N
73    specifies a single page to be read or written.  The keywords "first"
74    and "last" may be used.
77 Notes:  If the disk is going to be written to, test_disk will show what
78 page(s) are going to be written to, then ask the operator whether or
79 not it should continue.  If the operator tells it to continue, it will
80 query the operator again if reading the disk's label shows that it is a
81 Multics storage system device.