1 04/05/85  qedx, qx
 3 Syntax as a command:  qx {-control_args} {macro_path} {macro_args}
 6 Function:  invokes the qedx text editor to edit a BCE file system file.
 7 All requests of the standard Multics qedx editor are supported except
 8 for the "e" request.  For complete information, see the description of
 9 qedx in the Multics Commands and Active Functions manual, Order No.
10 AG92.  This command is valid at all BCE command levels.
13 Arguments:
14 macro_path
15    specifies the pathname of a segment from which the editor is to take
16    its initial instructions.  Such a set of instructions is commonly
17    referred to as a macro.  The editor automatically concatenates the
18    suffix "qedx" to macro_path to obtain the complete pathname of the
19    segment containing the qedx instructions.
22 macro_args
23    are optional arguments that are appended, each as a separate line,
24    to the buffer named "args" (the first optional argument becomes the
25    first line in the buffer and the last optional argument becomes the
26    last line).  Arguments are used in conjunction with a macro
27    specified by the macro_path argument.
29    The editor executes the qedx requests contained in the segment
30    selected and then waits for you to type further requests.  If
31    macro_path is omitted, the editor waits for you to type a qedx
32    request.
35 Control arguments:
36 -no_rw_path
37    prevents the user from making read (r) or write (w) requests with a
38    pathname.  All read and write requests for buffer 0 affect the
39    pathname specified by the -pathname control argument.  The
40    -no_rw_path control argument is intended to be used within exec_coms
41    which are providing a limited environment; the user is prevented
42    from examining or altering segments other than the one specified
43    with -pathname.
46 -pathname path, -pn path
47    causes qedx to read the segment given by path into buffer 0,
48    simulating "r path," before executing a macro (see macro_path).
49    This control argument must precede macro_path.  If no macro is
50    specified, the user is placed immediately in the editor request
51    loop.
54 Notes:  Complete tutorial information on qedx is available in the qedx
55 Text Editor User's Guide, Order No.  CG40.