1 04/05/85 get_flagbox, gfb
3 Syntax as a command: gfb flagbox_variable
6 Syntax as an active function: gfb flagbox_variable
9 Function: determines the values of various variables maintained in the
10 BCE flagbox. These variables are also accessible from Multics and
11 therefore allow a small method of communication between BCE and
12 Multics. This command is valid at all BCE command levels.
15 Arguments:
16 flagbox_variable
17 is one of the valid flagbox variables listed below:
18 N
19 where N is from 1 to 36. The returned value is the Nth flagbox
20 flag. These flags have true or false values. Some of them are
21 named and can be referred to by their names, as listed below.
22 auto_reboot
23 also flag 1. Used by the auto BCE exec_com. Refer to the
24 Multics System Maintenance Procedures manual, Order No. AM81,
25 for more details.
26 booting
27 also flag 2. Used by the auto BCE exec_com.
30 rebooted
31 also flag 4. Used by the auto BCE exec_com.
32 unattended
33 also flag 5. Used by the auto BCE exec_com.
34 bce_command
35 a command that is invoked by BCE whenever it reaches a command
36 level. The result is a character string, quoted. This command
37 may be set so that BCE can be set to automatically boot Multics
38 upon a crash, etc. Refer to the Multics System Maintenance
39 Procedures manual, Order No. AM81, for more details.
40 ssenb
41 a flag set by Multics indicating whether or not the storage
42 system was enabled at the time of a crash. A value of true
43 indicates that an emergency shutdown needs to be performed or
44 did not succeed.
47 call_bce
48 indicates that BCE was called through a program calling call_bce.
49 This may be the result of the user having entering the bce
50 command.
51 shut
52 indicates that Multics successfully shut down. If neither shut
53 nor call_bce is set, Multics either encountered a breakpoint,
54 crashed or was manually brought to BCE.
55 manual_crash
56 indicates that BCE was invoked manually, either by the user
57 manually forcing a return to BCE XED 24000 or by the user
58 hitting the EXECUTE FAULT button.