1 04/21/86  copy_disk, cd
 3 Syntax as a command: cd source target {-ctl_args disk_range_specifier}
 6 Function:  copy a physical volume from one disk to aother.
10 Arguments:
11 source
12    represent the source disk in the standard form <subsys>_<nn>{s},
13    where:
14      subsys is the disk subsystem name (dska)
15      nn is the device number. (00 to 64)
16      s is the subvolume name, for MSU3380 or MSU3390 (a,b, or c).
17        example: dska_02 or dskb_00b.
18 target
19    represent the target disk in the standard form <subsys>_<nn>{s},
20    (see source).
23 disk_range_specifier
24    is any specification of a range of disk to copy, in the form
25    acceptible to test_disk.  This range is specified via control
26    arguments, as listed below.  The default is the entire disk, except
27    for the ALT partition.
30 Control arguments:
31 -force, -fc
32    suppresses the query, "Do you wish to write on <target>".
33 -first_record N, -frec N
34    specifies the first record to be read and/or written.  Default is
35    the first record number for the device type unless a partition is
36    specified (in whose case the default is the first record of the
37    partition).  The keywords 'first' and 'last' may be used in place
38    of a record number which will specify the first or last record of
39    the device (or partition if specified).
42 -last_record N, -lrec N
43    specifies the last record to be read or written.  Default is the
44    last record number for the device type or if a partition is
45    specified the default is the last record of the partition.  Also
46    like the -first_record argument the keywords 'first' and 'last' may
47    be used to specify the default first and last records.
48 -n_records N, -nrec N
49    specifies the number of records to be read or written.  Specifying
50    -first_record and -n_records will cause test_disk to read and/or
51    write to N records where the first record to be operated on is
52    specified by -first_record.  Specifying -last_record and -n_records
53    will cause test_disk to read and/or write to N records where the
54    last record to be operated on will be specified by -last_record.
55    Note: To operate on more than one record two of the following
56    arguments must be used; -first_record, -last_record, -n_records.
59 -partition part_name, -part part_name
60    optional argument which specifies a partition (where part_name is
61    the name of the desired partition).  If a partition is specified
62    then the defaults for the first and last page become the first and
63    last page of the partition.
64 -record N, -rec N
65    optional argument to specify a single page to be read or written.
66    Like -first_record and -last_record the key words 'first' and
67    'last' may be used.
70 Notes:
72    Control arguments can be interspersed within the disk range
73    specification.
75    except for the "early" level, since only the RPV is known at that
76    time.  It does not affect the state of a Multics image that should
77    happen to be present.
79    The source and target disks must be of the same type.