1 10/24/84 select_dump, sld
3 Syntax: sld NAME -control_args
5 Function: Selects and translates an FDUMP of a system crash. Found
6 via the dump search list which defaults to >dumps.
9 Argument:
11 is the ERF number or the path name of the zero 0 component of
12 the FDUMP. It can also be the form path>35 where 35 is the erf
13 number. Several control_args are also acceptable if NAME is not
14 specified.
17 Control arguments:
18 -first, -ft
19 selects the first dump by erf number in the dump directory found
20 via the dump search list.
21 -last, -lt
22 selects the last most current dump in the dump directory
23 according to erf number.
24 -next, -nx
25 selects the next dump in the dump directory. This is relative to
26 the dump currently being looked at.
27 -previous, -prev
28 selects the previous dump in the dump directory. This is relative
29 to the dump currently being looked at.
32 NOTE:
33 The sld command will attempt to select the process as
34 indicated by scs$trouble_processid. If this cannot be done
35 the the default will be the first running process found in
36 the dump.