1 07/27/83   analyze_multics, azm
 3 Syntax:  analyze_multics {-control_args}
 5 Function: Invoke a subsystem that will permit the scanning of a Multics
 6 address space for analysis.
 9 Control arguments:
10 -abbrev, -ab
11    enables abbreviation expansion of request lines.
12 -no_abbrev, -nab
13    does not enable abbreviation expansion of request lines. (Default)
14 -no_prompt
15    suppresses the prompt for request lines in the request loop.
16 -no_start_up, -nsu
17    specifies that no startup exec_com is to be executed.  (Default)
18 -profile PATH, -pf PATH
19    specifies the pathname of the profile to use for abbreviation
20    expansion.  The suffix "profile" is added if necessary.  This
21    control argument implies -abbrev.
22 -prompt STR
23    sets the request loop prompt to STR.  The default is the ioa_ STR:
24                    ^/azm^[ (^d)^]:^2x
25 -request STR, -rq STR
26    executes STR as a analyze_multics request line before entering the
27    request loop.
28 -start_up, -su
29    specifies that the exec_com '^Hstart_up.azmec' is to be executed upon
30    invocation of analyze_multics.  This start_up exec_com is first
31    searched for in the user's home directory, then in the user's
32    project directory >udd>Project_id, and last in >site.  The first
33    exec_com found is used.
34 -quit
35    Exit analyze_mulitcs after execution of other arguments.  Can be
36    used in conjunction with -request.
39 Notes: analyze_multics uses the standard search list mechanism to
40 locate FDUMPs.  If analyze_multics does not find a "dumps" search list,
41 it will create one, placing >dumps in the search list as the default.
42 If additional search paths are desired the "add_search_path" command
43 should be used to define them.