1 03/04/85 pmf
 3 Syntax as a command:  pmf path
 6 Function:  edits a PMF (for an undelegated project) with the qedx
 7 editor, converts the edited PMF to a PDT, and installs the PDT.  It
 8 first puts the administrator into the qedx editor after reading in the
 9 segment and allows him to make any changes he wants.  After the
10 administrator exits from qedx, the command converts the PMF to a PDT
11 and signals the initializer to install the PDT.  The command takes care
12 of updating the pmf.archive segment (in the >udd>SysAdmin>admin
13 directory) as well.  See the qedx Text Editor User's Guide manual,
14 Order No.  CG40) for details on use of the qedx command.
17 Arguments:
18 path
19    is the pathname of the PMF to be edited.