1 03/04/85 edit_proj
  3 Syntax as a command:
  4    edit_proj Project
  5 or
  6 edit_proj project keyword
  7 or
  8 edit_proj project keyword old_value
  9 or
 10 edit_proj project keyword new_value
 11 or
 12 edit_proj project keyword old_value new_value
 15 Function:
 16 changes project registration information.
 18 The command can be invoked in several ways as described below.
 20 1. The command can be invoked in the format "edit_proj project," in
 21    which case you are queried for changes to each keyword.
 23 2. The command can be invoked in the format "edit_proj project
 24    keyword," in which case you are queried for a change only to the
 25    specified keyword.
 28 3. The command can be invoked in the format "edit_proj project keyword
 29    old_value."  In this case, "keyword" must be either "administrator"
 30    or "group" and "old_value" must be one of the multiple values
 31    associated with "administrator" or "group."  This invocation permits
 32    you to be queried for a change to the specified value associated
 33    with the "administrator" or "group" keyword.
 35 4. the command can be invoked in the format "edit_proj project keyword
 36    new_value," in which case the keyword value is changed to new_value.
 38 5. The command can be invoked in the format "edit_proj project keyword
 39    old_value new_value," in which case old_value is changed to
 40    new_value.  In this case, keyword must be either "administrator" or
 41    "group."
 44 Arguments:
 45 project
 46    is the project_id of the project whose registration data items are
 47    to be edited.  If this is the only argument specified, edit_proj
 48    prints each data item one at a time and waits for a response from
 49    the accounting administrator before proceeding.  The accounting
 50    administrator may respond with any one of the following:
 51    carriage return
 52       to leave the item unchanged.
 53    a new value
 54       to replace the printed value.
 55    stop
 56       to exit immediately from the edit_proj command without making any
 57       changes.
 60 keyword
 61    is the particular data item to be changed.
 62    The valid keywords are:
 64          title                       t
 65          investigator                inv
 66          investigator_address        inv_addr
 67          supervisor                  sup
 68          supervisor_address          sup_addr
 69          supervisor_phone            sup_phone
 70          account                     acct
 71          requisition                 req
 72          requisition_amount          amt
 73          cutoff_date                 cutoff
 76          billing_name                billto
 77          billing_address             billat
 78          group                       grp
 79          attributes                  attr
 80          grace                       gr
 81          administrator               admin
 82          quota                       q
 83          directory_quota             directory quota
 84          alias                       aka
 85          groups                      gps
 86          min_ring                    min
 87          max_ring                    max
 88          max_foreground              maxfg
 89          max_background              maxbg
 92          abs_foreground_cpu_limit    absfgcpulim
 93          pdir_quota                  pdq
 94          rate_structure              rs
 95          accounting_category         acct_cat
 96          authorization               authorization
 97          audit                       audit
 99 old_value
100    is one of the current values of the administrator keyword or the
101    group keyword.
102 new_value
103    is the new value of the data item identified by the specified
104    keyword.
107 Notes:  If the accounting administator requests a change to either the
108 requisition or account number of the project, he is asked a question to
109 which he must respond with one of the following:
110 drop
111    to cause the charges to the old account and requisition to be
112    eliminated.
113 transfer
114    to cause the charges to be transferred from the old account and
115    requisition to the new account and requisition.
116 bill
117    to cause the charges to be billed to the old account and
118    requisition, and the new account and requisition to start off with a
119    clean slate.
120 reset
121    to cause the changes to the old account to be reset.