1 02/28/85 sweep
 3 Syntax as a command:  sweep {path} {-control_args}
 6 Function:  obtains the disk usage figures for the hierarchy, or any
 7 specified subtree, and places them in a segment for subsequent use by
 8 accounting and disk usage analysis tools.  By default, the segment is
 9 named disk_stat.  It is not an ASCII segment, and the disk_stat_print
10 command must be used to print its contents.
13 Arguments:
14 path
15    is the pathname of the directory at which the sweep is to start.
16    The usage figures for this directory, and for the entire subtree
17    beneath it are recorded.  If path is omitted, the sweep begins at
18    the root directory.  See "Notes" below.
21 Control arguments:
22 -brief, -bf
23    does not print an error message when unable to force access to a
24    directory to read its usage figures.  This is the default.
25 -long, -lg
26    prints an error message if unable to force access to a directory.
27 -output_file XX, -of XX
28    places the output in the specified segment XX rather than in the
29    default segment, named disk_stat, in the working directory.
32 -pdd
33    do not exlude >pdd from the sweep.  By default, a sweep that starts
34    at the root deliberately omits >pdd.  This argument is not used in
35    the accounting application of this program, but it may be used
36    during an analysis of disk space usage, when complete and accurate
37    total page usage figures are desired.  The initializer process must
38    first be used to give sma access to >pdd to the process that will
39    run the sweep.
42 Notes:  The figures recorded in disk_stat are the quota, records used,
43 and time-record product (trp).  These figures are recorded separately
44 for segment pages and directory pages.
46 Since directories with zero quotas have their record usage and trp
47 figures included in those of the first superior directory with nonzero
48 quota, it is not necessary for sweep to walk the entire hierarchy.
49 Instead, whenever it encounters a directory with a zero quota, it goes
50 no further down in that particular branch, but instead goes on to the
51 next directory at the same level.  This applies separately to segment
52 and directory quotas.
55 Therefore, any directory whose usage figures are to be recorded
56 separately for purposes of accounting or disk usage analysis must be
57 given nonzero segment and directory quotas.  It is recommended that at
58 least all directories immediately inferior to the root and all project
59 directories under >udd be given nonzero segment and directory quotas.
61 Project administrators may use this command to obtain detailed
62 information about the disk usage of a project's users by executing
63 sweep with the project directory pathname as the first argument.  This
64 is possible, however, only if the users' home directories have nonzero
65 quotas.