1 06/26/86  summarize_sys_log, ssl
  3 Syntax as a command:  ssl {log_selector} -control control_path
  4    {-control_args}
  7 Function:  summarizes activity in a system log.  The specified range of
  8 messages in the log are matched against the selection and printing
  9 criteria in the control file and written or summarized to the specified
 10 I/O switches.  This command requires that a set of I/O switches (used
 11 to write log messages and summaries) be attached before the command is
 12 executed and detached afterwards.  Control arguments determine what
 13 range of messages are processed, and how those messages are formatted
 14 in the output.
 17 Arguments:
 18 log_selector
 19    is the pathname of a log to be summarized The pathname must specify
 20    the first segment in the log.  This argument is incompatible with
 21    any of the log selection control arguments.
 24 Control arguments for log section:
 25 -admin
 26    specifies that the admin log is to be summarized.  The admin
 27    commands log is called "admin_log", and is located in the
 28    >sc1>as_logs directory.  This argument is incompatible with any of
 29    the other log selection control arguments, or an explicit log
 30    pathname.
 31 -answering_service, -as
 32    specifies that the answering service log is to be summarized.  The
 33    Answering Service log family is called "log", and is located in the
 34    >sc1>as_logs directory.  This argument is incompatible with any of
 35    the other log selection control arguments, or an explicit log
 36    pathname.
 39 -dm_system, -dms
 40    specifies that the data management system log for the process's
 41    current AIM authorization is to be summarized.  The data management
 42    log is called "dm_system_log", and its location depends on the AIM
 43    access class of the log.  This argument is incompatible with any of
 44    the other log selection control arguments, or an explicit log
 45    pathname.  Reading the log requires access to the dm_admin_ gate.
 46 -dsa_sys_log, -dsasl
 47    specifies that the DSA system log is to be examined.  The location
 48    of this log is specified in the DSA NIT.  This is a ring 1 log, and
 49    the user must have access to dsa_log_admin_gate_ to read it.  This
 50    argument is incompatible with any of the other log selection control
 51    arguments, or an explicit log pathname.
 52 -dsa_sys_aep_log, -dsasal
 53    specifies that the DSA system AEP log is to be examined.  The
 54    location of this log is specified in the DSA NIT.  This is a ring 1
 55    log, and the user must have access to dsa_log_admin_gate_ to read
 56    it.  This argument is incompatible with any of the other log
 57    selection control arguments, or an explicit log pathname.
 60 -mc_log LOG_NAME, -mcl LOG_NAME
 61    specifies that the message coordinator (daemon) log named LOG_NAME
 62    is to be summaried.  All message coordinator logs are located in the
 63    >sc1>as_logs directory; their names depend on the daemon to which
 64    they belong.  This argument is incompatible with any of the other
 65    log selection control arguments, or an explicit log pathname.
 68 -pathname LOG_PATH, -pn LOG_PATH
 69    specifies the pathname of the log to be summarized.  the pathname
 70    must specify the first segment in the log.  This argument is
 71    incompatible with any of the other log selection control arguments,
 72    or an explicit log pathname.
 73 -syserr
 74    specifies that the syserr log is to be summarized.  The syserr log
 75    is named "syserr_log".  The first segment in the family is
 76    >sl1>syserr_log; there may be a history segment in >sl1, and older
 77    history segments are in the directory >sc1>syserr_log.  This
 78    argument is incompatible with any of the other log selection control
 79    arguments, or an explicit log pathname.
 82 Control arguments for control:
 83 -control CONTROL_PATH
 84    specifies the pathname of the selection control file to be used in
 85    summarizing the log messages.  See "Control File Syntax" and "List
 86    of Selection Operators", below for details of the syntax.  This
 87    argument must be specified.
 88 -for TIME, -for NUMBER
 89    specifies a number of messages to process, or a time interval
 90    relative to the starting time (specified by -from) in which the
 91    messages must be contained.  The number of messages is the actual
 92    number of messages processed, not the number of messages examined in
 93    the log.  This is incompatible with -to and -last.
 96 -from TIME, -fm TIME, -from NUMBER, -fm NUMBER
 97    specifies that the first message processed is the first message at
 98    or after the specified time or sequence number; if -reverse is
 99    specified, the first message is the one at or before the specified
100    value.  If no -from value is specified, the default is the first
101    message in the log, or the last if -reverse is specified.  This is
102    incompatible with -last.
103 -last NUMBER, -lt NUMBER, -last TIME, -lt TIME
104    specifies that only the last NUMBER messages, or the messages since
105    TIME, are to be processed.  If a NUMBER is specified, it specifies
106    the actual number of messages to be processed, not the number of
107    messages examined in the log.  This is incompatible with -from and
108    -for.
111 -to TIME, -to NUMBER
112    specifies the last message to be processed, either by message time
113    or sequence number.  If not specified, the default is all the
114    remaining messages in the log.  This is incompatible with -for.
117 Control arguments for message expansion:
118 -interpret, -int
119    specifies that the binary data in expanded messages is to be
120    displayed as interpreted text, by calling the appropriate
121    expand_XXX_msg_ program for the data class of the message.  If the
122    -octal control argument is also specified, the binary data is
123    displayed both in interpreted form and as octal data.  This is the
124    default.
125 -octal, -oc
126    specifies that the binary data in expanded messages is to be
127    displayed in octal, rather than, or in addition to, the interpreted
128    representation.  If both octal and interpreted representations are
129    desired, both the -octal and -interpret control arguments must be
130    supplied.
133 Control arguments for message format:
134 -continuation_indent N, -ci N
135    specifies that all messages are to be formatted for printing with
136    continuation lines prefixed by N spaces, or, if the keyword
137    "standard" or "std" is used in place of a number, with the
138    continuation lines indented sufficiently to line up under the first
139    character of the text of the message.  The value of N must be
140    between zero and fifty.  By default, continuation lines are indented
141    to the "standard" indentation.
144 -date_format FORMAT_STRING, -dfmt FORMAT_STRING
145    specifies a date/time format string (see time_format.gi.info or the
146    Multics Programmer's Reference Manual, Order No.  AG91) to be used
147    when formatting the date when successive messages are printed with
148    different dates.  The date string is printed on a line entirely by
149    itself, preceded by a blank line.  If the date format string is
150    blank, no date separators will be printed; this should be used if a
151    -time_format string is specified that includes the date as well.
152    The default date string is "^9999yc-^my-^dm ^da ^za", which prints
153    as (for example) "1984-10-31 Wed est".
155    By specifying null strings for date, time, and number formats, the
156    log can be printed and saved, so that it can be compared to another
157    log script later, without spurious mis-compares because the times
158    and sequence numbers do not match.
161 -duplicates, -dup
162    inhibits the printing of "=" messages for messages whose text is the
163    same as the previous message printed.  All messages are printed
164    exactly as they appear in the log.
165 -indent N, -ind N
166    specifies that all messages are to be formatted for printing
167    prefixed with N spaces.  The value of N must be between zero and
168    fifty.  The indentation is printed before any data associated with
169    the message, including the message prefix.  By default, there is no
170    indentation.
173 -line_length N, -ll N
174    specifies the line length used when formatting message text and data
175    for printing.  The value (N) must be between 25 and 500.  By
176    default, it is the line length associated with the user_output I/O
177    switch, or, if none (as for an absentee), it is 132 (for line
178    printer output).
179 -prefix STRING, -pfx STRING
180    specifies that all messages are to be formatted with the specified
181    string as a prefix.  This prefix appears after the indentation (if
182    any was specified).  The prefix must explicitly include trailing
183    spaces, if any are desired to separate the prefix from the message
184    text.  By default, there is no prefix.
185 -no_duplicates, -ndup
186    prints "==" for messages whose text is the same as the previous
187    message printed.  This is the default.
190 -number_format IOA_STRING, -nfmt IOA_STRING
191    specifies an ioa_ string to be used when printing the sequence
192    number for the message.  If the string is null, no sequence number
193    is printed with the message.  The default is "^7d".  (See the
194    Multics Subroutines and I/O Modules manual, Order No.  AG93 for a
195    description of ioa_control strings.)
196 -time_format FORMAT_STRING, -tfmt FORMAT_STRING
197    specifies a date/time format string (see time_format.gi.info or the
198    Multics Programmer's Reference Manual, Order No.  AG91) to be used
199    when formatting the message time portion of the message.  If the
200    string is null, no time is printed with the messages.  The default
201    time format is "iso_time", which prints as (for example) "23:21:59".
204 Miscellaneous control arguments:
205 -procedure NAME, -proc NAME
206    specifies that entrypoints in the procedure called NAME are to be
207    used instead of entrypoints in log_read_ to read the log.  This is
208    used to read logs protected by inner-ring subsystems, where the
209    inner-ring subsystem provides a replacement log-reading procedure.
210    See "Access Required," below.
213 Notes:  The summarize_sys_log command produces multiple copies of
214 printable files, each containing different abstracts of the log being
215 scanned.  There are two basic abstracting techniques:  writing lines
216 selected by character string matching into the file, and writing the
217 total number of occurrences of specified types of lines.
219 There are two possible methods for specifying the starting point of an
220 invocation of the sys_log_scan_report command.  The recommended method
221 is to use a value segment to record the times, as follows:
223       vs first_entry [clock calendar_clock [vg last_entry] +1usec]
224       vs last_entry [clock calendar_clock]
225       ssl LOG_PATH -from [vg first_entry] -to [last_entry]
228 Notes on output:  Rather than writing directly into files, the command
229 writes its output through user-specified I/O switches.  No I/O switch
230 attachment or detachment is done by the program.  It is the
231 responsibility of the caller to ensure that all switches named in the
232 control segment are attached and opened with the io_call command.
233 Usually, these are attached to storage system segments through the
234 vfile_ I/O module.
237 Notes on control file syntax:  The control file names the output
238 switches and selection operations used by the command.  The general
239 format of a control line in the file is:
243 switchname
244    is the name of an I/O switch to which this information will be
245    written.
246 severity
247    indicates the minimum severity message this control line applies to,
248    or a range of severities.  The severity value may either be a
249    decimal integer, or ranges consisting of a pair decimal integers
250    separated by a colon ("20:29").
253 opcode
254    describes the kind of selection desired.  It may have any one of the
255    values listed below:
256    all
257       selects all lines.
258    any
259       selects any lines containing the string <literal>.
260    allx
261       like all, but messages with binary data have the data expanded
262       when printed.
263    anyx
264       like any, but messages with binary data have the data expanded
265       when printed.
268    bcount
269       counts all lines that begin with the string <literal> and places
270       the total on the named switch after all entries are written.
271    begin
272       selects all lines with the string <literal> as their beginning.
273    beginx
274       like begin, but messages with binary data have the data expanded
275       when printed.
276    count
277       counts all lines that contain the string <literal> and places the
278       total on the named switch after all entries are written.
279    nbegin
280       diverts any lines that begin with the string <literal> from the
281       output switch if later selected by an all, any, or begin opcode.
284    not
285       diverts any lines that contain the string <literal> from the
286       output switch if later selected by an all or begin opcode.
288       To be effective, the not and nbegin lines for a particular switch
289       may precede the all, any, and begin control lines.  The not and
290       nbegin lines do not affect the counting of lines.  If no lines
291       were written on a switch, and a count is zero, the total line is
292       omitted.
294       If any lines were written on a switch, a count of total lines
295       written follows the totals for count and bcount.  Thus, nothing
296       is written on a switch only if all selections fail.
299 literal
300    is an operand used to select the message; its function is described
301    individually for each opcode.  All characters following the comma
302    are taken literally; no quote processing is performed.
305 Access required:  For all except inner-ring logs, read permission is
306 required on the log segments themselves, and status permission is
307 required on their containing directories.  If an access error is
308 encountered searching for older history logs, the search is stopped at
309 that point, and no further history will be available.  For the logs
310 selected by control arguments, the control argument descriptions list
311 the standard history directories for the logs.
313 For inner-ring logs (the data management system log is the only
314 standard inner-ring log), access to the logs is required, as is access
315 to the gate used by the log-reading procedure (see -procedure).
318 Notes on severity values:  Severity values in log messages are used to
319 indicate the importance of the message being logged, in a general way.
320 Most logs use increasing severity to indicate increasing importance,
321 but the actual meaning depends on the log.  For the Answering Service
322 and Message Coordinator logs, the severities have the following
323 meanings:
325       0 => Message just logged
326       1 => Message logged and printed on a console
327       2 => Message logged and printed on a console with bells
328       3 => Message logged, printed, and the system crashed
331 For the syserr log, the severities have different meanings.
333       0 => Message logged and printed on syserr console
334       1 => Message logged, printed, and the system crashed
335       2 => Message logged, printed, and the process writing the
336            message is terminated.
337       3 => Message logged and printed, and console alarm sounded
338       4 => Message just logged, or printed if logging mechanism is
339            inoperable
340       5 => Message just logged, or discarded if it can't be logged
342 The severities 20 to 25 are handled just like 0 to 5, but are different
343 to indicate that the originating program was writing an access audit
344 message, rather than just an informative message.
347 Notes on inner-ring logs: Some applications create logs in an inner
348 ring that must be read using a special interface.  The only standard
349 log to do this is the Data Management system log, and it is read by
350 specifying the -dm_system control argument which supplies both the
351 pathname and the procedure name (dm_log_read_).  If DSA is installed on
352 a system, then the -dsasl and -dsasal arguments can be used in a
353 similar fashion (they will use the dsa_log_admin_gate_ procedure).
354 Other applications may provide their own special procedures for log
355 reading, in which case both the log pathname and the procedure name
356 must be supplied explicitly via the -pathname and -procedure control
357 arguments.  Note that a log read using a reader procedure may enforce
358 additional access requirements as well as requiring access to the log
359 itself.  In particular, the user must have access to the reader
360 procedure.