1 02/27/85  send_admin_command, sac
 3 Syntax as a command:  sac {-control_args} commandline
 6 Function:  sends a command line to the initializer process for
 7 execution.
10 Arguments:
11 commandline
12    is the command line to be sent to the initializer.  To send special
13    characters you must enclose them (or the whole command line) in
14    quotes.  If the first character of the command is a "-" character,
15    the "-string" control argument must be used.
18 Control arguments:
19 -address MAIL_ADDRESS
20    specifies that mail sent for notifications is to be sent to the mail
21    address specified by MAIL_ADDRESS.  In most cases, the MAIL_ADDRESS
22    can be in the form Person_id.Project or Person_id.  (Type "help
23    mail_addresses.gi" for additional information on mail address
24    specification).
25 -brief, -bf
26    suppresses the printing of informational messages.
27 -brief_query, -bfqy
28    specifies that a brief query is to be posed before the command is
29    executed.
30 -long, -lg
31    prints the messages suppressed by -brief.  This is the default.
34 -no_notify_by_message, -nntmsg
35    specifies that the user is to receive no interactive messages
36    concerning the execution of the command, except in the special case
37    that -no_wait is specified and the execution of the command is
38    denied due to lack of access.
39 -no_query, -nqy
40    specifies that no query is to be posed before sending the command
41    line.  This is the default.
42 -no_wait, -nwt
43    specifies that the command return to the listener as soon as the
44    commandline has been sent to the initializer.
45 -notify_by_mail, -ntmail
46    specifies that the user is to be sent mail in the following cases:
47    (1) -no_wait is specified, and execution of the command line is
48    denied due to lack of access.  (2) the command completes execution.
51    By default, the mail will be sent to the destination specified in
52    the user's mail table entry.  If no destination is found there, the
53    full User.Project specification will be used.  The default may be
54    overridden with the -address control argument.  If the command is
55    executed, the mail will contain all output produced on the
56    error_output, user_output, and user_i/o switches during the command
57    execution.
58 -notify_by_message, -ntmsg
59    specifies that the user is to receive a brief notification by
60    interactive message in the following cases:  (1) -no_wait is
61    specified, and execution of the command line is denied due to lack
62    of access.  (2) The command completes execution.
65    If possible, the user's mail table entry will be used to determine
66    the delivery address.  If not, the full User.Project specification
67    will be used.  The -address control argument does not apply to
68    interactive messages.
69 -query, -qy, -long_query, -lgqy
70    specifies that the command line is to be displayed on the terminal
71    and that the user is to be queried before the command line is
72    executed.  This control argument is useful for validating the
73    effects of abbrevs and active functions.
74 -string
75    specifies that the rest of the command line is to be interpreted as
76    the command to be executed, whether or not it begins with a "-".
79 -wait WAIT_TYPE, -wt WAIT_TYPE
80    specifies that the command must wait for a specified event before
81    returning to the listener.  WAIT_TYPE can be one of the following
82    values:
83    start
84       specifies that the command is to wait for the initializer to
85       acknowledge receipt of the command line before returning to the
86       listener.
87    finish
88       specifies that the command is to wait for the inititalizer to
89       finish execution of the command line before returning to the
90       listener.  This is the default.
93 Access required:  RW access to >sc1>admin_acs>send_admin_command.acs is
94 required to use this command.