1 05/28/86 salvage_dir
3 Syntax as a command: salvage_dir dir_path output_path -control_args
6 Function: verifies and/or rebuilds one directory. This command is
7 issued from ring 4 only.
9 The command "x repair" causes one or more daemons to be logged in to
10 perform an online salvage using the salvage_dir command. That is the
11 recommended way of performing an online salvage.
14 Arguments:
15 dir_path
16 is the pathname of the directory being salvaged.
17 output_path
18 is the pathname of the segment or multisegment file to which the
19 salvager messages should be appended. If the segment does not
20 exist, it is created. If not specified, output goes to user_output.
23 Control arguments:
24 -check_vtoce
25 causes VTOC entry checking for all branches in the directory. These
26 checks cause the permanent information in the VTOC entry to be
27 updated. It also causes connection failures to be detected.
28 -compact
29 specifies rebuilding of the directory if one or more pages are
30 recovered.
33 -delete_connection_failure, -dcf
34 deletes branches for segments that do not have corresponding VTOC
35 entries. The default is to not delete such branches. This control
36 argument causes permanent VTOC entry information to be updated. Use
37 of this argument causes subsequent volume retrieval of the lost data
38 more expensive, because both the data and the branch must be
39 recovered.
40 -rebuild
41 forces rebuild of the directory.
44 List of additional arguments:
45 The following control arguments are available, but are used for
46 software debugging:
47 -debug, -db
48 causes additional trace information to be printed. Because this
49 information includes offsets in the original directory, the -dump
50 option should also be used.
51 -dump path
52 specifies that a copy of the directory should be placed in a segment
53 in the directory specified by the pathname path. The copy is only
54 created when certain error conditions are detected during salvage.