1 04/05/85 retrieve_from_volume
 3 Syntax as a command:  retrieve_from_volume {-control_args}
 6 Function:  processes queued retrieval requests.  This command can be
 7 operated in an automatic or step mode.  It must be run from a process
 8 that has access to the retrieval queues located in
 9 >daemon_dir_dir>volume_retriever, the volume logs and contents segments
10 produced by the volume dumper, and the ring 0 gates hc_backup_ and
11 system_privilege_.
14 Control arguments:
15 -accounting
16    specifies that accounting data is to be collected in the directory
17    >sc1>volume_backup_accounts for later processing.  The default is
18    off.  This control argument is optional.
19 -all, -a
20    specifies that all queues are to be processed.  This is the default.
21 -error_on
22    specifies that all error messages are to be written to the switch
23    error_output as well as the file retv_err.mm/dd/yy.hhmm.s.  The
24    default is off.
27 -input_volume_desc i_att_desc
28    where i_att_desc is used to replace the default attach description
29    "tape_mult_ ^a -system.  The dump volume name is inserted in the
30    attach description at the first occurrence of the string "^a" in the
31    attach description.
32 -list
33    lists all requests in the private queue and the options for each
34    request.
35 -long
36    logs all requests in the error file.
37 -manual
38    specifies that the dump volumes are requested by the volume
39    retriever, rather than being automatically determined.  If there are
40    no more dump volumes to read, the operator should type a period (.).
43 -queue N, -q N
44    specifies the queue that requests are to be taken from.  If not
45    specified, all queues are searched.
46 -step
47    specifies that each request in the queue is to be printed on the
48    terminal before processing so that the operator can decide if he
49    wishes to proceed.  If not specified, each request is processed
50    until the queue is exhausted.  See "Notes" below for more
51    information.
52 -working_dir, -wd
53    specifies that the volume backup databases are to be searched for
54    relative to the working directory.  The default is to search
55    relative to the >ddd>volume_backup directory.  This control argument
56    is optional.
59 Notes:  If the -step control argument is specified, each retrieval
60 request is printed and the retriever waits for the user to type one of
61 the following commands:
62 proceed, p
63    do the retrieval request and delete the request from the queue.
64 skip, s
65    skip the retrieval request but leave the request in the queue.
66 cancel, c
67    do not process the retrieval request and delete it from the queue.
70 quit, q
71    stop processing and return to command level.
72 help, h
73    print out the acceptable arguments to the -control control argument.
75 A list operation only lists the retrieval requests remaining.  It does
76 not process them.